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Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Cincias Humanas Universidade de So Paulo Casa de Cultura Japonesa

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Nas pginas que seguem, possvel encontrar textos e amostras de questes das
provas de proficincia em ingls de forma aleatria.
Os modelos no trazem provas inteiras.
O gabarito encontra-se no final de cada texto.
As provas consistem, predominantemente, de 2 a 3 textos, com um total de 20
questes. Algumas unidades ainda adotam o sistema de 14 questes.
Os textos so de teor acadmico e relacionados a disciplinas e programas da psgraduao das unidades em convnio com o Centro de Lnguas.
Para cada questo h apenas uma resposta correta.

O modelo composto por trs textos:

I An Investigation of the Physiology and Potential Role of Components of the
Deep Ocean Community
II- Scientists Try New Strategy to Eradicate Dengue Fever
III Antibiotic Resistance: Blame it on Lifesaving Malaria Drug?

As questes de 1 a 11 se referem ao texto An Investigation of the

Physiology and Potential Role of Components of the Deep Ocean
Bacterial Community

As bactrias no fundo do mar


so responsveis pela constituio da zona aftica.

so importantes na reciclagem de matrias orgnicas.
fazem a mineralizao de toda a matria orgnica do ecossistema marinho.
impossibilitam um desenvolvimento maior do ecossistema.


Sobre as bactrias generalistas e especialistas, correto afirmar que

a) ambas respondem rapidamente ao tipo de nutriente disponvel no ambiente.

b) as primeiras possuem um metabolismo mais flexvel do que as segundas.
c) as segundas constituem-se apenas por microrganismos que derivam de locais de
presso alta.
d) nenhuma das duas proporciona um ambiente apropriado para crescimento.

3. Nos estudos realizados sobre os efeitos da presso hidrosttica nos microrganismos,

os resultados
a) reiteram que quanto maior a presso maior a taxa de crescimento das bactrias.
b) sinalizam que a presso in-situ essencial para o desenvolvimento fisiolgico de
determinados microrganismos.
c) demonstraram que a presso na superfcie do mar a mais adequada para os
d) apontam dados divergentes sobre o fenmeno da presso nos microrganismos.


Leia os enunciados abaixo.

I A alta presso ocasiona uma mudana na fisiologia dos microrganismos.

II - Existe um grupo de microrganismos que pode crescer em um ambiente com alta
presso, mas que prefere a presso atmosfrica para o seu desenvolvimento.
III Os microrganismos barfilos crescem de maneira ideal em um ambiente com alta
Est(o) correto(s)

Somente o I.
Somente I e II.
Somente II e III.
I, II e III.


Turley et al. sugerem que

a) um dos fatores que controla o funcionamento das comunidades de bactrias no

fundo do mar a oferta reduzida de nutrientes.
b) as tcnicas baseadas em cido nuclico permitem uma descrio apurada da
composio das comunidades bacterianas no fundo do mar.
c) o local geogrfico fator determinante para a composio das comunidades
d) os estudos sobre as comunidades do fundo do mar no abrangem em grande parte
as bactrias.
6. Qual a dificuldade apontada pelo autor com relao s condies necessrias para
o funcionamento das amostras isoladas?

A necessidade de uma alimentao exclusiva.

A rpida adaptao metablica e fisiolgica das amostras.
A reproduo ideal do ambiente natural.
A condio de superioridade das amostras com relao ao resto da comunidade.


A microbiologia clssica

a) aprofunda os seus estudos unicamente nas especificidades fisiolgicas dos

b) criou um amostra padro de microrganismos atravs de mtodos seletivos.
c) utiliza mtodos especficos com o objetivo de conseguir amostras isoladas para
aprofundar os estudos.
d) seleciona no ambiente natural os microrganismos mais aptos para serem estudados.

Assinale a alternativa que apresente a metodologia do trabalho.

a) () we have incubated samples of deep-ocean water (3170 m) from the Rockall

Trough area (North-East Atlantic) at in-situ temperature (4 C) and at atmospheric
and in-situ pressure () (linhas 75-77)
b) () successful classical enrichment requires an environment of nutrient excess,
whereas unpolluted environments are typically nutrient-limited. (linhas 73-75)
c) () components of the bacterial community which are most suited to the
incubation conditions (fitter components) will grow faster than other less fit
members and will therefore form a larger proportion of the post-incubation
community. (linhas 80-82)
d) () we can then attempt to determine their origin and role in the deep-sea
bacterial community. (linhas 83-84)

