Sanctuary is an animated short film produced by non-profit organization Generation Vegan, which tells the story of Indigo, a 12-year-old girl who lives at a farmed animal sanctuary. After hearing of an accident involving a truck ...See moreSanctuary is an animated short film produced by non-profit organization Generation Vegan, which tells the story of Indigo, a 12-year-old girl who lives at a farmed animal sanctuary. After hearing of an accident involving a truck transporting dairy cows to slaughter, Indigo sneaks out of her home to help rescue an animal for the first time in her life. A story of courage and hope, the film examines our relationships with animals and seeks to explore the change that's possible when we act on our compassion. The film is inspired by the true stories of the Marias, the pigs saved after an accident with a transport truck in Brazil, and Indigo, a new-born calf who was rescued by actor Joaquin Phoenix with her mother from a US slaughterhouse. Suitable for audiences of all ages. Written by
Generation Vegan
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