Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol

2011 • 132 minutes
5.72K reviews
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About this movie

No plan. No backup. No choice. Agent Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) and his elite team (Jeremy Renner, THE AVENGERS and Simon Pegg, STAR TREK) go underground after a bombing of the Kremlin implicates the IMF as international terrorists. While trying to clear the agency's name, the team uncovers a plot to start a nuclear war. Now, to save the world, they must use every high-tech trick in the book. The mission has never been more real, more dangerous, or more impossible.

Ratings and reviews

5.72K reviews
Milky Way Flea
February 5, 2016
Good guess, but...no. Nope, too bad. This is not a beautiful design. It shows that these scenes in this movie is terrible, disgusting, gross, stinky and ugly. Like inside the Pixar movies since 1986 of the creator by Brad Bird. My family can see "Transformers: Dark of the moon" to say $12.99 Buy HD on Google Play filmed summer 2011. I think Mission: Impossible is same thing as Transformers.
21 people found this review helpful
Mick Mize
August 1, 2015
The definition of oh-pretty don't-think-too-hard, full of magical technology and lots of High Seriousness from some actors and Whackadoo! from others, this is popcorn. Solid, tasty popcorn. (They all say Ghost Protocol strangely though; they put the emphasis on the Protocol, when it should be on the Ghost. If there were lots of protocols, this one would be special because it's the Ghost one. It sounds like they're saying the name of the movie.)
A Google user
April 17, 2012
I'm not familiar with the Mission Impossible series, so I didn't have any preconceptions going in. I enjoyed it as an action film, and while it was a little slow toward the end (all the plot lines tying together through dramatic exchange), the conclusion picked up and was appropriately done. Thought it was a good performance by all involved.
7 people found this review helpful