This is the second installment of the popular series starring Kinya Kitaotoji. In this installment, the adventures of Asahina, who infiltrates various domains such as Tosa, Sanuki, Harima, Bizen, and Hirado, are depicted. With picturesque ...See moreThis is the second installment of the popular series starring Kinya Kitaotoji. In this installment, the adventures of Asahina, who infiltrates various domains such as Tosa, Sanuki, Harima, Bizen, and Hirado, are depicted. With picturesque filming locations and Kinya Kitaoji's portrayal of the bold and compassionate character of Asahina, and the entertainment value of this period drama has been scaled up. Asahina (played by Kinya Kitaotoji) is responsible for supervising various daimyo on behalf of the shogun and the council of elders. Acting on a secret mission from Tsuchiya Sagami no mori. Asahina hides his identity and infiltrates as a "secret magistrate" to search for signs of rebellion among the feudal lords throughout Japan. With his remarkable skills, he eliminates the evildoers who seek to disrupt the peace of the realm.
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