
Section 5.7. Classify Phase planes


Classify Phase planes with eigenvalues

In this section, we are going to summarize all cases that we considered and classify all phase planes. Recall that a given matrix AA and a system of homogeneous differential equation X=Ax, we can find the eigenvalues of the matrix A and then eigenvectors. det(AλI)=0=f(λ), the characteristics equation determinate the eigenvalues. 

Case 1: When f(λ)=0 has two distinct positive real solutions, λ1>λ2>0. In this case, we have two eigenvectors, v1 and v2. The entries of v1 and v2 are real numbers. The general solution will be x(t)=c1eλ1tv1+c2eλ2tv2. The phase plane has two straight lines such that they present the eigenvector directions. The arrows are pointing away from the (0,0). The x=0 is called a nodal source and is an unstable solution. 

Case 2: When f(λ)=0 has two distinct negative real solutions, λ1<λ2<0. }In this case, we have two eigenvectors, v1 and v2. The entries of v1 and v2 are real numbers. The general solution will be x(t)=c1eλ1tv1+c2eλ2tv2. The phase plane has two straight lines such that they present the eigenvector directions. The arrows are pointing toward the (0,0). The x=0 is called a nodal sink and is a stable solution. 

Case 3: When f(λ)=0 has two distinct real solutions, one is positive and one is negative, λ1<0<λ2}. In this case, we have two eigenvectors, v1 and v2. The entries of v1 and v2 are real numbers. The general solution will be x(t)=c1eλ1tv1+c2eλ2tv2. The phase plane has two straight lines such that they present the eigenvector directions. The arrow on v1 is pointing toward the (0,0), and the arrow on v2 is pointing away from (0,0). The x=0 is called a saddle point and is an unstable solution.


















Example 1: Given [x1x2]=[4401][x1x2]=Ax, find the general solution of the system of equations. Classify the stability of the equilibrium solution x=0 and describe what kind of critical point it is. 




Exercise 1: Given [x1x2]=[2031][x1x2]=Ax, find the general solution of the system of equations. Classify the stability of the equilibrium solution x=0 and describe what kind of critical point it is. 




Case 4: When f(λ)=0 has two distinct complex solutions, λ=a±bi and a0. In this case, we have two eigenvectors, v1=p+iq and v2=piq. The entries of p and q are real numbers. The general solution will be x(t)=eat(c1(cos(bt)psin(bt)q)+c2(sin(bt)p+cos(bt)q)). The entries of the vector x(t) have cos(bt) and sin(bt). The phase plane has clock-wise spiral orientations. The arrows on are pointing toward the (0,0) if a<0, and the arrows are pointing away from (0,0) if a>0. The x=0 is called a spiral sink and is a stable solution for a<0 case, and is called a spiral source and is an unstable solution for a>0 case.









Example 2: Given [x1x2]=[1221][x1x2]=Ax, find the general solution of the system of equations. Classify the stability of the equilibrium solution x=0 and describe what kind of critical point it is. 




Exercise 2: Given [x1x2]=[2332][x1x2]=Ax, find the general solution of the system of equations. Classify the stability of the equilibrium solution x=0 and describe what kind of critical point it is. 




Case 5: When f(λ)=0 has  two distinct complex solutions, λ=±bi.} In this case, we have two eigenvectors, v1=p+iq and v2=piq. The general solution will be x(t)=(c1(cos(bt)psin(bt)q)+c2(sin(bt)p+cos(bt)q)). The entries of the vector x(t) have cos(bt) and sin(bt). The phase plane has counter-clock-wise or clock-wise circular ( ellipse) orientations. The arrows counter-clock-wise or counter-clock-wise. The x=0 is called center and is a (neutrally) stable solution. 









Example 3: Given [x1x2]=[2422][x1x2]=Ax, find the general solution of the system of equations. Classify the stability of the equilibrium solution x=0 and describe what kind of critical point it is. 




Exercise 3: Given [x1x2]=[3523][x1x2]=Ax, find the general solution of the system of equations. Classify the stability of the equilibrium solution x=0 and describe what kind of critical point it is. 




Case 6: When f(λ)=0 has one real solution, λ1, and two eigenvectors, v1 and v2. }The entries of v1 and v2 are real numbers. The general solution will be x(t)=c1eλ1tv1+c2eλ1tv2. The phase plane has straight lines passing (0,0). The arrow those lines are pointing toward the (0,0) if λ1<0, and the arrows are pointing away from (0,0) if λ1>0. The x=0 is called a star node, sometimes is called proper node. It is a stable solution if [latex]\lambda_{1} \lt 0,[/latex] and an unstable solution if λ1>0.










Example 4: Given [x1x2]=[2002][x1x2]=Ax, find the general solution of the system of equations. Classify the stability of the equilibrium solution x=0 and describe what kind of critical point it is. 




Exercise 4: Given [x1x2]=[3003][x1x2]=Ax, find the general solution of the system of equations. Classify the stability of the equilibrium solution x=0 and describe what kind of critical point it is. 




Case 7: When f(λ)=0 has one real solution, λ1, and one eigenvector, v. The entries of v are real numbers. The general solution will be x(t)=c1eλ1tv+c2[eλ1tw+eλ1ttv] where (Aλ1)w=v. The phase plane has one straight line passing (0,0). The arrow those lines are pointing toward the (0,0) if λ1<0, and the arrows are pointing away from (0,0) if λ1>0. The x=0 is called an improper node. It is a stable solution if λ1<0, and an unstable solution if λ1>0.









Example 5: Given [x1x2]=[2302][x1x2]=Ax, find the general solution of the system of equations. Classify the stability of the equilibrium solution x=0 and describe what kind of critical point it is. 




Exercise 5: Given [x1x2]=[3023][x1x2]=Ax, find the general solution of the system of equations. Classify the stability of the equilibrium solution x=0 and describe what kind of critical point it is. 


Differential Equations Copyright © by Kuei-Nuan Lin. All Rights Reserved.