
Praadis Classes for KVPY 2021

    Praadis is a great platform for scholars; students will get complete information about the scholarship exams. The Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) is the only entrance test for students who are willing to join the Science and Research department. KVPY is a national level scholarship exam conducted by Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. The exam is conducted every year to provide fellowship to the students up to pre-Ph.D level.

    NEET 2020 will be held in January this 2021 for science and research department seats. All the candidates can visit Praadis for comprehensive study material, practise sets, previous years question papers, latest updates regarding exams and other factors.

Exam Notifications


    Notification 2021:

  • Indian Institute of Science (IISc) has released the complete notification containing the details about the KVPY exam 2020 such as essential exam dates, syllabus, exam pattern, eligibility criteria, registration process, KVPY Admit Card 2020, exam result etc. So, students are advised to go through all the details and apply for the exam before the last date. In this article, we have updated the admit card details of KVPY exam.
  • The students, who qualify in the KVPY Exam are eligible for a fellowship as well as admissions into institutes like the IISc and the IISER based on additional criteria. This exam has 3 Streams: SA (Class 11), SX (Class 12), and SB (First year BSc).
  • (KVPY) 2020-2021 IMPORTANT Updates

  • NOTE: - KVPY Fellowship 2020 will be awarded solely based on the aptitude test. No Interviews will be conducted this year 2020 due to COVID. Lastly, selections will be made based on their result in the aptitude exam and their academic prowess. The aptitude exam is scheduled to be conducted on January 31, 2020.
  • KVPY Admit Card 2020 was released on IISc. Students can now download the admit card by login into their user account.
  • KVPY Admit Card 2020 Release Date: 2nd Week of January 2020.
  • Official Website to Download KVPY Admit Card:
  • Candidates can submit the application fee through online (Credit Card/Debit Card/Net Banking) mode.
  • APPLICATION FEE: For General category/OBC Rs, 1250/- (Rupees one thousand two hundred and fifty only) and Rs.625/- (Rupees six hundred twenty-five only) for Students belonging to SC/ST/Persons with Disabilities. Application fee once paid will not be refunded.
  • Students intending to pursue/pursing under graduate program under Distance Education scheme/correspondence course of any university are not eligible to apply)
  • Candidates must note that no request for re-evaluation of KVPY result is considered under any circumstance.
  • Students can write the KVPY exam again post-qualifying for the first time to improve your marks and rank.
  • During the undergraduate program, candidates will get a monthly stipend of 5000 rupees and an annual contingency grant of 20,000 rupees.
  • During the post-graduation program, the candidate will get INR 7000 monthly and INR 28000 yearly as an annual contingency grant.
  • The aptitude test is common for SA, SX and SB streams.
  • The questions will be for physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics.
  • KVPY reserves the right to postpone the aptitude test due to any reason, including the prevailing situation arising from the coronavirus pandemic.
  • A computer-based online version of the Aptitude Test will be conducted at the selected cities.
  • For the benefit of students, a Mock Test of KVPY Aptitude Test for Online mode of examination is also available. For details, visit KVPY Website (


Preparation Tips

  • KVPY Preparation Tips 2021: The Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana is one of the platforms which empower the dreams of various students every year in the field of science. For all the aspirants of the science field, it is an opportunity to gear up their career. So we are providing Best Preparation Tips for KVPY to crack Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY).
  • For the aspirants, either of the engineering field or the medical, learning the syllabus of KVPY won't be much difficult. The course is almost the same. Hence your preparation can go side by side without affecting studies of any of the exams. Students have tied their knots to be a part of the race. Well, while preparing whether, for a game or an exam, proper training is crucial.
  • 1. Stick to Strategy:

  • To follow such scholarship exams, one needs to follow the systematic approach. The strategy should include details of what topic you find difficult, how much time you should give to each of them. Mark out points at which you are weak and hence work upon them every day.
  • 2. Study Plan:

