Resolução Hibbeler 5 Ed Cap 5

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S-1. A shaft is made of a steel alloy having an allowable shear stress of taxoy = 12 ksi. If the diameter of the shaft is 15 in, determine the maximum torque T that can be transmitted. What would be the maximum torque T” if a 1-in.-diameter hole is bored through the shaft? Sketch the shear-stress distribution along a radial line in each case. 4) Allowable Shear Stress : Applying the tortion formula ae tau _ 7075, oa") T= 7.95 kip: in. Ans b) Allowable Shear Stress : Applying the torsion formula owt, oT oe Fate (0.73) FO7s 05 R= 6.381 kip-in. = 6.38 kip-in, Ane 63810) HoT os” 800% oi 20 si 5-2, The solid shaft of radius r is subjected to a torque T. Determine the radius r' of the inner core of the shaft that resists one-quarter of the applied torque (7/4). Solve the problem two ways: (a) by using the torsion formula, (6) by finding the resultant of the shear-stress distribution. dA = 2xp dp Ans $-3. The shaft has an outer diameter of 1.25 in. and an inner diameter of 1 in. If it is subjected to the applied torques as shown, determine the absolute maximum shear stress developed in the shaft. The smooth bearings at A and B do not resist torque. 1500 Bb-in, Te 15000825) _ 6 go si Te, Oe = Ans Foun = 7 F625)" O.5)"] “5-4, ‘The shaft has an outer diameter of 1.25 in. and an inner diameter of 1 in. Ifit is subjected to the applied torques as shown, plot the shear-stress distribution acting along a radial line lying within region EA of the shaft. The smooth bearings at A and B do not resist torque. T= 1500 Ib-in, Te__ 15000825) = geo pas bizkss 7” @025*-OF7) a _Tp 1500(0.5) n-2 = 530 si ox] 7 5-5. The solid 30-mm-diameter shaft is used to transmit the torques applied to the gears. Determine the shear stress developed in the shaft at points C and D. Indicate the shear stress on volume elements located at these points. Internal Torque: As shown on FBD. Maximum Shear Stress : Applying torsion formula Tee _ 20000015) ren = HOO core Siam a eal T2200 200m Toe , 40(00015) q won“ * Fons) 400 0-m =755MPa Ane 5-6. The assembly consists of two sections of galvanized steel pipe connected together using a reducing coupling at B. The smaller pipe has an outer diameter of 0.75 in. and an inner diameter of 0.68 in., whereas the larger pipe has an outer diameter of 1 in. and an inner diameter of 0.86 in. If the pipe is tightly secured to the wall at C, determine the maximum shear stress developed in each section of the pipe when the couple shown is applied to the handles of the wrench, e'bin | FV) beret in ‘bn 7 20 ==) a0" a rr FO375" — 034) 210005) qt = 236ksi Ans Fost — 03 5-7. The solid aluminum shaft has a diameter of SO mm and an allowable shear stress of tow = 6 MPa. Determine the largest torque T, that can be applied to the shaft if itis also subjected to the other torsional loadings. It is required that T, act in the direction shown. Also, determine the maximum shear stress within regions CD and DE. Internal Torque: As shown on FBD. Maximum Shear Stress : Applying te torsion Formula and sssume failure a region BC. Ane Maximum torque occurs within region BC as indicated on the torque diagram Maximum Shear Stresses at Other Region : Fromibe torque diagram, the internal orque at region CD and DE ae Teg = 98.26 N-10 and Tog = 63.26 N: m respectively. 63.26(0.025) Toa , S780) aseMPa Ans F005") "5-8 The solid alumioum shaft bes a diameter of 50 mm. Determine the absoiute maximum shear stress in the shatt and sketch the shearstress distribution along a me a radial line of the shaft where the shear stress is maximum. Set T, = 20N«m. Internal Torque: From the torque diagram, the critcal section is segment DE and Tyg = 132 N-m. faximum Shear Stress : Applying te torsion fornula Maximum $1 Applying _ 132(0.025) =a eS38MPa Ans 7000s) 25mm 5-9. ‘The solid shaft has a diameter of 0.75 in. If it is subjected to the torques shown, determine the maximum shear stress developed in regions BC and DE of the shaft. The bearings at A and F allow free rotation of the shaft, "25 eft Tents eH J $0375)" Boe. SUNOS) 6 3621 siz 362k Ans J §0375)* 5-10. The solid shaft has a diameter of 0.75 in. If it is subjected to the torques shown, determine the maximum shear stress developed in regions CD and EF of the shaft The bearings at A and F allow free rotation of the shaft. ws = Bea Ans Coden = _ Ene _ 18120375) 25.$4 (evden = = 50.395 Beisingy Fo lb fe = 2173 psi= 2ATkSi ‘Ans 5-11 A steel tube having an outer diameter of 2.5 in. is used to transmit 35 hp when turning at 2700 rev/min, Determine the inner diameter d of the tube to the nearest } in. if the allowable shear stress is Tatiow = 10 ksi. S = ZOD «2927410813 @ P=To '35(550) = (282.74) T= 68.083 Ib-ft = 12416 in. d= 2.48 in. Used= 2h in, Ams 5-13, The copper pipe has an outer diameter of 2.50 in. and an inner diameter of 2.30 in, If itis tightly secured to the wall at C and a uniformly distributed torque is applied toitas shown, determine the shear stress developed at points ‘A and B. These points lie on the pipe’s outer surface. Sketch the shear stress on volume elements located at A and B. Internal Torque : As shown on FBD, Maximum Shear Stress : Applying he torsion formula ult 7 21250020025) aoe 218.75(12)(1.29) a =302ki Ans Fa 115) 5-14. The copper pipe has an outer diameter of 2.50 in. and an inner diameter of 2.30 in. If itis tightly secured to the wall at C and itis subjected to the uniformly distributed torque along its entire length, determine the absolute maximum shear stress in the pipe. Discuss the validity of this result . Internal Torque : The maxizoura tomue occur athe support c = case nol s10428-& amin)" ‘Maximum Shear Stress : Applying the wrsion formula Ton a 260.42(12)(125) go = Fase 72 Ane ‘According wo Saint- Venat's principe, application ofthe torsion {formula should beat points sufficienly removed from the suppor or points of concentrated loading. 