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Closer (singel Nine Inch Nails)

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Closer to God
Wykonawca singla
Nine Inch Nails

30 maja 1994




rock industrialny




Nothing Records


Trent Reznor

Singel po singlu
March of the Pigs
„Closer to God”
The Day the World Went Away

Closer to GodMaxi Singel znany też jako "Halo 9", wydany w 1994 roku przez Nine Inch Nails. "Closer" to tytuł piosenki wydanej w roku 1994 i umieszczonej na albumie The Downward Spiral.


Różne wydania

Lista utworów

Wersja US

  1. "Closer to God" (remixed by Trent Reznor, Sean Beavan, Brian Pollack) – 5:05
  2. "Closer (precursor)" (remixed by Coil, Danny Hyde) – 7:16
  3. "Closer (deviation)" (remixed by Jack Dangers, Craig Silvey) – 6:15
  4. "Heresy (blind)" (remixed by Dave Ogilvie, Anthony Valcic, Joe Bisara) – 5:32
  5. "Memorabilia" – 7:21
  6. "Closer (internal)" (remixed by Bill Kennedy, Scott Humphrey, John "Geetus" Aguto, Paul Decarli, Eric Claudiex) – 4:15
  7. "March of the Fuckheads" (remixed by Adrian Sherwood) – 4:43
  8. "Closer (further away)" (remixed by Kennedy, Humphrey, Aguto, Decarli, Claudiex) – 5:45
  9. "Closer" – 6:26

Wersja UK

(dysk 1)

  1. "Closer" – 6:26
  2. "Closer (deviation)" (remixed by Dangers, Silvey) – 6:15
  3. "Closer (further away)" (remixed by Kennedy, Humphrey, Aguto, Decarli, Claudiex) – 5:45
  4. "Closer (precursor)" (remixed by Coil, Hyde) – 7:16
  5. "Closer (internal)" (remixed by Kennedy, Humphrey, Aguto, Decarli, Claudiex) – 4:15

(dysk 2)

  1. "Closer to God" (remixed by Reznor, Beavan, Pollack) – 5:05
  2. "Heresy (blind)" (remixed by Ogilvie, Valcic, Bisara) – 5:32
  3. "Memorabilia" – 7:21
  4. "March of the Fuckheads" (remixed by Sherwood) – 4:43

Wersja australijska – kasetowa

  1. "Closer" – 6:26
  2. "March of the Pigs (Live)"


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