  • It is not necessary that if your friends are studying for continuous 6 hours, you can too. The key is that evaluate your capabilities without comparison. Don't change your type. There are chances you may undergo high stress due to study pressure.
  • One must formulate a well-planned study routine to ensure that an appropriate amount of time is set aside for each subject and that no subject goes untouched. One must devote about 8 to 9 hours each day for studying with small breaks for an ideal study routine. Phone and social media should be off during this time. Candidates must go through NCERT books of classes 10, 11, 12 and prescribed books for 1st year of UG (if applicable) which contains in-depth knowledge and covers all the relevant topics. Along with studies, candidates must also keep time for exercises like yoga or meditation to reduce fatigue and remain calm and fresh. Spend time with friends and family to feel fresh and motivated.
  • 3. Take Assistance

  • The best guidance can be given by those who have already gone through that stage. Seek the guidance of the scholars and teachers who have prepared for the exam. Their personal experiences can help you a lot to modify your approach
  • Make Optimum Use of Aids

  • Perfection can only be derived from practice. The students should give as many tests as possible. Try not to avoid coaching tests and also enrol for online mock tests. This way, you can get the most out of your studies and evaluate your level.
  • Refer to good books:

  • Quality always matters above quantity. The aspirants should look out for the qualitative references. The examination is all about the core fundamentals of the major subjects. Keep your knowledge and concepts clear to every topic as you go through them.
  • The best study material for KVPY Exam

  • Competitive exams are tough because of their twisted questioning patterns. Sticking just to the study school or the coaching study material is not enough when it comes to cracking such exams. Other than a strong foundation, it is mandatory to have a practice of different types of questions.
  • For best results, keep the concepts and formulas mentioned in NCERT on your fingertips. One can also refer books of H C Verma and R C Sharma.
  • Study plan for KVPY Exam

  • Don't mug up things, make your notes.
  • Don't follow other's studying habits.
  • Keep the last 3 days for revision.
  • Cover easy topics first.
  • Take short breaks.



Eligibility Criteria

  • This exam has 3 Streams: S.A. (Class 11), S.X. (Class 12), and S.B. (First year BSc).
  • Stream SA:

  • Students enrolled in XI Standard (Science Subjects) during the academic year 2020-21 and having secured a minimum of 75% (65% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in aggregate in MATHEMATICS and SCIENCE subjects in the X Standard Board examination immediately in the preceding academic year are eligible to appear for the Aptitude test.
  • The fellowship of the students selected under this stream will be activated, only if they join an undergraduate course in Basic Sciences (B.Sc./B.S./B.Stat./B.Math./Int. M.Sc./Int. M.S.) in the academic year 2022-23. After having secured a minimum of 60% (50% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in aggregate in Science subjects in the XII standard/(+2) Board Examination. During the interim period of one year, they will be invited to the National Science (Vijyoshi) Camp and their travel expenses. KVPY will meet local hospitality.
  • Stream SX:

  • A student appearing in XI and XII can appear for the exam.
  • Students enrolled in XII Standard/ (+2) (Science subjects) during the academic year 2020-21 and aspiring to join undergraduate program in Basic Sciences namely Physics/Chemistry/Mathematics & Biology leading to B.Sc./B.S./B.Stat./B.Math./Int. M.Sc./Int. M.S. for the session 2021-22 provided they have secured a minimum of 75% (65% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in aggregate in MATHEMATICS and SCIENCE subjects (Physics/Chemistry/ Biology) in the X Standard Board Examination during the academic year 2018-19 are eligible to appear for the Aptitude test.
  • The fellowship of the students selected under this stream will be activated, if they join an undergraduate course in Basic Sciences (B.Sc./B.S./B.Stat./B.Math./Int. M.Sc./Int. M.S.) in the academic year 2020-21. After having secured a minimum of 60% (50% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in aggregate in MATHEMATICS and SCIENCE subjects (Physics/Chemistry/Biology) in the XII standard Board Examination during the academic year 2020-21.
  • Students in their 2nd year of study in Cambridge International Examination Board and aspiring to join U.G. program (viz. B.Sc./B.S./B.Stat./B.Math./Int. M.Sc./Int. M.S.)in Basic Sciences namely Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology in the Academic year 2020-21. Students are eligible to apply if they have secured a minimum of 75% (65% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in aggregate in MATHEMATICS and SCIENCE subjects (Physics/Chemistry/Biology) in the X Standard Board Examination. They must secure 60% (50% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in aggregate in MATHEMATICS and SCIENCE subjects (Physics/Chemistry/Biology) in the XII standard Board Examination before taking up the fellowship is awarded.
  • Stream SB:

