Seal Fur & Seal Skin Leather
Incredibly warm and durable, seal fur & seal skin leather is exceptionally versatile and biodegradable.
Purses, bags, wallets, gloves, earrings, bowties, tablet cases, etc.
Winter jackets, vests, skirts, etc.
Boots, mukluks, kamiks, shoes, slippers, sandals, etc.
Cushions, chairs, benches, seat coverings, floor coverings, etc.
The Ring Seal’s clear and notable ring markings along the ridge has been seen in Inuit’s clothing for hundreds of years. The Ring Seal’s natural color is light grey with very notable markings. This includes along the ridge which can vary from light grey to almost black.
Primarily in natural silver color with a characteristic black pattern, young Harp seal pelts have soft, short and shiny guard hair and are the most available on the market.
Used for thousands of years to protect Canada’s northernmost residents from the most extreme winter conditions.
Water and wind resistant due to its natural high oil content and tight fiber structure.
Eco-friendly and sustainable alternative to non-renewable and environmentally toxic (plastic) clothing.
Easily stored, cleaned and maintained. Properly made, they are known to outlast the owner.
Sealskin takes dye well. Each pelt’s natural patterns is available in wide range of colours and product applications.
Because there is no underfur, sealskin is light and less bulky allowing a nice slim silhouette.