

Liquid crack and gap filler for concrete grinding and polishing

  • concrete gap filler
  • concrete floor crack repair
  • concrete gap filler
  • concrete floor crack repair


Liquid crack and gap filler for concrete grinding and polishing

This product is subject to VOC regulations, however it is compliant with all national, state, and district AIM VOC regulations

Leah Bristol, Customer Support

  • Easy application with pump-up sprayer.
  • Complies with all known AIM VOC regulations.
  • Dilutable with clean water to meet a variety of job site and equipment conditions
  • SHELF LIFE2 years in tightly sealed, unopened container
  • VOC CONTENT100 g/L
  • FORMmilky liquid, mild odor
  • PH8.9
  • COVERAGE RATE200-400 sq ft/gal. See Product Data Sheet for specific coverage rates.
  • FREEZE POINT32° F (0° C)
  • FLASH POINT>212° F (>100° C)
  • TOTAL SOLIDSNon-applicable
  • WT/GAL8.40 lbs
  • AVAILABLE SIZES1-gal, 5-gal


Liquid Consolideck&REG Grind-N-Fill mixes with the dust created while grinding concrete floors to create a super-durable matrix that automatically fills pinholes, small air voids and pop-outs, micro-cracks and other gaps in the concrete surface, during grinding.


Grind-N-Fill creates a monolithic surface that polishes faster, easier and more effectively. With gaps and imperfections filled, the floors accept hardener/densifiers, protective treatments and color-stains and hardeners more evenly.


Grind-N-Fill is easily applied with pump-up sprayer and complies with all known AIM VOC regulations.