  • Students enrolled in the 1st year of the undergraduate program in Basic Sciences namely Physics/Chemistry/Mathematics & Biology leading to B.Sc./B.S./B.Stat./B.Math./Int. M.Sc./Int. M.S. during the academic year 2020-21 and having secured a minimum of 60% (50% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in aggregate in MATHEMATICS and SCIENCE subjects (Physics/Chemistry/Biology) in the XII Standard Board Examination are eligible to appear for the Aptitude test. In the 1st year final examination of B.Sc./B.S./B.Math./B.Stat./Int. M.Sc./Int. M.S. they must secure 60% (50% for SC/ST/PWD) marks before taking up the fellowship is awarded.


Admission ticket or Hall Ticket

  • As well all know, admit card plays a vital role in the exams, the same applies here in KVPY aptitude test as well. The admit the IISc has released card for KVPY exam through its official website. Students are suggested to grab their admit card and check the details present on it to know the when and where they need to take the exam. As per the notification, the exam will be held in January 2021. As expected, the institute will help the KVPY Admit Card 2020 in the second week of January 2021. Candidates need to note that the admit card will be available for download only in the official website of KVPY. Students cannot get it through offline mode. Students need to remember the importance that the admit card holds in terms of the exam and keep the document safe until the exam wraps up.
  • After downloading the admit card from the web portal of KVPY and IISc, students need to check the details present on the card twice for any discrepancies. If anything faulty found, immediately report it to the concerned authority of KVPY. Candidates should carry the admit card with them to the exam hall to take the exam without hassle. The invigilator will go through the details present on the card and permit the student to sit for the exam only if all are correct. Also, students need to read the instructions present on the admit card carefully before entering the exam hall.
  • How To Download KVPY Admit Card 2020

  • Students should follow the steps that we are going to jot down here on this page. The steps will help you with KVPY Admit Card Download.
  • Visit the official website of KVPY -
  • In the homepage of the website click on 'KVPY-2020 Download admit card - Click here'
  • The login page opens where you need to enter your "User ID" & "Password" that you have created while registering for KVPY
  • After entering the details, click on the "Login" button.
  • The admit card will appear on the screen.
  • Check the details clearly and download the card.
  • Make a printed copy of the admit card for future exam use.
  • Other than the admit card, students also must carry two passport size photographs and photo ID card or school id card of them.
  • Details Mentioned on KVPY Admit Card

  • The details printed on the KVPY admit card 2020 are of great significance. The details usually include:
  • Candidate Name
  • Father Name
  • Roll Number
  • Gender
  • Category
  • Date of Birth
  • The venue of the Exam Centre
  • Date & Time of Exam
  • Photograph
  • Signature
  • Instructions
  • Hope you found this article on KVPY Admit Card helpful. Visit our website KVPY.ORG.IN often for latest notifications on KVPY exam 2020.


KVPY Exam Pattern

    The Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) is an annual scholarship program conducted by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) to enable students to take up research careers in the areas of Basic Sciences. KVPY 2020-21 exam is scheduled to be held on 31st January 2021. Before you start with your KVPY preparation, you must have a thorough knowledge of KVPY exam pattern.

    KVPY is an extremely competitive and tough exam. You are required to prepare for this diligently to crack this exam. Knowing the KVPY paper pattern will aid you in knowing the marking scheme, type of questions, etc. which, in turn, will help you plan your preparation better. Keeping this in mind, we are providing you with this detailed article on KVPY exam pattern 2020.

