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James K. Polk and His Time

A Conference Finale to the Polk Project

A row of books with James K. Polk on the spines

Friday and Saturday, April 12 and 13, 2019

East Tennessee Historical Society, Knoxville

Join us to celebrate six decades of work locating and

publishing the letters of the United States’ eleventh president

Keynote Speaker: Amy S. Greenberg

Featured Film: James Polk by Brian Rose

An old brown-toned photo of James Polk and his wife

Sarah Childress Polk and James K. Polk

Polk Memorial Association

Register Here (deadline has passed)


Location, Hotel, and Transportation

Call for Papers (deadline has passed)

Sponsored by the Department of History, College of Arts & Sciences, Office of Research & Engagement, and Humanities Center at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Contact us with any questions at [email protected]