Copy, Print, and Scan
The University of Chicago's printing system is available at campus libraries, residence halls, the Arley D. Cathey Learning Center, and the Reva and David Logan Center for the Arts.
New campus printing system launched
IT Services has launched a new campus printing system with lower prices and free scanning.
The new system is not yet available to Library visitors.
Service and Assistance
For assistance or to report a service or supplies issue, call Proven at (773) 834-0038 or email [email protected].
You may also visit the onsite support desk located on the 1st floor of Regenstein Library for assistance or information.
Adding value to a UChicago Card
UChicago students, faculty, staff may use Phoenix cASH added to their UChicago Card at all copy/print/scan machines.
PayPal balance transfers
PayPal balances were applied to accounts on the PaperCut printing system on Wednesday, January 15.
If funds were transferred to your PaperCut printing account, you should have received an email letting you know. You will be able to see the amount that was transferred when you log into the PaperCut web portal.
On the Summary page there are two balances listed. The amount under the ‘BALANCE’ heading represents the amount that was transferred from your PayPal account. If you have signed up for Phoenix cASH the amount under ‘CBORD BALANCE’ represents your Phoenix cASH balance.
Printing charges will be deducted from the funds that were transferred from PayPal first. Only after these funds have been depleted will the Phoenix cASH funds be used.
If you did not receive an email stating that you were entitled to a transfer from PayPal but think that you should have, please fill out the PayPal Transfer Request form.
Your request will be reviewed and if there was a PayPal balance it will be applied to your PaperCut account.
PayPal Balance Transfer Request Deadline
The last day to request or dispute your refund will be Friday, March 14, 2024.
If you believe the refund amount is incorrect or you have any questions, please complete the PayPal Transfer Request form.
As a reminder, you can log into the PaperCut web portal to review your unused printing PayPal balance (you must be on the University network or cVPN to access this page).
Web Printing
Students, faculty, and staff can use Web Printing to print from any device to any copy/print/scan machine by logging in with their CNetID and password.
Devices must by on the University network or connected to the UChicago cVPN.
See the PaperCut Web Portal KnowledgeBase article for detailed instructions.
Using the Copy/Print/Scan Machines
Authenticating (first time only)
The first time you use a copy/print/scan machine, tap your UChicago Card and authenticate with your CNetID and password.
After the first time, simply tap your card at a machine to use it.
See Log in to Canon Multifunction Device for detailed instructions.
To print a submitted job
Tap your card and select Print Release. Select job(s) and press Print. Hit Log Out or tap your card again to finish.
To copy
Tap your card and select Access Device. Press Copy. Place item face down on the glass or loose pages face up in the document feeder. Select number of copies, change document settings, then press Start. Log out or tap your card to finish.
To scan
Tap your card and select Access Device. Press Scan and Send to send to an email address or Scan and Store to send to a USB drive, Box, or Google Drive. Place item face down on the glass or loose pages face up in the document feeder, then press Start. Log out or tap your card to finish.
Copy/Print/Scan locations
All copy/print/scan machines support black & white and color printing, copying and scanning.
- Crerar, Lower Level, northwest
- D'Angelo Law, 2nd floor, Reserves Room [Law School only]
- Mansueto, Grand Reading Room
- Regenstein, all floors (see Regenstein floor maps for locations)
- Social Work, near circulation desk [Crown Family School only]
Residence Halls
Machines in residence halls are accessible to on-campus residents only.
- Burton-Judson Courts
- Campus North Residential Commons
- International House
- Max Palevsky Residential Commons, Central
- Snell-Hitchcock Hall
- Renee Granville-Grossman Residential Commons
- Woodlawn Residential Commons
Other Locations
- Arley D. Cathey Learning Center, Harper Memorial Library
- Cafe Logan, Reva and David Logan Center for the Arts, 1st Floor
Printing and copying
Prices are the same for all paper sizes.
- black and white: $0.09 per page
- color: $0.15 per page
Scanning is free!
Library Visitors (unavailable)
Printing, copying, and scanning in the new system is currently unavailable for Library visitors.
The timeline for when visitors will be able to use the new system is currently unknown.
For now, visitors should plan alternatives to Library copy/print/scan machines.
Library scanning equipment
The Library provides additional scanning equipment for all Library patrons.
See Library Computers & Wireless for more information.
Printing options outside the Library
Visitors will need to print elsewhere. The Chicago Public Library offers printing at all of its locations.
Copyright Law
All copying of copyrighted material is governed by United States Copyright Law (Title 17 US Code). The individual making the copy is liable for any infringement.