    Before getting into the details of KVPY exam pattern 2020, let's have an overview of the exam:

    Name of the Exam

    Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) 2020

    Conducting Body Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore
    Mode of Exam Online
    Number of Sections Four
    Maximum Marks SA - 100 Marks SB/SX - 160 Marks
    Time Duration Three Hours
    Exam Date 31st January 2021


KVPY Syllabus

  • For the uninitiated, KVPY is a scholarship exam conducted every year to the students pursuing under graduation degree. It offers monthly scholarships to the selected students and also conducts summer camps for them. In this article, we are going to talk about KVPY syllabus. Applicants who have already applied for the KVPY exam are advised to download the KVPY syllabus and KVPY Exam Pattern from online. Students can also get a sneak peek into the syllabus of KVPY aptitude exam from our page. We have also covered the entire syllabus of KVPY online-based computer exam.
  • Candidates before starting their preparation should refer to the syllabus to know the topics that are going to be covered in the KVPY question paper. The exam body itself prescribed the syllabus for all the three existing streams - SA, SB and SX. Students should download the respective streamwise KVPY Exam Syllabus from the official web portal and can also check the same from our page here. The aptitude test is slated to be held on 31st January 2021. Though there is enough time left for the exam, students should heed in mind that it is a highly competitive exam and is difficult to crack. So, students need to start their preparation by first downloading the streamwise syllabus.
  • The syllabus consists of four subjects, namely Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology. The streams here refer to the classes of the students, i.e., 10th/11th/12th/1st year of B.Sc/BS/B.Stat./B.Math./Int.M.Sc/MS etc. In this article, we have also covered KVPY syllabus for class 11.
  • KVPY Syllabus for SA

  • The KVPY SA syllabus for stream SA consists of all the topics and chapters from Class X and XI. The four significant subjects that are covered in SA stream include Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics.
  • Physics: Applications in Daily Life, Kinematics, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and Power, Physical World and Measurement, Gravitation, Thermodynamics, Magnetic Effects of Current, Sources of Energy, Reflection, Refraction, Electromagnetic Induction.
  • Chemistry: Thermodynamics, States of Matter: Gases and Liquids, Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties, Environmental Chemistry, Chemical Reactions, Metals and Nonmetals, Periodic Classification of Elements, Carbon Compounds, Acids, Bases and Salts, Basic Concepts of Chemistry.
  • Mathematics: Coordinate Geometry, Mathematical Reasoning, Statistics and Probability, Trigonometric Functions, Real Numbers, Polynomials, Geometry, Introduction to Trigonometry, Statistics, Quadratic Equations, Probability, Surface Areas, and Volumes.
  • Biology: Plant Physiology, Diversity of Living Organisms, Cell: Structure and Function, Human Physiology, Control and Coordination in Animals and Plants, Heredity and Evolution, Reproduction, Life Processes, Our Environment.
  • KVPY Syllabus for SX

  • The KVPY SX syllabus covers the topics and chapters form classes Class X, XI & XII. Again the same four subjects are covered in the syllabus - Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics. It is just that the KVPY Syllabus for Class 12 is added for SX stream.
  • Physics: Thermodynamics, Electrostatics, Refraction, Current Electricity, Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current, Magnetic Effects of Current, Reflection of Light, Electromagnetic Induction, Kinematics, Work, Energy and Power, Sources of Energy, Physical World and Measurement, Gravitation, Laws of Motion.
  • Chemistry: Chemical Reactions, Environmental Chemistry, Solid State, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Isolation of Elements, Periodic Classification of Elements, Surface Chemistry, States of Matter: Gases and Liquids, Metals and Nonmetals, Carbon Compounds, Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Thermodynamics, Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties.
  • Biology: Human Physiology, Biology and Human Welfare, Control and Coordination in Animals and Plants, Ecology and Environment, Cell: Structure and Function, Genetics and Evolution, Life Processes, Plant Physiology, Diversity of Living Organisms, Reproduction.
  • Mathematics: Trigonometric Functions, Geometry, Linear Programming, Vectors and 3D Geometry, Calculus, Relations and Functions, Coordinate Geometry, Mathematical Reasoning, Real Number, Polynomials, Introduction to Trigonometry, Surface Areas and Volumes, Statistics and Quadratic Equations, Probability, Statistics, and Probability.
  • KVPY Syllabus for SB