O termo which (linha 23) faz referncia a



10. Assinale a alternativa que NO apresenta sentido de possibilidade.

a) (...) yet remains one of the least studied and understood environments largely due
to the difficulties surrounding its exploration. (linhas 3-5)
b) Marine bacteria may be divided into two groups depending on their response to
nutrient supply (linhas 12-13)
c) () microorganisms which can function in the deep ocean must do so at pressures
considerably higher than that at the sea surface() (linhas 23-24)
d) () it is doubtful, in many cases, that the isolates could perform a significant role
in the environment from which they were derived. (linhas 71 73)
11. No trecho For example, successful classical enrichment requires an environment
of nutrient excess, whereas unpolluted environments are typically nutrient-limited
(linhas 73-75), o autor estabelece um/uma
a) afirmao.
b) negao.
c) contraste.
d) indagao.

An investigation of the physiology and potential role of components of
the deep ocean bacterial community by enrichments carried out under
minimal environmental change
Simon T. Egan, David M. McCarthy, John W. Patching, Gerard T.A. Fleming
Disponvel em:








The deep-sea is the largest ecosystem on the planet and supports some of the
highest levels of diversity on Earth (Etter and Mullineaux, 2001, Snelgrove and Smith,
2002, Stuart et al., 2003, Danovaro et al., 2010 and Ramirez-Llodra et al., 2010), yet
remains one of the least studied and understood environments largely due to the
difficulties surrounding its exploration. Deep-sea bacteria play a significant role in the
recycling of organic matter and are thought to be responsible for approximately half of
the global net mineralisation of organic matter in marine ecosystems (Ogawa et al.,
2001 and Yokokawa and Nagata, 2010). The aphotic zone of the water column
(>500m depth) is in permanent darkness and thus contains an allochtonous ecosystem
which is mainly driven by the deposition of organic matter from the euphotic zone
(Steinberg et al., 2008). It is estimated that only 13% of surface primary production
reaches the abyssal benthos (Deuser, 1986). Marine bacteria may be divided into two
groups depending on their response to nutrient supply. The generalists, which are
metabolically flexible, can respond quickly to changes in the quantity and type of
nutrient input (Church, 2009). These may be indigenous to the deep-sea or surfacederived in that they settle to depths with sedimenting particulates (Fellows et al.,
1981, Fuhrman and Azam, 1983, Tamburini et al., 2006 and Grossart and Gust, 2009).
The specialists are more specific in their nutrient requirements and are slower to adapt
to changes in nutrient input (Crump et al., 2003 and Langenheder et al., 2005). These
specialists may include microorganisms that can grow preferentially at high pressures
and in an oligotrophic environment.
Hydrostatic pressure in the marine water column increases by approximately 0.1
MPa per 10 m depth, so that microorganisms which can function in the deep ocean
must do so at pressures considerably higher than that at the sea surface: for example, the
in-situ pressure acting on the microorganisms in the water sample used in this study
(recovered from a depth of 3100 m) was ca. 31 MPa. Pressure vessels, maintaining insitu pressures have been used to study the physiology, growth or activity of
microorganisms taken from the deep ocean (Yayanos et al., 1979, Tabor et al., 1981,
Jannasch and Wirsen, 1982, Jannasch and Wirsen, 1984,Kato et al., 1995, Kato et al.,
1998, Patching and Eardly, 1997 and Bianchi et al., 1999). In some reports it was
shown that growth rates (Jannasch and Wirsen, 1984) or enzyme activities (Tamburini
et al., 2006) of surface-derived microorganisms decreased with increasing pressure.
Others have argued that the deep-ocean autochthonous microorganisms are more active
(as measured by extracellular enzyme activity) under in-situ pressures than at
atmospheric pressure (Nagata et al., 2010).
A microorganism can be assigned to one of several groups depending on its
response to elevated pressure. Those which can grow at pressures encountered in the
deep-ocean may be defined as piezotolerant if they grow optimally at atmospheric
pressure or piezophilic (barophilic) if they require a high pressure for optimal growth
(Yayanos, 1998 and Fang et al., 2010). An organism which grows optimally at
atmospheric pressure but whose growth is inhibited by moderate pressure (less than that
encountered in the deep ocean) may be referred to as piezosensitive. Pressures in excess









