JD Brown
Probably giving 3.63 out of 5 stars, because I got great quality shout-outs. But there's a couple booing instances that Cameo should tweak to improve ratings: extend the wait times if bookings take too long and maybe fix get the person I was hoping to get a shout-out from to respond within two weeks. If you can tweak it, that'll help. But overall, this app is a successful pass. Great job.
6 people found this review helpful
Mark Cliffe
Good lord. The concept, the content, the promise, the marketing, the interface, it's all great. But holy cow, it feels more like I downloaded a virus than an app. While Cameo is running, the whole system runs at like 10% speed and it's honestly faster to just shut my phone off and turn it back on again than to close the app. And I was actually gonna use it... Android user, in case the developer cares
60 people found this review helpful
This app is a great idea, but incredibly buggy. Today, adding a credit card during the ordering process took me all the way back to the celeb's profile. Updating payment options always shows a blank card, even when the card really is saved. Looking at the message history and order confirmation, there is no indication that I sent a video message along with my request. So now idea if they actually even got it. Some of these requests are expensive, so each feature should work as expected.
78 people found this review helpful