  • In this KVPY SB Syllabus, along with class 10th and 12th syllabus, 1st year of under graduation syllabus is also covered for the same said subjects.
  • Physics: Thermodynamics, Reflection, Electrostatics, Current Electricity, Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current, Waves and Optics, Electricity and Magnetism, Electrostatics and Thermal Physics, Electromagnetic Induction, Physical World and Measurement, Sources of Energy, Refraction and its Applications in Daily Life, Kinematics, Laws of Motion, Magnetic Effects of Current, Work, Energy and Power, Gravitation.
  • Chemistry: Metals and Nonmetals, Environmental Chemistry, Solid State, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Isolation of Elements, Surface Chemistry, Chemical Bonding, Chemistry of Noble Gases, Structure and Bonding, Alkenes, Cycloalkenes, Dienes and Alkynes, Thermodynamics, Chemical Reactions, Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Periodic Classification of Elements, Carbon Compounds, Acids, Bases and Salts, States of Matter: Gases and Liquids, Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties.
  • Biology: Plant Physiology, Reproduction, Diversity of Living Organisms, Cell: Structure and Function, Biology and Human Welfare, Biotechnology, Genetics, Life Processes, Human Physiology, Control and Coordination in Animals and Plants, Genetics and Evolution, Our Environment, Ecology and Environment.
  • Mathematics: Coordinate Geometry, Mathematical Reasoning, Statistics and Probability, Trigonometric Functions, Linear Programming, Relations and Functions, Analytical Geometry in Two Dimensions, Vector Algebra, Evaluation of Integrals, Statistics, Surface Areas and Volumes, Vectors and 3D Geometry, Calculus, Real Number, Polynomials, Geometry, Introduction to Trigonometry, Quadratic Equations, Probability.


KVPY Books Best Books:

    Name of the Subject

    SA/SB/SX Stream Books

    Author & Publisher

    Mathematics A Das Guptha
    Mathematics for class XII
    Problem in IIT Maths
    NCERT Books
    A Das Guptha R. D. Sharma; Publisher: Dhanpat
    Physics Fundamentals of Physics
    Concept of Physics
    Tata Mc Graw Hill's Book
    Principles of Physics
    David Halliday, Robert
    Resnick, Jearl Walker
    DC Pandey
    HC Verma
    Resnick & Halliday
    Chemistry Moderns ABC of
    Chemistry for Class - XI With CD
    NCERT Physical &
    Organic Chemistry
    NCERT Chemistry for Class 11 & 12
    Modern Publishers
    OP Tandon
    Arihant Publications
    Biology Biological Sciences by Taylor Green and Stout by
    Elementary Biology (Volume - 1)
    NCERT Books
    NCERT Exemplars
    Biology class 10
    Cambridge Publications
    K.N. Bhatia, M.P. Tyagi
    Publisher: Trueman


Important Dates

  • Bangalore is all set to conduct Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana also called as KVPY exam in the month of January this 2021
  • Opening of online application portal : 6th September 2020
  • Last date for payment of Application fee : 3rd November 2020, 5 PM
  • Download Admit card : Second week of January 2021
  • Exam Date : 31st January 2021
  • KVPY Selection Process 2020-2021

  • Candidates whose KVPY application form will be accepted called for the first stage of the selection process, i.e. for the aptitude test.
  • The questions will be asked from Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology subjects.
  • The aptitude test is the same for Stream SA, SB and SX. After the aptitude test, the list of final selected candidates will be released.
  • Candidates who qualify the aptitude test will be awarded of KVPY scholarship, candidate's overall performance in the aptitude test and their academic prowess will be considered.
  • Aptitude Test

  • The Aptitude Test is carried out in two parts, namely Part I and Part II, with four sections in each part. Candidates can attempt any three sections of Part 1 and any two sections of Part 2. Thus, candidates must prepare their strong subjects correctly and efficiently as per the topics in KVPY Syllabus.
  • SA- The candidate must be pursuing class 11 in 2020-21.