5-18. The 60-mm-diameter solid shaft is subjected to the distributed and concentrated torsional loadings shown, Determine the shear stress at points A and B and sketch the shear stress on volume elements located at these points, Internal Torque: As shown on FBD. Maximum Shear Stress : Applying te wrsion foraula Tre _ 400(0.03) Tn Tony TIMP Ans ee, 0(003) F* FO S141MPL Ans *5--16. The 60-mm diameter solid shaft is subjected to the distributed and concentrated torsional loadings shown, Determine the absolute maximum and minimum shearstresses in the shaft and specify their locations, measured from the y+ fived end, _ ternal Torque: From be wrque dagen, reer re ODN m xcs whe Sac sppor and be tn torque Ty =O oseurs atx = 0.700 Shear Stress: Applying the wrsion formula cco x=0.700m Ans 1490(0.05) $00.05) =33.0 MPa Ans Ans ‘According to Saint ~ Venant s principle, application ofthe torsion omula should be a pois suflenly removed from the Suppor te points of concentsed loading. Therefore, Fy, obtained is ma valid. 5-17. The solid shaft is subjected to the distributed and concentrated torsional loadings shown. Determine the required diameter d of the shaft if the allowable shear stress for the material iS tow = 175 MPa. Internal Torque : From the wrque diagram, the maxiroure torque Tay, = 1400 N-m occurs a the fied suppor. Allowable Shear Stress : Applying the torsion fornula 1400(#) aD" d= 003441 m 175(10") = 4mm Ans ‘Accosding to Saint Venant «principle, application ofthe torsion formula should be at points suffienly rerooved from the supports ‘or points of concentrated loading. Therefore, the above analysis is not valid. 5-18. The steel shaft is subjected to the torsional loading shown. Determine the shear stress developed at points A and B and sketch the shear stress on volume elements located at these points. The shaft where A and B are located has an outer radius of 60 mm. 4 = Bn 2SUPI009 «ose pe Ans 7” F006)" Brum A 3.5(10°)(0.06) $0.06)" gs a 103MPa Ans bsnnm (e 5-19. ‘The steel shaft is subjected to the torsional loading shown. Determine the absolute maximum shear stress in the shaft and sketch the shear-stress distribution along a radial line where it is maximum, t ‘Maximum torque is 8.5 KN-m; however, two sections ” of the shaft should be considered since Jis different Fe, 001009) _ soap, 7” Foo Teka) Te_ 85(10'X0.06) 7” 006)" 25.1 MPa agp = 49.7 MPa Ans 25-20. The solid shaft is subjected to the distributed and d 18s shown. Determine the shear volaag Points A and B aad sketch the shear stress an Tolume clements located at these points. The distniaten torque from D to C vaties ftom zero to 900 N- e tome fre N-avm. Take Trletoqn Internal Torque: hs shown on FBD. ot Maximum Shear Stress: Appling he rion formula t “ates, SBP 01002) 25) eoxy =239MP2 Ans 60.0 nm SH 30000232605 thw GeBE4ee Ans Te2s9Mn, 5-21. The solid shaft is subjected to the distributed and concentrated torsional loadings shown, Determine the absolute maximum shear stress in the shaft and specify its location, measured from the fixed end C. Teke d= 40 mm. Internal Torque : From the wrque disgrar, the maximum torg¥ Tayy = L140 tm occurs in the region 0.3 m> x > 044m, Shear Stress : Applying the torsion formula 4010.02 "Foo inherezion03m>x>04m Ans =90.7 MPa ‘Ans 5-22. The solid shaft is subjected to the distributed and concentrated torsional loadings shown, Determine the required diameter d of the shaft if the allowable shear stress for the material is tyjoy = 150 MPa, Internal Torque : From the torque diagram, the maxirouma Trayy = 1140 N-mm occurs in he region 3 m>x> 0.4m. Allowable Shear Strees : Applying the torsion fornula #4) =0.03383 m=33.8mm Ans 5-23, Determine tothe nearest fin. the diameter of a shaft that is required to transmit 150 hp at 4000 rev/min. The material has an allowable shear stress of rasow * 8 ksi Internal Torque : @ = 4000. = (at ist Boy 7 13333e ras 350 fe ee P _ 82500 a” Taaae = 19695 bf Allowable Shear Stress : Applying he torsion formula Te i 19695(12) (4) #4)" 146 in, (10%) i Used 17 in, diaraetr of shaft Ans 35-24, The drilling pipe on an oil rig is made from steel pipe having an outer diameter of 4.5 in. and a thickness of 0.25 in. If the pipe is turning at 650 rev/min while being powered by a 15-hp motor, determine the maximum shear stress in the pipe. ancernal Torgi o =o (28!) Lm arene 350 fs SSO DIE) s250 1s en) p= isto( P8250 Teen eT tot Maximum Shear Stress : Applying the wortion formula Te T 121.20(12)@2.25) pawn 5-25. ‘The gear motor can develop 1/10 hp when it turns at 300 revimia. Ifthe shaft has a diameter of } in., determine the maximum shear stress that wll be developed in the shaft Internal Torque : fey (2) | min co = 300 8% (2) LO oop te 0 Cae) ar ore 1, (8808s a $800 Wie roe) Maximum Shear Stress : Applying the wesion formula aTe a 1.751012(0.25) B56 psi Ans F025) ee 5-26. The gear motor can develop 1/10 hp when it turns at 80 revimin, If the allowable shear stress for the shaft is Taiew = 4 ksi, determine the smallest diameter of the shaft to the nearest} in. that can be used Internal Torque 0 00 (ME) Le 26st rtls 10) = Paap (OEM ut |=550 feibis (pe) son Allowable Shear Stress : Applying the torsion forula d =0.4646 in, 5-27. ‘The coupling is used to connect the two shafts together. Assuming that the shear stress in the bolts is uniform, determine the number of bolts necessary to make the maximum shear stress in the shaft equal to the shear stress in the bolts. Each bolt has a diameter d. nis the number of bols and F isthe shear force in each bolt T T- AFR Felt : mm eae 4 eA” Gd > end Maximum shear stess for the shaft eters he at, 7 see ar © aR na2t Ans Ueda} nee tat 5-28. The steel shafts are connected together using a fillet weld as shown. Determine the average shear stress in the weld along section a-a if the torque applied to the shafts is T = 60N +m, Note: The critical section where the weld fails is along section a~a. Fomor