of that required to inhibit growth do not normally cause gross disruption of prokaryotic
cell structure (Oger and Jebbar, 2010) so that sea-surface derived piezosensitive bacteria
in deep ocean samples may be able to grow if the sample is held at atmospheric
pressure. Surface-derived microorganisms can respond to increasing hydrostatic
pressure through changes in their community structure, cell shape and a decrease in
their abundance (Grossart and Gust, 2009).
Reports describing bacterial community structures in the deep-sea are generally
DNA/RNA based studies and avoid cultivation of bacteria (Fuhrman, 2009 and Brown
et al., 2009). Ocean depth, and to a lesser extent geographical location (Agogu et al.,
2011) are known to play an important part in determining the composition of bacterial
communities (Acinas et al., 1997, Murray et al., 1998, Riemann et al.,
1999 and Moeseneder et al., 2001). Others have suggested that the diminished supply of
nutrients is an important limiting factor controlling the functioning of deep-sea bacterial
communities (Turley et al., 1995). Nucleic acid based techniques can provide a
description of community composition which is comprehensive and relatively free from
bias. Their major limitation is a failure to provide sufficient information on the
physiology, metabolism, activity and (in the case of DNA based methods) viability of
community components or their role in ecosystem functioning. Attempts have been to
overcome these limitations by the use of techniques such as MAR-FISH (Alonso and
Pernthaler, 2006), but such techniques focus on the activity of specific community
components rather than providing a synoptic view.
Classical microbiology has used enrichment and plating-out to obtain isolates of
a specific physiological or nutritional type for further studies. Liquid cultures are used
where conditions are set to encourage clones of interest to out-compete other
community members. These fitter strains eventually form the bulk of the community
and plating out under selective conditions is then used to isolate the strains of interest.
Studies on these isolates have provided valuable information on their metabolism and
physiology, but the conditions necessary to achieve successful enrichment are so far
away from those found in the natural source of the initial inoculum that it is doubtful, in
many cases, that the isolates could perform a significant role in the environment from
which they were derived. For example, successful classical enrichment requires an
environment of nutrient excess, whereas unpolluted environments are typically nutrientlimited. In this study we have incubated samples of deep-ocean water (3170 m) from the
Rockall Trough area (North-East Atlantic) at in-situ temperature (4 C) and at
atmospheric and in-situ pressure (31 MPa), and in the absence and presence of added
nutrients and observed the Bacterial community structure before and after incubation by
means of a nucleic acid based technique (DGGE: Muyzer et al., 1993). Our hypothesis
is that components of the bacterial community which are most suited to the incubation
conditions (fitter components) will grow faster than other less fit members and will
therefore form a larger proportion of the post-incubation community. By comparing the
fitness of components under the different incubation conditions we can then attempt to
determine their origin and role in the deep-sea bacterial community.
Gabarito: 1-B, 2-B, 3-D, 4-C, 5-A, 6-C, 7-C, 8-A, 9-D, 10-A, 11-C

As questes abaixo se referem ao texto Scientists Try New Strategy To

Eradicate Dengue Fever
1. Assinale a alternativa correta, de acordo com o que afirmado no artigo.
a) O texto relata um programa de preveno de dengue posto em prtica no Reino
b) O Reino Unido patrocinou um programa para tratar pessoas infectadas pela dengue
no Vietn.
c) Austrlia e Reino Unido patrocinaram a erradicao da dengue no Vietn.
d) Austrlia e Reino Unido patrocinaram um programa de reduo dos riscos de
contaminao por dengue.

2. Em relao ao que dito no texto sobre a fundao australiana, qual das alternativas
a seguir correta?

Ela usou em sua pesquisa um tipo de crustceo que se alimenta do vrus da dengue.
Ela pesquisou os hbitos alimentares do mosquito transmissor da dengue.
Ela pesquisou uma maneira de eliminar a larva do mosquito transmissor da dengue.
Ela comparou o comportamento de determinados crustceos aos do mosquito
transmissor da dengue.

3. Sobre o programa do qual trata o artigo, assinale a alternativa correta.


O estudo contou com uma etapa de conscientizao da populao.

Os responsveis visitaram reas de reproduo para eliminar os vetores da dengue.
Os responsveis visitaram reas de reproduo para eliminar focos de gua parada.
O estudo concluiu que todos os focos de gua parada no Vietn serviram como reas
de reproduo para os vetores da dengue.

4. Segundo Kay, qual o motivo da importncia de se prevenir a dengue?


A quantidade de pessoas que vinham sendo infectadas por ano.

O fato dos tratamentos existentes serem inadequados.
A crescente quantidade de reas de reproduo do vetor no Vietn.
A rpida reproduo e disseminao do vetor da dengue.

