Fritz and his wife have one of their daily arguments and Fritz retires to his room. His wife's parting words are to the effect that unless he ceases his dissipations, the old Nick himself will get him. Fritz laughs at the prophecy, but is ...See moreFritz and his wife have one of their daily arguments and Fritz retires to his room. His wife's parting words are to the effect that unless he ceases his dissipations, the old Nick himself will get him. Fritz laughs at the prophecy, but is no sooner in bed than wonders begin. He is transported to the lower regions, where he meets not only the Prince of Darkness, but has the honor to be introduced to all the little Princes, with the result that his visit is marked by several unpleasant adventures. Overcome at last, by the persistence of their attentions, he makes an attempt to escape. Old Nick and his pet imp follow him through the air and back to the city. Finally, however, Fritz manages to evade them. Awakening in his room, he is again tempted to imbibe, but the vision that appears in the bottle works a complete reformation. Written by
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