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What’s happening

French Immersion Registration
Attached for download in this post is information about the Grade 1 and Grade 6 French Immersion registration process.ย There will be a “teams” meeting this evening January 22 and…

Help Needed
Our Friends of Priestman Street (FOPS) committee is looking for volunteers on Friday mornings to help with popcorn! There is no obligation to join the FOPS committee, they simply need more…

Winter Clothing Drive
We are excited to invite our community to participate in our Clothing Drive! Please donate new or gently used clothing items in very good condition. We kindly ask that all…

Winter Clothing
This is a friendly reminder to please send your child(ren) to school with outdoor winter clothing. It is starting to be very cold at recess and lunch hour. Please email…
Theme Days for December 16th – 20th
Monday – Candy Cane Day ( wear red and white or any colored stripes) Tuesday- Deck the Hall ( wear your holiday sweaters) Wednesday- Holiday hats- all Holiday headgear welcome…

Wednesday, March 19
Scottie & Wags' Snack Attack
Scottie and Wags’ SNACK ATTACK! The cart will contain nut-free, store-bought items such as Rice Krispie squares, Goldfish crackers, granola bars, etc. Every item will cost $1. Only cash can…