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Defense Math: Tower Defense Equation Solving Game for Kids

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This is a fast-paced endless online tower defense math operations game for kids and students. Choose from 4 game modes: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division. Upon choosing a game mode, players need to solve an infinite number of equations. Solve each equation correctly and as fast as you can. Stop hordes of zombies from reaching your base or it’s game over. If you get a wrong answer, more zombies will flock to your base. Earn the highest score possible while defending your base and sharpening your arithmetic skills.

  • Choose from 4 game modes: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division.
  • Solve an endless number of equations based on your selected game mode.
  • Solving an equation launches a projectile to the incoming zombie hordes.
  • Prevent zombies from reaching your base. Try to achieve the highest score possible.





Play Defense Math Arithmetic Operations Speed Drill Practice Game for Children

Kids and students can play this online base defense to solve math operations by clicking in the window below.

Alternatively children and students can play this free online addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication practice game as a web application here.

Defense Math Online Solving Equation Practice Quiz Game Play Instructions

How to Play

Choose from 4 game modes: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division. Solve equations fast to launch projectiles toward incoming zombie hordes. Prevent zombies from reaching your base while trying to obtain the highest score.

  • Starting the Game
    • Once the screen loans, you can choose from 4 available game modes on the opening screen.
    • Select Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, or Division. These categories will each have their own best score.
      • When you reach the highest score, the score is saved on your local web browser.
    • Selecting a game mode starts the game immediately. Be ready as hordes of zombies will start going towards your tower.
  • Game Controls
    • Solve an unlimited number of mathematical equations based on your preferred game mode.
    • Once you get the right answer, your tower will shoot a projectile towards the enemy.
    • If you get a wrong answer, more zombie hordes will approach your base. So avoid entering the wrong answer.
    • Mouse
      • Left click the correct answer from 3 available choices located at the bottom of the screen.
      • Once you’ve chosen your answer, the next question appears right away.
      • Repeat this process. Keep answering questions correctly to blast away zombies from your base.
    • Touchscreen
      • Tap the correct answer from 3 available choices located at the bottom of the game.
      • Once you’ve chosen your answer, the next question appears right away.
      • Repeat this process. Keep answering questions correctly to blast away zombies from your base.
  • Main Page User Interface
    • On the top right corner of the screen is the Audio button. Select it to toggle the game sound “On” or “Off.”
    • On the bottom of the screen is the About button. Select it to to view how to play the game.
      • To go back to the main opening screen, simply select the BACK button at the bottom.
  • Game Over Page
    • The game over page appears when zombie hordes reach your tower. It will show your current and best score.
    • There are also 2 available buttons below this screen:
      • Select the Home button if you want to go back to the main screen page.
      • Select the Restart button if you want to play the same math operation game again.
  • Strategy
    • The game is a fast-paced and intense tower defense math solving game for students and adults.
    • While it does not have a time limit, incoming zombie hoards apply time pressure that forces kids to solve math equations fast.
    • Choose from 4 available game modes: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication or Division. They each have their own best score.
    • Prevent the incoming enemy zombie horde from reaching your base tower. Once an enemy reaches your base, it’s game over.
    • Solving an equation right will order the defense tower to shoot a projectile towards the incoming enemies.
      • There are times that the tower will miss an enemy and just shoot at a random direction.
      • Having a wrong answer will spawn more enemies hence making the game harder.
    • The goal of the game is surviving as long as you can while getting a lot of score.
      • Players will receive 10 points for each right score. No deduction will be made for wrong answers.
    • You can pause the game by selecting another tab. But it’s much better to just play the game continuously to challenge yourself.
    • The questions are randomly generated so it’s no use if you memorize the order per level.
    • Play with friends or classmates and compare results. It provides good brain training to help students practice their mental math solving skills.
      • This game is designed to help students practice speed math operations individually.
      • It’s best to choose a math operation you have not mastered to sharpen your skills.
      • If you’re not used to Multiplication or Division, you should start playing those modes more often. More practice will improve your mental computation skills.
      • If your goal is to achieve the highest score in a game, play the Addition mode since this is the easiest category to master.
      • For best results, practice by playing all four operations daily. To challenge yourself further, try to beat your best score in each mode.

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Defense Math: Tower Defense Equation Solving Game for Kids
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Defense Math Arithmetic Operations Practice Game for Students Screenshots

Defense Math Welcome Screen Screenshots.
Defense Math Instructions Screenshots.
Defense Math Game Screenshots.
Defense Math Results Screenshots.

Mobile Friendly Cross Browser Support

This game is rendered in mobile-friendly HTML5, so it offers cross-device gameplay. You can play it on mobile devices like Apple iPhones, Google Android powered cell phones from manufactures like Samsung, tablets like the iPad or Kindle Fire, laptops, and Windows-powered desktop computers. All game files are stored locally in your web browser cache. This game works in Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and other modern web browsers.

Where To? What Next?

This game was published in these categories: Addition, Base Defense, Division, Multiplication, Subtraction. You can visit any of them to select other fun games to play.

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One comment on "Defense Math: Tower Defense Equation Solving Game for Kids"

  • Joey says:

    This is a variation of the many crossovers between tower defense and learning games. It also continues the zombie theme of some of the similar on-site educational games. The goal is to repel an army of zombies by answering math questions. Each correct answer hits a zombie. Meanwhile an incorrect answer encourages more zombies to arrive. The game continues until a zombie reaches the turret.

    The game offers four variants based on the arithmetic operations. There is no option for a mixed set of questions. This is for the best. The break-neck speed of the game itself will not lend well to different operations. The game is a good way to put your mental calculation abilities to the test. You must solve each of the questions fast if you want to have an impressive high score. Moreover, the setting gives you a sort of urgency to answer fast. But be careful not to neglect accuracy for speed.

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