C++ Online Tutorials
Learn C++
C++ language is very important for placements and a lot of questions will be asked from theory concepts in Online tests of various companies and also interviews. The pages below can also be used for general C++ learning and will cover all important topics for C++.
Here we will learn about the structure of C++ language and the syntax in order to construct a feasible code. These are important topics and you need to be thorough in these topics before you move further.
C++ vs C
Here we will learn about basic difference between C++ and C
Here we will learn about how input/output work in c++ and different type conversion
Operators and variables
Here we will learn about different types of operators and variables used in C++
Conditional statement
Here we will learn about how input/output work in c++ and different type conversion
Array and String
Here we will learn about what array , string are and how they work in C++ Programming.
Here we will learn about what Function and how they are used in C++ Programming.
- Function
- Call by Value Vs Call by Reference
- Member functions in C++
- Static Members in C++
- const in C++
- Inline function in C++
- Friend Function and Friend Class
- virtual
- Function Overriding in C++
- Function Overloading in C++
- Difference between Function Overriding and Function Overloading in C++
- Recursion
- Return reference
- floor function in c++
- Ceil function in c++
- Function types
Structures in c++
Here we will learn about what Structures and how they are used in C++ Programming.
Here we will learn about what Pointers and how they are used in C++ Programming.
Object and class in c++
Here we will learn about what Oject , Class and how they are used in C++ Programming.
STL in C++
Here we will learn about what STL and how they are used in C++ Programming.
Containers in STL
Here we will learn about what Container in STL and how they are used in C++ Programming.
Math in STL
Here we will learn about how math is used in STL C++ Programming.
Exception Handling
Here we will learn about Exception Handling and how they are used in C++ Programming.
Library in C++
Here we will learn about Library in C++ and how they used in C++ Programming.
Introduction to Classes and OOPs Concept
OOPs Advanced - 1
OOPs Advanced - 2
Dynamic memory
Basic Programs
Set 1
- A character is a vowel or consonant
- A character is an alphabet or not
- Ascii values of a character
- Uppercase, Lowercase or special character
- A number is positive or negative
- A number is even or odd
- Area of a circle
- LCM of two numbers
- GCD of two numbers
- HCF of two numbers
- Greatest of two numbers
- Greatest of three numbers
- Number of digits in an integer
- Sum of digits of a number
- Sum of N natural numbers
- Sum of numbers in a given range
- Reverse of a given number
- Factorial of a number
- Fibonacci series up to n
- Leap year or not
- Prime number or not
- Palindrome or not
- Armstrong number or not
- Strong number or not
- Perfect number or not
- Automorphic number or not
- Harshad number or not
- Abundant number or not
- Power of a number
- Factors of a number
- Add two fractions
Set 2
- Prime numbers in a given range
- Armstrong numbers between two intervals
- Can a number be expressed as a sum of two prime numbers?
- Replace all 0’s with 1 in a given integer
- Binary to decimal conversion
- Decimal to binary conversion
- Decimal to octal conversion
- Octal to decimal conversion
- Binary to octal conversion
- Octal to binary conversion
- Maximum number of handshakes
- Quadrants in which coordinates lie
- Convert digit/number to words
- Number of days in a given month of a given year
- Permutations in which n people can occupy r seats in a classroom
- Number of times x digit occurs in each and every number from 0 to n
- Number of integers which has exactly x divisors
- Roots of a quadratic equation
- Count possible decoding of a given digit sequence
Miscellaneous Coding Questions
- Fuel Consumption –
Click here - Cyclically rotate an array by K positions
– Click Here - Prime sum of Nth power –
Click Here - Playing with strings containing vowels –
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