  • Minimum 75% aggregate for Maths and Science subjects in class 10. For SC/ST, the minimum required aggregate is 65%.
  • The candidate will get fellowship under this specific stream only if they join Basic Science courses like BS/BSc/BStat/integrated MSc/Integrated MS after they secure 60% marks in class 12. For the reserved category, this can be 50% minimum.
  • During the interim period, they can go to the National Science Camp and the expenses will be bored by KVPY.
  • SB - The candidate should be pursuing 12th standard in 2020-21.

  • They can only join basic science streams for the session of 2020-21. 75% aggregate for science and Maths in class 10 and 60% aggregate in Science and Maths for class 12 is the minimum qualification required. For SC/ST this is a minimum of 65% and 50% respectively.
  • Students who are studying in Cambridge International Exam board require the aggregate of the same marks in their class 11 and 12 respectively.
  • SX-

  • The student should be in their first year of the undergraduate program in 2020-21. Their subject should be any of the Basic Science subjects.
  • They should secure 60% marks in the basic science subject aggregate during the academic year of 2020-21. It is 50% for SC/ST candidates.
  • Interview

  • NOTE: - KVPY Fellowship 2020 will be awarded solely based on the aptitude test. No Interviews will be conducted this year, 2020. Lastly, this year, there will be no interview round for the exam, and selections will be done based on their result in the exam and their academic prowess. The exam is scheduled to be conducted on January 31, 2020.
  • Please follow the instructions and submit all the documents online through the website.

  • Caste certificate issued and duly signed by the competent authority (GOI) in the prescribed proforma in the case of students belonging to SC/ST.
  • Medical certificate from the prescribed authority (GOI) in the case of physically and visually challenged students certifying the percentage of disability.
  • Scanned photo & signature
  • All correspondence should be addressed to
  • The Convener,
    Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY)
    Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru - 560 012
    Phone: 080-2293 2975 / 76/3537, 2360 1008
    Fax: 080 - 2360 1215
    Email: [email protected]
    For more details visit:
  • Original Marks List: Candidates have to bring all the marks sheets of class 10 and class 12 in original along with the photocopy. It is required for verification.
  • A Self-Appraisal Form: Candidate must write the good qualities which must be considered to award him with the scholarship.
  • Study Centre Form: A form obtained from the last school indicating the completion of schooling and that must be signed by the head of the school/ Principal.
  • Teacher's Recommendation form: The form must be downloaded from the official website.


Kvpy Result

    97467 students were shortlisted to appear in KVPY Exam and out of that 3281 students (3.4%) of the students were shortlisted for the Interview round. Out of 3281 students who appeared in the Interview, 2531 (77%) students have been selected for the award of KVPY fellowship.

    Print directly from desktop:

  • Here we have given some steps to check the KVPY 2020 result
  • 1. Click on the official website link i.e.
  • 2. A new page will be displayed on the screen.
  • 3. Fill all the required details like Application Number and Date of Birth carefully.
  • 4. Date of birth should be given in the format of DD-MM-YYYY.
  • 5. After filling the details, click on the "Continue" button.
  • 6. The result will appear on the screen.
  • 7. Check and download the result.
  • 8. Candidates don't forget to take extra printouts of the result for further admission process.
  • After the aptitude test, the list of final selected candidates will be released.
  • Candidates who qualify the aptitude test will be awarded of KVPY scholarship, candidate's overall performance in the aptitude test and their academic prowess will be considered.
  • After Clearing KVPY 2020