aay nan, Lip v (601(0.025 +0.006)) A” FxO.025 + 0.006K0.012sind5%) . LITMPa_Ans 5-29, A motor delivers 500 hp to the steel shaft which is tubular and has an outer diameter of 2 in, If the shaft is rotating at 200 radis, determine its largest inner diameter to the nearest} in. ifthe allowable shear stress for the material is Tatow = 25 KSI Internal Torg 550 fol P= 500 bp( oe oR) = 275 00 rs P7500 r= 2.75 f Soe sen Allow able Shear Stress : Applying torsion formula o a seat) = AND t-O] 4 = 1785 in, seiner ames = 5 Ans ‘5-30. The pump operates using the motor that has a power of 85 W. If the impeller at B is turning at 150 rev/min, determine the maximum shear stress developed in the 20-mm-diameter transmission shaft at A. Internal Torque: PaSSWHISN-m/t Ps 2 asaunm Te 5" som“ ‘Maximum Shear Stress: Applying torsion formula Te T SAC000) F001 344MPa Ans 5-31. A ‘steel tube having an outer diameter of 25 in. isused to transmit 3 hp when turning at 2700 rev/min Determine the inner diameter dy of the tube to the nearest 4 Fin. ifthe allowable shear stress is tay = 10 ksi 4 Internal Torque : Allow able Shear Stress : Applying torsion formula re o «2m (2 feet EE 1) « SeoHcAL.29 ul soi) = S808.25, pr aasie( S222) = son as] ° dy = 2.483 in. P1750 1 oF oP escent 3” 9008 Ue atin an i — Now te inl dese muse ered *5-32 A steel tube having an outer diameter of 4, = 25 in, and an inner diameter of dy = 2 in. is used to transmit 45 bp. Determine its maximum rate of rotation if the allowable shear stress is ryizy = 12 Allow able Shear Stress : Applying torsion formula 7 4 ie : 1.25 12(10”) = 7 = T #217359 1b-in. = 1811.3 8-4 Internal Torque: P=To 08 bi HN isaB ie = 13.66 rad/s — ssa) am vr nsini( SESE) 5-33. A ship has a propeller drive shaft that is turning at 1500 rev/min while developing 1800 hp. If it is 8 ft long and has a diameter of 4 in., determine the maximum shear stress in the shaft caused by torsion. Internal Torque: Te , 6302.54(12@) ate = O18 psi= 6.0211 Ans 5-34, The shaft is subjected to a distributed torque along its length of ¢ = (10x*) N - m/m, where x is in meters. If the maximum stress in the shaft is to remain constant at 80 MPa, determine the required variation of the radius of the shaft for0=xs3m, 26,526 (10°) i telox ¢ = (298) mm Ans 5-35. The shaft has a diameter of 80 mm and due to friction at its surface within the hole, it is subjected to a variable torque described by the function t= (2Sxe"*) N - rim, where x is in meters. Determine the minimum torque To needed to overcome friction and cause it to twist. Also, Z determine the absolute maximum stress in the shaft. ty rewire’): Te = [astee") ax Integrating using Simpson's rule, we get = 669.98 = 670N-m Ans I 7 «| tans = BE = (66998004) _ 6 6gmpa Ans g a] F004 5-36. Determine the diameter d of a solid shaft required to transmit a power P if the allowable shear stress is tow and the angular velocity of the shaft is w. Internal Torque: , ree o Allowable Shear Stress : Applying trsion formula re — iO. Foor “FH 1 od et} 5-37, The solid shaft has a linear taper from r4 at one end {0 Ta at the other. Derive an equation that gives the Maximum shear stress in the shaft at a location x along the shaft’s axis. ral + (ra = rab ~ 2) t (Lx) = L Geet af Fas 2 7s a FA zr 2r 2m = Ans ERPS fra(L— 2) + rea 5-38 The drive shaft of an automobile is made of a steel tube having an allowable shear stress of ray = 8 ksi. If the outer diameter is 25 in. and the engine delivers 200 hp to the shaft when it is turning at 1140 rev/min, determine the ‘minimum required thickness of the shaft wall Internal Torque : oni (22%) sori $50 Ibis P20 ) = #10 000 is ai 0.000 = 10.000 oon. te ‘BeOe 92142 Allow able Shear Stress : Applying worson formula, % rans * aioe = 9 = 921.826 1291.25) DU 7, = 1.0762 in 1.25~ 1.0762 =0.174in ‘Ans 5-39. The drive shaft of an automobile is to be designed as a thin-walled tube. The engine delivers 150 hp when the shaft is turning at 1500 rev/min. Determine the minimum thickness of the tube’s wall if the outer diameter is 2.5 in. The material has an allowable shear stress of isi, Internal Torque rev (2nd) min = 1500 2 (22) BR 500 wre 130 5S lar $50 t-Iis 150 ip( SOE) «2 soo ts prion) =F BS sosrim a” 3008 Allow able Shear Stress : Applying orion formula ee? Sou Fae Ssaig029 100) = “aso n= 1460 in, 125-1146 20.104in Ans *5-40. The motor delivers 50 hp while turning at a constant” rate of 1350 rpm at A. Using the belt and pulley system this loading is delivered to the steel blower shaft BC. Determine to the nearest } in. the smallest diameter of this shaft if the allowable shear stress for the steel is Tajjow = 12 ksi. P=To 2wmd 1 mi = rev/min 2229 min 50(550) = 7°(1350 eae T= 198.521b-ft 4e'-F) 4(F'-F) =(194.52\112) (F'-F) = 58357 Ib (FF) (583.57) = 4668.5 Tb-in Te oy _ 668.56 = 12,0) = S685 c 0 oF = 0.628 in, Use 13 n.—dimetr stat Ans S-41. A cylindrical spring consists of a rubber annulus bonded to a rigid ring and shaft. If the ring is held fixed and a torque T is applied to the shaft, determine the maximum shear stress in the rubber. Equilibrium : Tr (+2Mo <0: T-F)=0 Fat Maximum Shear Stress : A” Inrh” TeAh Shear stess is maximum whea ris the smallest, be. r= 1. Henee, Ans 5-42. The propellers of a ship are connected to a solid A-36 steel shaft that is 60 m long and has an outer diameter of 340 mm and inner diameter of 260 mm. If the pqwer Output is 4.5 MW when the shaft rotates at 20° “rad/s, determine the maximum torsional stress in the shaft and its angle of twist _ Te _ _225(10°(0.170) J ~ ¥{0.170)*- (0.1305) 443 MPa Ans TL 225(10°)(60) IG ~ F{CO.r70)*- (0.130)*]7510%) ° = 02085 rai = 119° Ans 5-43, A shaft is subjected to a torque T. Compare the effectiveness of using the tube shown in the figure with that of a solid section of radius c. To do this, compute the percent increase in torsional stress and angle of twist per unit length for the tube versus the solid section. ‘Shear stess : : For the tbe, Te : (dee = Zz For the solid shaft, ) = 661% Ans Angle of rvist For the ube, TL To For the shaft, TL 1G Hes - 36, % increase ing = #1—% (1008) = 297 (100%) 7 Tie Eta [fle*~ (90) so9q) 008) = a = 667% Ans #544. The bydrofoil boat has an A-36 steel propeller shaft that is 100 ft long. It is connected to an in-line diesel engine that delivers a maximum power of 2500 bp and causes the shaft to rotate at 1700 rpm. Ifthe outer diameter of the shaft is Bin, and the wall thickness is} in,, determine the maximum shear stress developed in the shaft. Also, what is the “wind up” or angle of twist in the shaft at full power? Internal Torque = (=) Lait S se.