Facial pores are small openings in your skin through which sebum and sweat leave your body. Pores appear in every inch of the skin, from the top of your scalp to the soles of your feet. It allows oil and toxin to escape our body so we can live healthily. Although, pores are also a channel that allows alien things to enter our body.
As the skin is our first layer of protection, it is exposed to a lot of outside elements like dust, UV rays, oil and bacteria. As sebum is produced on our skin, the outside elements attached to it is like paint on a wall. The accumulated elements will block our pores which causes a build-up in your skin.
The blocked pores will cause acne, blackheads or whiteheads to form. The larger your pores, the more obvious the acne, blackheads or whiteheads appear. Thus, people prefer to have smaller pores than larger ones just to avoid the inconvenience.