  • After clearing KVPY, you will receive a scholarship (monthly and yearly) during your basic science course (3 years or 5 years integrated course). For SA/SX/SB- During 1st to 3rd years of - BSc/BS/BStat/BMath / Integrated MSc /MS, candidates get an Annual Contingency Grant of Rs 20,000 (monthly Rs 5,000), while for SA/SX/SB- During MSc /4th to 5th years of Integrated MSc /MS/MMath/MStat, an Annual Contingency Grant of Rs 28,000 (Monthly Rs 7,000) is awarded.
  • Admission into top institutes

  • After clearing the KVPY examination, students can get direct admission into top institutes like IISc and the various IISERs. If students want to be a part of IISc, they must appear for KVPY as the cut off for admissions into IISc JEE Mains/JEE Advanced/ NEET is high.
  • Helps to crack JEE/NEET

  • For JEE aspirants, the KVPY exam is a good opportunity to test their concepts, understanding and application of logic. These are the main aspects which a candidate needs to work on while preparing forJEE Main and JEE Advanced. NEET aspirants can test their PCB (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology) concepts through the KVPY exam.
  • Free access to National Libraries across India

  • A KVPY scholar is allowed free entry to all National libraries in the country! You will be able to attend all the science camps.
  • Research Projects

  • Every individual who qualifies KVPY is required to do a research project under the guidance of a scientist or scholar specialising in respective fields. Being a part of such projects enhances the candidates' knowledge and motivates them to think independently. Participation in such projects would help in getting a successful and flourishing career in science and engineering.
  • Opens New Doors

  • KVPY scholars have the opportunity to attend various seminars and summer camps. These summer programs are organised separately for different streams. Candidates spend one to two weeks in scientific institutions under the experts' guidance in different fields of science, engineering/ medicine. They get to watch scientists at work, interact with them and visit nearby research laboratories and institutions.



    What is the KVPY, and is it helpful for students preparing for the NEET?

    NEET aspirants can test their PCB concepts through the KVPY exam. You will have less pressure of class 12 board or JEE/ NEET preparation. You will know that you are already qualified to study in top Indian institutes.

    Are KVPY SX question paper and SB question paper the same?

    The question papers for both the streams (i.e., SB and SX) is the same, but it is different from that of SA stream. Also, the result declaration is made separately for both the streams.

    Is KVPY useful for medical students?

    Through KVPY, engineering and medical aspirants can test their preparations on a national scale. Many students who crack KVPY also get a good rank in JEE. KVPY scholarship is a milestone for students pursuing a career in science and research.

    What if I clear KVPY?

    The students who qualify in the KVPY Exam are eligible for a fellowship as well as admissions into institutes like the IISc and the IISER based on additional criteria. This exam has 3 Streams: SA (Class 11), SX (Class 12), and SB (First year BSc).

    How can I clear my KVPY exam?

    You must concentrate on each subject and prepare a time table around it.
    Physics: This section is usually tough in KVPY.
    Chemistry: It is easier when compared to physics.
    Mathematics: KVPY math is of moderate to the tough difficulty level.
    Biology: Bio is considered the easiest section in KVPY.

    I have not taken mathematics as the main subject in class 11 can I still apply?

    Only the students of science stream can apply for KVPY SA stream. If you have physics and chemistry as main subjects, you can apply.

    Which is KVPY Aptitude Test Date for 2020?

    KVPY Aptitude Test is 31-Jan-2021.

    I am pursuing PCM and how will I attempt biology questions. It's get difficult for me.

    Yes, it seems difficult for PCM students to attempt the questions of biology, but with constant study and practising from the mock test, you can become efficient in Biology as well.

    What is the pass mark for KVPY?

    Following is the provisional list of candidates in the order of merit, recommended for the Award of KVPY Fellowship-2019. The merit list is based on the marks obtained by a Candidate: 75 % of marks in the Aptitude Test + 25 % of marks in Interview.

    Is KVPY MCQ type?

    KVPY aptitude test is conducted in the Computer Based Test (CBT) mode, and the question paper is in two languages- English and Hindi. The test consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) from Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology. The total time duration of the test is 3 hours.

    When student receive their online score reports?

    Student receives their online score reports in two to three weeks after the test was conducted.