érertls @ 10a ew) Ws = nny (S224). ase we > T S508 217237 -f a” 366 Maximum Shear Stress + Applying torsion Formula, Te 7 m23.70018) Et 83 ksi Ans Angle of Twist: Te m570900001) 9956" Faea3.asy 010} = 007725 ra The splined ends and gears attached to the A-36 steel ft are subjected to the torques shown. Determine the angle of twist of end B with respect to end A. The shaft has a diameter of 40 mm. som “ > Se The #-300nm 8S Le Tey 22000 soi sein Seam eo Tastoon TL _ 30003) , 200004) , 400(0.5) Cac aa cae a 190 10 IG ~ FOORVIHUP = 0.01008 rad = 0578" Ans 5-46, ‘The A-36 steel axle is made from tubes AB and CD and a solid section BC. Its supported on smooth bearings that allow it to rotate freely. If the ends are subjected to 85 Nm torques, determine the angle of twist of end A relative to end ‘D. The tubes have an outer diameter of 30 mm and an inner diameter of 20 mim. The solid section has a diameter of 40 mm. Internal Torque: As shown on FBD. ‘Angle of Twist : nt 025) uo Lag par aaa | 5.000) FODIN75.01) eee neal na 5-47, The A-36 steel axle is made from tubes AB and CD and a solid section BC. Its supported on smooth bearings that allow it to rotate freely. If ends A and D are subjected to 85N - m torques, determine the angle of twist of end B of the solid section relative to end C. The tubes bave an outer diameter of 30 mm and an inner diameter of 20 mm, The solid section has a diameter of 40 mm. Internal Torque : As shown on FBD. ‘Angle of Twis: nO FOO 7SOIO) ==002255 nad =| 0.129°1 Taelae eac™ Ans ar 65.90" esnn G--8500m osu 5-48. The gears attached to the 304 stainless steel shaft are subjected to the torques shown. Determine the angle of twist of end A with respect to end B. The shaft has a diameter of 1.5 in, Internal Torque : As shown on FED, Angle of Twist: Te _ ~150012)01 tun = 2g" Rar 600(129(3)(12) TOTAL =-O071I2 ad = 14.07%, Ans ssooteit OF eatsco ft 00 we | Teenboowht S 5-49. The gears attached to the 304 stainless steel shaft are subjected to the torques shown, Determine the angle of twist of gear C with respect to gear B. The shaft bas a diameter of 1.5 in. Internal Torque : As shown on FBD. 00 os Angle of Twist: 60012963012) er boo te ) Fors HI.) 00) ey 0.08761 md=2.72 Ans 5-80. ‘The rotating flywheel-and-shaft, when brought to a sudden stop at D, begins to oscillate _clockwise- counterclockwise such that a point 4 on the outer edge of the flywheel is displaced through a 6-mm are. Determine the maximum shear stress developed in the tubular A-36 steel shaft due to this oscillation. The shaft has an inner diameter of 24 mm an outer diameter of 32 mm, The bearings at B and C allow the shaft to rotate freely, whereas the support at D holds the shaft fixed. sar8 6=15¢ b= 0.08 rad i Some ‘ . *W) og = RD 88 = Fas\i) T= 40s Lt a 10° 9(0.016) = 640MPa Ans 5-51, ‘The motor delivers 40 bp to the 304 stainless steel shaft while it rotates at 20 Hz. The shaft is supported on smooth bearings at A and B, which allow free rotation of the shaft ‘The gears C and D fixed to the shaft remove 25 hp and 15 bp, respectively. Determine the diameter of the shaft to the nearest 4 in. if the allowable shear sttess is Taye = 8ksi and the allowable angle of twist of C with respect f9 D is 0.20", Pe External Applied Torque: Applying T= 35, wehave 401550) 254550) = 175071b-f = 109.42 ft Tu > Facz0) 220) 15(550) 2 ED ses mon 13" acm Internal Torque : As shown on FBD. Allow able Shear Stress + Assume falufe due w shear stress. By observation, section AC is the critical region rrso709 (¥) #(4)° 02 in, 810) = HY Ta 6s0s nH 5.68 asp B68 tafe Angie of Twist: Assume fulure due to ange of twist iiution, = Foleo Pero = Soe 0.26) __65.65(12)(8) 180 F(A Lapa) d= 1.137 in. (controls!) Used 5-52. The motor delivers 40 hp to the 304 stainless steel solid shaft while it rotates at 20 Hz. The shaft has a diameter of 1.5 in. and is supported on smooth bearings at A and B, which allow free rotation of the shaft. The gears Cand D fixed to the shaft remove 25 hp and 15 hp, respectively, Determine the absolute maximum stress in the shaft and the angle of twist, of gear C with respect to gear D. > Externol Applied Torque : Applying T= 3, wehave ig 40(550) 25(550) = EIST Tee = 109.42 ft 4 * aC 20) 2x20) 15(550) _ Fea SSR Internal Torque : As shown on FBD. Allow able Shear Stress : The maximum torque occuts within region AC of the shaft where Tay, = Tye = 175.07 lb-ft rt, reusé _ 175.07(120.79) Foy e317 Ans Angle of Twist: 5.651218) * FOI ALOTT =0.001153 rad = 0.0661? Ane Tor6e03 nar Besos mye 5-53. The A-36 steel shaft is 2 m Jong and has an outer diameter of 40 mm, When itis rotating at 80 rad/s, it transmits 32 kW of power from the engine E to the generator G. Determine the smallest thickness of the shaft if the allowable shear stress is tmnow=140 MPa and the shaft is restricted not to twist more than 0.05 rad. as P=To 32(10°) = 7180) T=400N-m 0.01875 m Angle of twist limitaon : 1 iG 6 4002) Fos —,, 50507) 7% =001247 m (controls) 7 = 002-0.01247 = 0.00753 m =753mm Ans 5-54. The*A-36 solid steel shaft is 3m Jong and has a diameter of 50 mm. Itis required to transmit 35 kW of power from the engine £ to the generator G. Determine the smallest angular velocity the shaft can have if it is restricted not to twist more than 1°, 73) ‘Ta0° ~ Fe0.025475)d0") 17 =267.73N-m P=To 35(10") = 267.740) @=13i rad/s Ans 5-55. The A-36 steel shaft rotates at w = 125 rad/s and transmits the power shown. Determine the absolute ‘maximum shear stress in the shaft and the angle of twist of C with respect to F, The inner and outer diameters of the shaft are d, = 30 mm and d, = 40 mm. The journal bearings at B and G are smooth, External Applied Torque: Applying T= 60110) 20(10) aS ONm Toe 70(10°) nate rp OD a Se0Nm Internal Torque: As shown on FBD. ‘Maximum Shear Stress : The maximum torque oorrs within region EFOf the shaft where Tagg = Ter = S6ON ma 60(0.02) Foarcooy "O2M Ane POM ooIsH TED Toy HO) ++(320)(1.5) + (60)(2)) 0.1987 nd = 114° Ans Ts4800.m cs Top=4800-" Te #460 sien og 7 2. Trtoonm Teton *5-56. The A-36 steel shaft rotates at w = 125 rad/s and transmits the power shown. Determine the inner and outer diameters of the shaft if d,/d, = 0.6, the allowable shear stress is Taioy = 150 MPa, and ‘the allowable relative angle of twist is batow = 2°/m. The journal bearings at Band G are ‘smooth, ? External Applied Torque: Applying T= =, weave £0010) mee Tas ON Bes = 560N-m Internal Torque : As shown on FBD. Allow able Shear Stress : Assume fulure due to shear sess Te4B0n.m By observation, section EF is the critical region. 6 Angle of Twist : Assume falure due w angle of ost Uimitaion, By observation @ pis cridcal. Tarizowm 1 tore 255) at sto). Be (S49) Josoc0% +(320)( 1.5) + (560) (2)] 4,=003798m=38.0;m (comrols!) Ans 4 = 06d, = 0.6(0.03798) = 002279 m=22.8mm Ans 5-87. The A-36 steel assembly consists of a tube having an Outer radius of 1 in, and a wall thickness of 0.125 in. Using a rigid plate at B, it is connected to the solid 1-in-diameter shaft AB. Determine the rotation of the tube’s end C if a torque of 200 Ib - in. is applied to the tube at this end. The end A of the shaft is fixed-supported. gn = Tak __200610) FOS ay 7 9.001882 rad 1G” FOsrar.ox1e ~ 9%" Teak =200¢4) ‘ cn ES = O_o, nd fon Ig * FOS oansyaTonioy = ~ oN waa ib Gc = On + bem = 0.001852 + 0.000119 Tyet 200 Ibe = 0.001964 rad = 0.113° Ans Te io [bin 8 Ibi 5-58, The two shafts are made of A-36 steel, Each has a diameter of 1 in., and they are supported by bearings at A, B, and C, which allow free rotation. If the support at D is fixed, determine the angle of twist of end B when the torques are applied to the assembly as shown. Internal Torque: As shown on FBD. ‘Angle of Twist: 2233p nt oo | er a + 40) : ost OFHUA TTT £600129630 + 2004129010, loft sf 0.01778 rad = 0.01778 rad Tes -/200@35 e-Go.cib ye 6, OS aSyen5 = 002667 ad or oe Ho0178) = 002 ~G. Since hers no torque applied between Fand B then 64 = by = 002667 rad = 1.53° Ans Eazoi 5-59, ‘The two shafts are made of A-36 steel. Each has a diameter of 1 in,, and they are supported by bearings at A, B, and C, which allow free rotation. If the support at D is fixed, determine the angle of twist of end A when the torques are applied to the assembly as shown, Imernal Torque: ss shown on FBD. Angle of Twist | Sag ieseoun eer dig tome beh ose say 38 1 = FOSTER 8041230) + 20001210) =-O01778 rad = 0.01778 nd = 40112)(10) POSTON CO = ~0.004445 rad = 0,004445 rad P4864 Our = 0.02667 + 0,004445 $0311 ad = 178° Ans +*5-60, The 6-in.-diameter L-2 steel shaft on the turbine is supported on journal bearings at A and B. If Cis held fixed and the turbine blades create a torque on the shaft that increases linearly from zero at C to 2000 lb-ft at D, determine the angle of twist of the shaft of end D relative to end C. Also, compute the absolute maximum shear stress in the shaft. Neglect the size of the blades. oe x (24200 Moin Trax = 1(120)(200(120)) = 1.44(108) T= 1.44(10°)— $(4(200) = 1.44(10°)— 10087 [2° 1.440.0°sde— 100% ae 1440120) ___100(120)7 * areas) 3S = 00825 rad Far 000) 3 \a1 0 OOP Ane Maximum torque occurs atx = 0 tea 2 FE = LUO) Se =340ksi Ans a7 Ge 5-61. The assembly is made of A-36 steel and consists of 4 solid rod 15 mm in diameter connected to the inside of a tube using a rigid disk at B. Determine the angle of twist at A. The tube has an outer diameter of 30 mm and wall thickness of 3 mm. Internal Torque : As shown on FBD. Angle of Twist : 5003) 80(03) FOWDTS TSO * FOS —ooINy TOTO = 0.04706 rad = 2.70" Ans §-62. The device shown is used to mix soils in order to provide in-situ stabilization. If the mixer is connected to an A-36 steel tubular shaft that has an inner diameter of 3 in and an outer diameter of 4.5 in., determine the angle of twist of the shaft of A relative to C if each mixing blade is subjected to the torques shown. woes|| | q uals tee “Hemp s0ou12,15412) so0012,20%12) F@25"- CCA) * HE25"- a HHADIe, = 00952 rad =5.45° Ans 5-63. The device serves as a compact torsional spring. It is made of A-36 steel and consists of a solid inner shaft CB which is surrounded by and attached to a tube AB using a rigid ring at B. The ring at A can also be assumed rigid and is fixed from rotating. Ifa torque of T = 2k - in. is applied to the shaft, determine the angle of twist at the end C and the maximum shear stress in the tube and shatt. Internal Torque : As shown on FBD. Maximum Shear Stress : Ans Ans zxpin_ 0 Tye t2.0 Kipity Zp ine L (2.00)(12) FOF 0759 11 0TTo “007 Ad Tao kia Taclac Gey = ee 2.00(24) “FOS yori ~ COMME rad Oat bom = 0.002032+ 0.044448 = 0.04648 rad = 2.66° Ans *5-64, The device serves as a compact torsion spring. [tis made of A-36 steel and consists of a solid inner shaft CB ‘which is surrounded by and attached to a tube AB using a rigid ring at B. The ring at A can also be assumed rigid and is fixed from rotating. If the allowable shear stress for the material is Tuoy = 12 ksi and the angle of twist at Cis limited 10 dine = 3°, determine the maximum torque T that can be applied at the end C. Tos) Fos) #2356. in 02 7 ra Fr-07%) T= 1249 kip-in 120= Angle of Twist : Assume failure dvew ange of twist liniasion, lan 72, IG” FOO LOTIO = oo01016r Ticlae (24) FOS 1.00} =0.0222247 date = 904 be 30) 5 -oooo1er+ 0.022227 180 25 kip-in (controls) Ans go 5-68. The contour of the surface of the shaft is defined by the equation y = e@, where a is a constant. If the shaft is subjected to a torque T at its ends, determine the angle of twist of end A with respect to end B. The shear modulus is G. Internal Torque : As shown on FBD. Angle of Twist: Toe polar moment of nerinis Js) = 5(64)* Ans 5-6, The tapered shaft is made of 2014-T6 aluminum alloy and bas a radius which can be described by the function r= 0.02(1 + 2) m, where x is in meters, Determine the angle of twist of its end A if itis subjected to a torque of 450.N + m. Internal Torque : As shown on FBD. Angle of Twist; The polar momen of ines J(s) « = 80n( 10") (1427)*. [ooz(1+s") J" *T¢a)de Oia . 