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Grookey FAQ


Frequently asked questions about Grookey, fighting, catching and moves.

#810Max HP98HPMax CPcp1227


What Pokémon type is Grookey?

Grookey is a Chimp Pokémon belongs to Grass type.

To which generation Grookey belongs to?

Grookey is a Generation 8 Pokémon.

What are the alternative forms avilable for Grookey?

What color is Grookey?

Grookey is a Green.


What are the stamina, attack and defence values for Grookey?

Grookey has 137 stamina, 122 attack and 91 defence.

What is max HP for Grookey?

Grookey can obtain upto 98 HP at level 50 in Pokémon Go. See max HP for Grookey for all levels.

What is max CP for Grookey?

Grookey can obtain upto 1,227 CP at level 50 in Pokémon Go. See max CP for Grookey for all levels.

To which Pokémon Grookey is strong against?

Grookey is strong against Ground, Rock, Water. Therefore, Grookey can damage Ground, Rock, Water type Pokémon very effectively.

To which Pokémon Grookey is resistant to?

Grookey is resistant to Ground, Water, Grass, Electric. This means Ground, Water, Grass, Electric type Pokémon can hardly damage Grookey.

What are best counters for Grookey?

Grookey is vulnerable to Flying, Poison, Bug, Fire, Ice. Therefore, Flying, Poison, Bug, Fire, Ice type Pokémon are the best counters for Grookey in a battle.

To which Pokémon Grookey is weaker against?

Grookey is weaker to Flying, Poison, Bug, Steel, Fire, Grass, Dragon. This means Grookey is not suitable to fight with Flying, Poison, Bug, Steel, Fire, Grass, Dragon type Pokémon as the damage that Grookey can make is a minimum.

In which weaher conditions Grookey is boosted?

+25% stardust and +20% damage for moves may be available for Grookey during Sunny / clear weather conditions.


What is Grookey capture rate?

It is likely 0% that you may catch a Grookey if you encounter one.

In which weaher conditions Grookey has a high spawn rate with good IV?

Grookey has a high spawn rate during Sunny / clear weather conditions. Also any Grookey you may catch during these weather conditions may have higher IV values compaired to Grookey caught during other weather conditions.


What are the fast moves Grookey capable of?

Grookey can perform Razor Leaf, Scratch fast moves.

What are the charged moves Grookey capable of?

Grookey can perform Energy Ball, Grass Knot charged moves.