In a quiet suburban neighborhood, where ordinary lives intersect, Beth finds herself trapped in a loveless marriage with Charles, a man consumed by his own ambitions. To mask the emptiness of their relationship, they host extravagant ...See moreIn a quiet suburban neighborhood, where ordinary lives intersect, Beth finds herself trapped in a loveless marriage with Charles, a man consumed by his own ambitions. To mask the emptiness of their relationship, they host extravagant dinner parties for their affluent friends, where Beth becomes the centerpiece of a twisted performance piece. As the tension mounts and secrets unravel, the facade of their loveless marriage crumbles, revealing the true darkness that lies beneath the surface. In a thrilling and suspenseful climax, the shocking truth is finally unveiled, leaving the audience questioning the lengths one will go to satisfy their deepest desires. "Desire" is a gripping psychological thriller that explores the dangerous allure of temptation and the terrifying consequences of giving in to one's darkest impulses. With its seductive charm and spine-tingling suspense, this film will leave audiences on the edge of their seats until the very end.
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