This is a cube graphic-inspired isometric zombie shooting game. You play as a lone gunslinger dealing with a horde of walking dead that has take over various parts of the town. Shoot as many zombies as you can for as long as you can.
Use the money the zombies drop to upgrade and improve your weapons.
Take advantage of items like oil cans to deal with large swaths of zombies at once.
Play through 3 game modes.
Play Zombie Survival Game Online
Children and parents can play this zombies shooter game by clicking in the window below.
Alternatively kids and adults can play this zombies battle video game for free as a web application here.
Zombie Survival Game for Kids Video Game Play Instructions
How to Play
Shoot down as many zombies as you can while avoiding them. Clear the level of zombies to win.
Starting the Game
On the welcome screen, select Play to begin.
Select Achievement to view your game statistics.
Select Option to view the following categories:
Controls shows you the game’s controls. This serves as the game’s tutorial.
Display lists down the game’s graphic options.
Select the enlarge button on the top left corner to switch between windowed and full screen modes.
Select the speaker button on the top right corner to turn the game’s audio on or off.
Your web browser automatically saves your game progress.
Game Controls
Move left by pressing the left arrow key or the A key.
Move right by pressing the right arrow key or the D key.
Move up by pressing the up arrow key or the W key.
Move down by pressing the down arrow key or the S key.
Use your mouse to aim, and the mouse left click to shoot.
Select the gun button to change your active gun.
Touchscreen devices
The movement control joystick button is in the lower left corner of the screen.
The aim and shoot joystick button is in the lower right corner of the screen.
Select the gun button to switch your active gun.
Controls and indicators
Top row (left to right):
Money collected
Pause button
Bottom row (left to right):
Health bar: Measures your hit points
Rampage bar: Measures the length of the rampage mode
Gun icon: Lets you switch between weapons
Ammunition bar: Measures the time it takes for your gun to reload
Graphics Controls
Access the game’s graphics controls from the options button in the welcome screen.
On the Display button in the options menu, you have the following graphics options:
Weather effects
Particle effects
Select any of these options to turn them on or off.
Game Play
Basic rules
Kill as many zombies as you can, as fast as you can.
Avoid getting killed by the zombies.
If you get killed by the zombies, you must start the day all over again.
Kill enough zombies and you enter rampage mode.
You fire bullets faster for a brief time.
During rampage mode, you do not need to reload.
Collect coins to buy more guns.
Clear the entire level of zombies to survive the day.
Dealing with zombies
Zombies can be shot or killed by environmental factors like drums of gasoline.
It can take several bullets to take out high-level zombies.
Shooting a drum can set the surrounding zombies on fire. After that, they perish.
As the days go by, the zombies get more powerful.
This means you have to buy more powerful weapons to take them down effectively.
You can also keep your distance from them to keep them from killing you right away.
Zombies will attack you when you get too close
Zombies tend to follow you around.
If you’re not quick enough on the draw, you can get easily overwhelmed by them.
Zombies often emerge from holes. Stay away from holes to avoid them getting too close.
Sometimes, zombies spit at you.
That said, they’re not very smart.
If they don’t notice you or are too far away, you can pick them off from a safe distance.
Zombies can sometimes be trapped by fences and other obstacles, which can make it easy to take them out.
Rampage mode
After shooting 10 zombies in a row you activate rampage mode, which allows you to shoot quickly for a limited period of time.
Rampage mode only lasts for a limited period of time & does not carry over between days.
Zombies drop coins each time you kill them.
You must collect the coins as fast as you can, as they will disappear.
Each time you die, you will drop coins. As you respawn, you have the chance to retrieve them again.
Use the coins to buy upgrades, weapons, and ammunition.
You have a limited number of hit points per game. There is no way to replenish them.
Each time a zombie gets near you or spits at you, you will lose hit points.
If you lose all your hit points, you die.
In day by day and nuke games, you simply respawn and continue the game until you finish.
In hard mode games, your first death is an instant game over.
Game modes
Day by Day
This is the default mode of the game.
Shoot all the zombies in the level as fast as you can.
The day ends when the zombies are all dead.
If you die, you respawn immediately after to shoot more zombies.
Play as many days as you can.
Hard Point
This is a much harder version of the game where the zombies gang up on you more readily.
Unlike in Day by Day mode, the moment you get killed, it’s game over.
Green circles appear around the level.
Shoot the zombies here and receive twice the number of points.
After awhile, the green circle will disappear and reappear elsewhere in the level.
Keep playing for as long as you can.
Tick Tock
Defeat all the zombies before the place you’re in gets nuked.
A timer appears on the top center of the game. This indicates the time you have until you get nuked.
You only have 10 seconds in the timer.
Each zombie you slay resets the timer back to 10 seconds.
Once the timer runs out, the place gets nuked.
Weapons management
Select the weapon button to switch between the guns you have.
The weapon button only appears after you’ve bought your first gun.
Select the weapon of your choice from the icons that appear onscreen.
You can only use weapons that have enough ammo with them.
When you run out of ammo, you must manually switch to the pistol.
Weapon types
You start with a pistol.
Pistols have 15 rounds, which require a brief reloading time.
The pistol has infinite rounds, so you won’t need to replenish it at all.
Other guns have limited ammunition but make shorter work of enemies.
You’ll need to switch weapons each time you kill.
After each day, you enter the gun store.
Use this to upgrade your weapons and buy new ones.
The machine gun starts off with a capacity of 40 bullets and costs 500 to unlock.
The shotgun starts off with a capacity of 15 shots and costs 700 to unlock.
The rifle starts off with a capacity of 40 rounds and costs 3,000 to unlock.
The laser gun starts off with a capacity of 20 shots and costs 4,000 to unlock.
You can also enter the gun store using its button on the welcome screen.
After purchasing a gun you can upgrade its damage.
For example, it costs 300 for the initial damage upgrade to the handgun.
Upgrade costs grow geometrically, with the second and third handgun upgrades costing 600 and 1,000.
The default handgun has unimited ammo. Every other gun has a limited amount of ammo.
You can buy more mags for each gun up to a predetermined capacity.
For example, the machine gun costs 100 per magazine and you can hold up to 5 at a time.
Since the first gun has unlimited free ammo it is often better to upgrade it’s damage repeatedly before unlocking and upgrading other guns which require additional ammo purchases.
Each zombie you kill is worth 100 points.
Your daily score and statistics are shown at the game over screen.
Your total score and statistics are show in the achievements window.
Target Audience
The game is suited for players who like shoot the zombies games.
While players shoot a gun in this game the shots are at zombies and any blood is pixelated low resolution rather than being outright gory.
Other than the above the game has no adult themed content.
Walkthrough Video
Like This Game? Review This Zombie Invasion Shooting Video Game for Young Girls & Boys
Free Online Zombie Survival Video Game for Children & Adults Screenshots
Mobile Friendly Cross Browser Support
This game is rendered in mobile-friendly HTML5, so it offers cross-device gameplay. You can play it on mobile devices like Apple iPhones, Google Android powered cell phones from manufactures like Samsung, tablets like the iPad or Kindle Fire, laptops, and Windows-powered desktop computers. All game files are stored locally in your web browser cache. This game works in Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and other modern web browsers.
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