450 de fo RCI Tea IOD 006618 Ta oon Evaluating the inegral using Simpson's rule, we have 4 =0.066315(0.4179) nid =0.0277 nd = 159° Ans 5-67. The shaft of radius ¢ is subjected to a distributed. torque f, measured as torque/length of shaft. Determine the angle of twist at end A. The shear modulus is G. B-Srae=0 2 t= fede y fara Ente a yates = ole Sl wt + = S45 jie IG Ltd ay etre 2nd sghalgee vet ot Tol? 7* a" nie Bttie- 163) jowever J = Fet, 2 - Tel? oaeG oe *5-68. The A-36 steel shaft has a diameter of 50 mm and is subjected to the distributed and concentrated loadings shown. Determine the absolute maximum shear stress in the shaft and plot a graph of the angle of twist of the shaft in radians versus x. Internal Torque: As shown on FBD. ‘Maximum Shear Strers : The maxinum trqve oocurs at 0.5 m where Tax, # 150+200(0,5) = 250 Nm, 250(0.025) 20008) toaMes Aas (0.0254) i Angle of Twist: For 0S2<0.5m “Tyas re fe (150 +2000) a -; aoe 150x+ 100s? “Te 1530 100 * F002 775.000) =[326042172](10°) nt Aurs0Sm, 9 =$¢=000217 Ad For 0.5m 20nm Tet 20.00-m Bone Tur oon 308 sot Tex -f0.040e = do0nm Ter 00 oo gonem Tet -S0.04)e0 5-94, The square shaft is used at the end of a drive cable in order to register the rotation of the cable on a gauge. If it has the dimensions shown and is subjected to a torque of 8N-m, determine the shear stress in the shaft at point A. Sketch the shear stress on a volume element located at this point, Maximum shear sess : 4817 _ 481(8) a : 2 ~ (0.005) Da = 308 MPa Ans 5-95. The uniform C86100 bronze rod has an elliptical cross section. If it is subjected to the five torques shown, determine the dimension a of its cross section so that the shear stress in the rod does not exceed Tatow = 85 MPa, Also, what is the rotation of end A with respect to end B? Allowable Shear Stress : Toe orque diagram shows that section AE is the criteal ection. @=002020m=20.2mm Ans Angle of Twist: (@+P)TL tun ope (002020+001010 1 ansyc05 * 540.02020)(0.01010°)(38.01( TH ed 1 (-225}(0.6) +(-100(0.8)+200(03)] 20.1472 nd =| 8.444 Avs 5-96. The uniform C86100 bronze rod has an elliptical cross section. If it is subjected to the five torques shown, determine the maximum shear stress in the rod and the angle of twist of end A with respect to end B. Take a = 20 mm. Maximum Snear Stress : Toe torque diagram shows thatthe maximum torque oocurs at secton AE. a fae 2075) * x02) (0.0TF =O MPa ‘Ans Angle of Twist: wre tua 9 SE (007+ 0.01%) Roo aarysEATTOS + (~225)(0.6) + (-100}(0.8) + 200(0.3)) [(-275)(0.5) = 0.1531 mad =| 8.779 Ans $-97, The aluminum strut is fixed between the two walls at A and B. fit has a 2 in. by 2 in. square cross section, and it is subjected to the torque of 80 Ib ft at C, determine the reactions at the fixed supports. Aiso, what is the angle of twist, at C? Ga = 3.8(10°) ksi. By superposition 0-6 -be % 7.108002) _7.10(755) ac ao t be T=32-A Ans Te T.+32-80=0 T= Ans a = 21082),12.3,12) te ang aTOH) = OO0I6! rad = 0.0525 Ang $-98 The brass wire has a triangular cross section, 2mm on aside, Ifthe yield stress for brass is ry = 205 MPa, determine the maximum torque T to which it can be subjected so that the wire will not yield. If this torque is g applied to a segment 4 m long, determine the greatest angle of twist of one end of the wire relative to the other end that ‘will not cause permanent damage to the wire. G,, = 37 GPa, ‘ Allow oble Shear Stress : oe 20r Angle of Twist: feu hs osc) = gai _ae(on2016) GE (0.002)(37)(10%) 7 =00820N-m Ans #255 rat re 5-99. The plastic tube is subjected to a torque of 150N- m. Determine the mean dimension a of its sides if the allowable shear stress if tanow = 60 MPa. Each side has a thickness of #=3 mm. Neglect stress concentrations at the comners, me Ans "5-100. The plastic tube is subjected to a torque of 150 N+ m. Determine the average shear stress in the tube if the mean dimension @ = 200 mm. Each side has a thickness of 1 = 3 mm. Neglect stress concentrations at the corners. rT 150 fee Fea, ~ 2(0.003)(003) 25MPa Ans 5-101. A torque of 2 kip - in. is applied to the tube. If the wall thickness is 0.1 in., determine the average shear stress in the tube. tech eH) BA, ~ 2O.1x2.9465) "7754S Ane 5-102 The 304 stainless steel tube has a thickness of 10 mm. If the allowable shear stress is Tayo» = 80 MPa, determine the maximum torque T that it can transmit. Also, ‘what is the angle of twist of one end of the tube with respect to the other if the tube is 4 m long? Neglect the stress concentrations at the comers. The mean dimensions are shown, Section Properties : A, = 0.01(0.03) = 000210 n* Jas =2(0.07)+2(0.03) =0.200 0 Allow able Average Shear Stress : Tr Te, 10) = sean ~ 2(0.01)(0.00210) T =3360 N-m=3:364N-m Ans Angle of Twist: ae 3360(4(0.200) TAIG | 7” HODaAIOH SOLO OOH 0.2032 ad = 11.6 Ans 5-103. The 304 stainless steel tube has a thickness of 10 mm. If the applied torque is T = SON + m, determine the average shear stress in the tube, Neglect the stress concentrations at the comers. The mean dimensions are shown. Section Properties : ‘Aq = 0.07(0.03) = 000210 mi Average Shear Stress : 30 {oon = 119 MPa Ans %5-104, The tube is made of plastic, is 5 mm