Park & Work

Park & Work Program: Affordable Parking for Downtown Employees – updates as of 12.18.24:

Portland, ME — The City of Portland and Portland Downtown are pleased to announce enhancements to the Park & Work Program, designed to provide more effective parking solutions for low-to-moderate-income employees in downtown Portland.

Portland Downtown’s Park & Work Program, administered in partnership with the City of Portland, offers half-priced, hourly parking in the city-owned Spring Street & Elm Street garages to low- to moderate-income employees and unpaid volunteers. It is designed to ease the financial burden of parking expenses.

Effective January 2025, key program changes include:

  • Increased income eligibility from 50% to 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI),
  • An extended parking time limit from six hours to nine hours, and
  • The introduction of QR codes, which can be scanned upon exiting participating garages.

“These enhancements ensure that the Park & Work program effectively serves its intended audience: the dedicated employees of Portland’s downtown businesses. By extending the parking duration, we provide everyday workers with an affordable place to park their vehicle while they contribute to our vibrant community,” said Cary Tyson, Executive Director of Portland Downtown.

Each QR code costs $6, providing 3 hours of parking at $2 per hour, compared to the standard rate of $4. Eligible workers can use up to three QR codes at once, allowing them to park for up to 9 hours a day at half price, for a total of $18. QR codes are available for purchase through Portland Downtown during regular business hours – please email [email protected] for assistance.

This change is complemented by the City of Portland’s recent decision to extend the maximum parking limit for on-street  parking on Spring Street, opposite the Cross Arena between Center Street and the Holiday Inn By the Bay. The time limit for the parking meters in this section has been increased from two hours to nine hours.

Information on the Median Income Limits by Family Size, according to the Maine State Housing Authority, is available here

Starting February 1, 2025, Park & Work Stickers will no longer be valid. Workers should use their existing stickers before the end of the year and switch to QR codes beginning in February. QR codes are now available for purchase through Portland Downtown during regular business hours – please email [email protected] for assistance. The Park & Work program offers discounted parking for low- to moderate-income employees and unpaid volunteers working in downtown Portland. This program, administered in collaboration with the City of Portland, is designed to ease the financial burden of parking costs for qualifying workers.

Program Overview:

The program is available to individuals or households with incomes at or below 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI), based on HUD guidelines for the City of Portland. For details on income eligibility by family size, according to the Maine State Housing Authority, click here.

How It Works:

  • Obtain QR Codes: Park & Work QR codes can be purchased by either the employee or employer through Portland Downtown during regular business hours – please email [email protected] for assistance. QR codes will be available starting December 2024.
  • Discounted Rate: Participants pay $2 per hour for parking in designated city-owned garages, compared to the standard rate of $4 per hour. Each QR code costs $6 and provides 3 hours of parking.
  • Parking Duration: Each QR code is valid for 3 hours of parking. Workers can use up to three QR codes at once, allowing for up to 9 hours of parking per day.
  • Scan Upon Exit: Upon entering the garage, take a ticket. When leaving, insert your ticket and scan your Park & Work QR codes to access the discounted rate.

Purchasing QR Codes:

  • QR codes are priced at $2 per hour with a three-hour minimum ($6 total min.).
  • QR codes can be purchased through Portland Downtown during regular business hours – please email [email protected] for assistance.

Participating Parking Facilities:

The Park & Work program is accepted at city-owned parking garages located at:

Spring Street: 45 Spring Street

Elm Street: 21 Elm Street

Join the Program:

Support downtown employees by participating in the Park & Work program, ensuring affordable parking options that contribute to a thriving downtown community. For more information or to apply, please visit us at the Portland Downtown office or contact us directly at [email protected]

Important Note about Stickers

Starting February 1, 2025, the formerly used Park & Work Stickers will no longer be valid. Workers are encouraged to use their existing stickers before the end of the year and switch to the new QR codes beginning February 1, 2025. QR codes are available now through Portland Downtown during regular business hours – please email [email protected] for assistance.

Spring Street Garage
Spring Street Garage