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To Grow

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This is a platforming game about second chances and overcoming mistakes. The narrator of the game is a psychologist which explains what regression is, and how we can use it to overcome obstacles we face.

  • Like most platforming games your goal is to get to the end of the level, but in this game you have to make mistakes to guide your future self.
  • Use the trails created by past versions of yourself as temporary platforms to stand on and jump off of.
  • Make it to the level exit to unlock the next stage.





Play To Grow Game Online

Children and parents can play this charming try again platformer game by clicking in the window below.

Alternatively kids and adults can play this fun endless lives platforming video game for free as a web application here.

To Grow Game for Kids Video Game Play Instructions

How to Play

Jump across platforms and avoid spikes. Where a direct jump is not possible try to create a path you can use as a temporary platform for the subsequent jump.

  • Starting the Game
    • Select START GAME in the center of the welcome screen to start the game.
    • Below the START GAME button is a HOW TO PLAY button.
    • The upper right corner of the welcome screen has a CREDITS button.
  • Game Controls
    • Desktop
      • Move left by pressing the A key or the left arrow key.
      • Move right by pressing the D key or the right arrow key.
      • To skip dialog press the spacebar or left click on the CONTINUE button in the lower right corner.
      • Press the escape key to pause the game.
    • Touchscreen devices
      • This game was designed for play on desktop computers with a connected keyboard.
  • Game Play
    • Basics
      • In this game you jump across platforms while avoiding dangerous spikes that can kill you, just like one might in most other ordinary platform games.
      • The thing which differentiates this game from other platformers is you also must in some cases intentionally die to create a rewind path as a temporary platform which you can use to stand on to make a jump which would otherwise be impossible to make.
      • Whenever you die you are revived at the most recent candle you illuminated. You can then run and jump and play like normal, and you can use your prior replay trail as a platform to move on and jump off of.
    • Levels
      • Including textual guides this game has a total of 7 levels including the introductory text level.
        • Levels cover: regression, pitfalls, getting over it, elevate yourself, knowing how to fall, getting back up, never falling down again, and achieving piece with your conscience.
        • You can’t replay previously beat levels without starting the game over at the first level.
      • Winning vs losing
        • You beat a level by reaching the blue light at the end of the stage.
        • You technically can’t lose a level, as you can always keep playing the next life.
          • Each time you die it creates a rewind path you can use as a platform for the next play.
          • Multiple rewind paths can appear at the same time.
          • If the screen gets filled with rewind paths in such a way that it is hard to make the jump consider standing still for a bit to let the rewind paths clear before you jump.
    • Tips
      • On shorter jumps where you can not make the full way across you can try to make it most of the way & then simply follow your path to jump onto the prior version of yourself and jump to the other side.
      • When doing more complex moves the best approach is different.
        • If you want to land on a lower platform which is directly below you consider it a 2-step move.
          • First, jump out slightly and way down to the bottom to create a safe platform that you know the location of which you can easily catch and ride up like an elevator.
          • Second, jump onto the elevator & then jump off right as it is around level with the platform you want to land on.
        • If the revive candle is far away you may need to make a complex fall path.
          • On level 4 jump hard right off the top platform, then fall backward left to create an elevator from the spikes at the bottom of the level. Ride it up and then jump off to the rightmost platform and to the level finish.
          • On level 5 fall off the left side of the top right platform that you can reach and fall right as quickly as you can. Then do the same thing again, using your first fall as a platform to jump off of on the second fall.
        • If you want to reach a higher platform it can be good to try to jump as high as you can, but then just before hitting spikes on the side pull back slightly so you hit the spikes on the bottom, giving yourself more time to catch the path.
  • Target Audience
    • The game is suited for players who like relaxing platformer games.
      • This game discusses mental health topics briefly, though not in depth. If you are having mental health issues see a professional.
      • We also offer a voice-controlled game named Mockingzen, where you control a bird’s flight path using breathing patterns.
      • If you love in-depth console games with a great story arc check out Double Fine’s Psychonauts.
    • The game has no adult themed content.

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To Grow
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Free Online To Grow Video Game for Children & Adults Screenshots

To Grow Game Welcome Screen Screenshot.
To Grow Game How to Play Screen Screenshot.
To Grow Game Regression Intro Screenshot.
To Grow Game Pitfalls Screenshot.
To Grow Game Getting Over It Screenshot.
To Grow Game Rewind Screenshot.
To Grow Game Elevate Yourself Screenshot.
To Grow Game How to Fall Screenshot.
To Grow Game Get Back Up Screenshot.
To Grow Game Never Fall Again Screenshot.
To Grow Game Last Stage Never Fall Again Screenshot.
To Grow Game In Peace With Your Conscience Screenshot.

Mobile Friendly Cross Browser Support

This game is rendered in mobile-friendly HTML5, so it offers cross-device gameplay. You can play it on mobile devices like Apple iPhones, Google Android powered cell phones from manufactures like Samsung, tablets like the iPad or Kindle Fire, laptops, and Windows-powered desktop computers. All game files are stored locally in your web browser cache. This game works in Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and other modern web browsers.

Where To? What Next?

This game was published in these categories: Escape, Exclusive, Health, Platform. You can visit any of them to select other fun games to play.

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