thick, and has the mean dimensions shown. Determine the average shear stress at points A and B if it is subjected to the torque of T= 5 N-m, Show the shear stress on volume elements located at these points. An = (0.11)008)+ £(008)0203) =0.01 m? St = tap =50kPa 5 2A,” 2(0.005;(0.01) ‘<> ton] 5-108. The steel tube has an elliptical cross section of the mean dimensions shown and a constant thickuess of 1=02 in. If the allowable shear stress is tTyoy = 8 ksi, determine the necessary dimension b needed to resist the torque shown, The mean area A,, for the ellipse is r5(0.5b) Internal Torque : As shown on FBD the maximum torque BT, = 2700 Allow able Average Shear Stress : TeS0.0 fe ee Boles J. foe = Fane = a 27012) 810") = = Faye HOT te 50 lie & =0803 in Ans Taya ise Ct 5-106, The tube is made of plastic, is 5 mm thick, and has the mean dimensions shown. Determine the average shear stress at points A and B if the tube is subjected to the torque of T= S00 N - m, Show the shear stress on volume elements Jocated at these points, Neglect stress concentrations at the corners, 2(0.005)(0.0052) = 962MPL Ans Ly” 5-107. For a.given average shear stress, determine the factor by which the torque-carrying capacity is increased if the balf-circular sections are reversed from the dashed-line positions to the section shown. The tube is 0.1 in, thick. Section Properties : (0.58) 2 £(0.58) = tn [EES anor 7 ew cuanceays[ EGS ay aa9n0n at Average Shear Stress : 1 293033 To0867 Ans *5-108, Due to a fabrication error the inner circle of the tube is eccentric with respect to the outer circle. By what Percentage is the torsional strength reduced when the ‘eccentricity ¢ is one-fourth of the difference in the radii? Average Shear Stress : For the aligned tube Tr Tr hoe TAL a —Eym (44) ratne-nea(ts2) 1 3 se Ye-b-b = He Fy Fico Percent eduction in sength = Jim (254)? 3 2) e288. aee 5-109. “The symmetric tube is made from a high-strength steel, having the mean dimensions shown and a thickness of nm. ILitis subjected to a torque of T = 40N - m,determine the average shear stress developed at points A and B. Indicate the shear stress on volume elements located at these points, Ans 5-110. The plastic hexagonal tube is subjected to a torque of 150 N- m. Determine the mean dimension a of its sides if the allowable shear stress is Tallow = 60 MPa. Each side has a thickness of ¢ = 3 mm, 150 soachy (20.003(2.598i 4=001266m= 127mm Ans 5-111. The steel shaft is made from two segments AB and BC, which are connected using a fillet weld having a radius of 2.8 mm. Determine the maximum shear stress developed in the shaft, Tepe _ 100(0.025) dep = i = J Froans*) = 407 MPa For the filet: D_ 30 rag PaBers, ta Beou a” a” 2 From Fig. 5~36, K = 1.325 Tue (0.01) = KBE. 1225 Cnas)y = x Foor ‘= 506 MPa (max) Ans *S"112, The shaft is used to transmit 9 hp while turning at 600 rpm, Determine the maximum shear stress in the shaft The segments are connected using a fillet weld having a - radius of 0.15 in, Internal Torque : a eon ED!) 8 noe $50 fis Thp Paste (SAB) wson a 5-113, The members are connected with a fillet weld of radius r = 4 mm. Determine the maximum shear stress in maaan the shaft if T = 10N-m, Maximum Shear Sires: r4 =25 wd Je 5 m020 Kets oon), 12f$2] sone. an 5-114, The assembly is subjected to a torque of 710 Ib - in. If the allowable shear stress for the material is tio, 12 ksi, determine the radius of the smallest size fillet that can be used to transmit the torque. Kqr10y0375) 0375) ke140 Pet a2 a7 07 11(0.75)=0.075 in. Ans $-0375>0075in. OK 5-115, The steel used for the shaft has an allowable shear stress of tauow = 8 MPa. If the members are connected mo together with a fillet weld of radius r = 2.25 mm, determine the maximum torque T that cau be applied. re F fou xe Allowable Shear Stress > A108) = 1 {2 (0.0075) D3 1_2as FOOT | Cee et rp T #=8.16N-m Ans From tbe tet K = 1,30 *8-116. A solid shaft is subjected to the torque TT, which causes the material to yield. If the material is elastic perfectly plastic, show that the torque can be expressed in terms of the angle of twist & of the shaft as T (1 6340), where Ty and dy are the torque and angle of twist when the material begins to yield. Elastic Plastic Torque : hon Sere Useing Eq. $26 from the text ik Ta*K (4d pt) w HE Fi (Ae =p) 0 28 When pp =, 8 = 6r then rom EH Using Ea. 5-25, ak, Fre, trom the text and a, (3) Ry 4 = refi(rgh) zo, Daviding Eq, (1] by Eq. (2) yields fo} or S-117. The assembly is subjected to a torque of 1800 tb - in. If the allowable shear stress for the material is tow = 12 ksi, determine the radius of the smallest size fillet that can be used to transmit the torque. Allow able Shear Stress : Te 7 sao) = xf Keust 180005) #0. 2. from the wet: re01Sin Ans Cheek : Sin > O.1Sin, (OKY) 5-118 A bar having a circular cross section of 3 in, diameter is subjected to torque of 100 kip in. If the material is elastic perfectly plastic, with ry = 16 ksi, determine the radius of the elastic core. Plastic Torque : Applying Ba. 5-26 from the text T= TE (4e-p) Ans S-119, A solid shaft having a diameter of 2 in. is made of clasticeperfectly plastic material having a yield stress of y = 16ksi and shear modulus of G ~ 12(10") ksi. Determine the torque required to develop an elastic core in the shaft having a diameter of 1 in. Also, what is the plastic torque? Elastic» Plastic Torque : Applying Eq, $~26 from the ext TEE (4e~p,?) =F) 09) $32.46 kipin © 2.71 kip- Plastic Torque: Using Eq. $~27 from the ext petted z = Fasc = 3351 kip-in =279kip-ft Ans 5-120. The 2-m-long tube is made from an elastic-plastic material as shown. Determine the applied torque T, which subjects the material of the tube’s outer edge to a shearing strain Of Ymax = 0.008 rad. What would be the permanent angle of twist of the tube when the torque is removed? Sketch the residual stress distribution of the tube. ‘ert he me ty pte. Aen ‘Artin be ates ype pelt aate eb % , = OHM oo" — 008 (2 D3603Nom = 6m Ane “Terr ronan he opasie e of B= MOUS W gpa eg pee 9 MD won + ar NOTA zy 20M, 235-015 fonts ain 12" Be OKs O0) 2 EE DOSS ass 7 Foo - 0085 = 2M ass « zesemee 908 254M i BM S121. Determine the torque needed to twist a short 3-mm-diameter steel wire through several revolutions if itis made of steel assumed to be elastic perfectly plastic and having a yield stress of 7y = 80 MPa. Assume that the material becomes fully plastic. Plastic Torque : Wien the material becomes fly plastic, then T= 2a] ‘ty ptdp an 2 = Feo (10°) (o0013°) =O565Nim Ans $2122. A solid shaft has a diameter of 40 mm and length of 1 m. It is made of an elastic perfectly plastic material having a yield stress of ry = 100 MPa. Determine the maximum elastic torque Ty and the corresponding angle of ‘twist. What is the angle of twist if the torque is increased to T = 12Ty? G = 80 GPa. Maximum Elastic Torque o Te TL 1256.64(1) tye atte = 0.0625 rad a) "36 * oor 0e) yell _ 100110% (#) (0.024) Elastic Plastic Torque : Applying Eq. 5-26 of the text, us = 1256.64N-m = 1.26kN-m Ans 4g O-p) 7 AER, : “F (40-p) Angle of wwist : £(100)(10%) %) 93 1225664) « 2OMU(yg0) _59] one br =00187m 1 = OM coast vey (00012 er Yep, (0.00125 = Tey (20025). nd=4.86° Ans ooo Teja) = OOS nd = 6.86 Ay 5-123. The stepped shaft is subjected to a torque T that produces yielding on the surface of the larger diameter segment. Determine the radius of the elastic core produced in the smaller diameter segment, Neglect the stress concentration at the filet Maximum Elastie Torgue : For tbe larger diameter segment etd 4 () (0034) oe = 135(10") a, laste Pleie Torgue: ore sar dames segues Ty = Hye? = Hey ( 0.0278") = 13.86( 10°) ery > 13.5( 10°) ary. Applying Ea, 5-26 ofthe tert we have EE(4-51) 135( 10%) ayy = =f «(o027s") ~p}] Py =0.01298 m= 130mm Ans *8-124, The shaft is made from a strain-hardening material having a ~y diagram as shown. Determine the torque T that must be applied to the shaft in order to create an elastic core in the shaft having a radius of p, = 0.5 in, ra —ar me | 1000) 7 7 0.005 m= 2007 w #2 = 1000) | 15.00%) = 10410) 7 = 0005 0.01 — 0.005 t= 1a0y7 + 50°) @ 006 6 2 = 20 (0.005) = Your = 55 ( =f £0,006) = 0.01 1 = E Tan = (0.006) e Sensing nto, (1)ad @) yi: = 2000)p ty = 10(10") p + S(10*) 1 asf op dp ar 2000 9° ao + 28 f° ody 9 + sa 6 dp = 3970b-in.= 3310-f Ans 5-125, The shear stress-strain diagram for a solid 50-mm diameter shaft can be approximated as shown in the figure. Determine the torque required to cause a maximum shear stress in the shaft of 125 MPa. If the shaft is 3 m long, what is the corresponding angle of twist? = 8000 (10°)(p) $= sui0h _ 12540) ~ saxo) p= 000625 ~ 0025 — 0.00625 = 4000 (10°Kp) + 25410" T= anf cp" dp 0% soni 6 ap {4o00«i04p + 2500"yp* dp aan +20) T= 3269N-m = 327KN-m Ans = tore = hy ve ae cos = 120rad = 688° Ans 0m cl To , 20 Fo canes ‘Teaveowbe soMte + ~1eSMPm o0%sm 5-126 The 2-m-long tube is made of an elastic perfectly Plastic material as shown. Determine the applied torque T. Which subjects the material at the tube’ outer edge to a shear strain of Ymax ™ 0.006 rad. What would be the permanent angle of twist of the tube when this torque is removed? Sketch the residual stress distribution in the tube. Plastic Torque : The tbe i fully plasticity, 2 yy = 0.003 ra 7 0006 De hos! 1 0.0051 nd ‘Therefore he tube is fully plastic Tra anf" sy 9 dp Fret gt -3h(g-4) 2m (210105), ” = COO (o0s8?-002") = 082.19 N-m =6.99KN-m Angle of Twist: oom 220 nosattad ‘When a reverse torque of Tp = 6982. 19 N-m is applied, ont Ye 2100 HOUT ropa ‘ooas* 7° a BL 6982.19(2) he se FO035*— 0054) (7) = 0.18389 rad Pecranent angle of twist, tre =034286-0.18389 =0.1590md=9.11° ‘Ans Youto-006 rad Residual Shear Stress : = BE. -6982.19(0035) a) he 4-Bee at) Gann, (),e-H+ 5, Fons ony Fass copy 72827 MPs 16982.19(0.03) 93.09 MPa ~2104225.27 = 15.3 MPa 210+ 193.09 = -169 Mpa 19s.09mPm, 22527 Mha, 153 Pa. 169 MPa. 5-127, The solid shaft is made of an elastic-perfectly plastic material as shown. Determine the torque T needed to form aan elastic core in the shaft having a radius of py = 20 mm. If the shaft is 3m long, through what angle does one end of the shaft twist with respect to the other end? When the torque is removed, determine the residual stress distribution in the shaft and the permanent angle of twist. Elastic Plastic Torque : Applying Ea. 5~2 from the text Tr FR (40 ~pt) ALOU (00?) ~0.02"] 1077640 N-m = 20.8 RNa Ans Angle of Twist: Ys (22%) ep (2%) 3) <0.6000d = 344° Ans ooptlom)® When the reverse ¢ 2076.43) OA) 003875 rad Foo aay ‘Tee pemarent angle of ris, on 0-9" 1600-03875 =02125 d= 12.2 Ans Residual Shear Stress: 20776.4(004) RTE 206.67 MPa Fao) 20776.4(002) PTEAOM) «10339 MPa Foor) (5) png © “160-4 206,67 = 46.7 MPa (5)yuo.otm =~160+ 103.33 = 56.7 MPa "5-128. “The shaft consists of two sections that are rigidly connected. If the material is elastic perfectly plastic as shown, determine the largest torque T that can be applied to the shaft. Also, draw the shear-stress distribution over a radial line for each section. Neglect the effect of stress concentration, Plastic Torque : Forte smaller- diameter segment pearl‘ sve'ee ae 2 othe = Hans 22618Kip-in = 218B-fe Ans Mazimum Shear Stress : Forte bigger-dameter segment Te 2.618(0.825) oT 7Oas) 6.83 ksi < ty = 108i (OK) T Mr 160MPas este 103.3 he + 206-67 MPa T Vf oeen e.0tm A670Pa 57 Pa. # i. toxsi : i Seoni sin, o8ssin, 5-129. The shaft is made of an elastic-perfectly plastic material as shown. Plot the shear-stress distribution acting. along a radial line if it is subjected to a torque of T = 2KN - m. What is the residual stress distribution in the shaft when the torque is removed? Elastic Plastie Torque : The maximum elastic torque is Ty = £;0? = $(150)( 10°) (0.02) = 1.885 4N-m and the plastic torque is Tp = ‘Fe? = §(150)( 10°) (0.02%) = 2513 LN-m, Since Ty

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