5. Quanto aos mtodos atuais para controlar a dengue, o que correto afirmar, segundo
o artigo?

Recomenda-se o uso de inseticidas para eliminar o vetor da doena.

O uso de inseticidas sempre desaconselhvel.
Recomenda-se a interrupo do ciclo reprodutor dos mosquitos.
Ambos os mtodos mencionados so inadequados a longo prazo.

6. Sobre as concluses s quais chegou o Dr. Paul Epstein, pode-se dizer que:
a) ele alertou para o possvel aumento de casos de doenas como a clera por conta das
mudanas climticas.
b) ele registrou um aumento dos casos de dengue por conta do aquecimento global.
c) ele detectou, em 1998, que havia mais vtimas da doena por conta do aquecimento
d) ele citou o aquecimento global como nica causa da necessidade crescente de
preveno da doena.







A new programme, sponsored by the governments of the United Kingdom and
Australia, has been successful in reducing the risk of dengue fever in parts of Vietnam.
The Australian Foundation for the Peoples of Asia and the Pacific, an aid organisation,
recently completed a three-year programme using the mesocyclops crustacean, which is
about 1 mm long and devours the larvae of the mosquitos that carry dengue fever.
Researchers say that the results look promising. The programme appears to have
rid the northern Vietnamese province of Phan Boi of the larvae, and there was a 75%
success rate in other provinces.
The non-governmental Queensland Institute of Medical Research and the Vietnam
National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology were the organisations involved in
coordinating drops of the organism into mosquito breeding areas such as wells, water
tanks, and household water containers.
A community education and clean-up programme was also put in place to educate
residents about the importance of discarding unused buckets and other containers that
could hold stagnant water and which could become potential breeding grounds for
Professor Brian Kay, from the Queensland institutes malaria and arbovirus unit,
said that dengue is usually transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, and that more
than 170 000 Vietnamese were infected each year. He said that prevention of the disease
is important because existing treatments are inadequate.
Current procedures to control the disease usually include interrupting the breeding
cycles of the mosquitos as well as the use of insecticides. Both are inadequate in the
long term. There is no vaccine.
Global warming is also increasing the necessity for prevention, according to
World Wildlife Fund spokesman Dr Paul Epstein, from Harvard Medical School. He
warned in a November 1998 report on climate change, which was submitted to the
United Nations, that the warming of the earth will cause a rise in infectious diseases
including dengue, malaria, cholera, yellow fever, and encephalitis.
Dengue is present in tropical and subtropical areas, including south east Asia and
northern parts of South America, particularly Brazil. It has also been detected in north
Australia and Argentina.

Gabarito: 1- D, 2- C, 3- A, 4- B, 5- D, 6- A.

As questes abaixo se referem ao texto Antibiotic Resistance: Blame It On Lifesaving

Malaria Drug?
1. De acordo com o texto, o estudo
a) demonstra que o uso em excesso do antibitico que previne e trata a malria deixou
de surtir efeito.
b) investiga, de forma indita, a resistncia em indivduos que nunca haviam sido
expostos bactria E. Coli.
c) revela que cepas resistentes da bactria E. Coli foram encontradas nos tratos
digestivos de guianenses, contra a qual j haviam sido medicados.
d) relata a resistncia a antibiticos desenvolvida por pacientes previamente tratados
com a cloroquina, frmaco que combate a malria.

2. De acordo com Andrew Simor,


quinze anos atrs, a resistncia ciprofloxacina era um problema em hospitais.

apenas 30% dos pacientes tratados com a ciprofloxacina combateram a bactria.
h mais de uma dcada, a bactria E. Coli era sensvel ciprofloxacina.
h dez anos, a resistncia ciprofloxacina era comum em comunidades remotas.

3. Segundo Michael Silverman,

a) at o presente estudo, pensava-se que a resistncia a antibiticos ocorreria somente
devido ao uso recorrente do mesmo.
b) casos de E. Coli sensvel ciprofloxacina ocorreram com maior freqncia nas vilas
guianenses do que nos hospitais americanos.
c) a resistncia ciproflixacina foi relatada apenas em locais onde esse antibitico j
havia sido prescrito.
d) nos Estados Unidos, uma em cada duas pessoas desenvolve resistncia aos
antibiticos de escolha para E. Coli.


Leia as afirmaes abaixo:


Para que a preveno contra a malria seja eficaz, a cloroquina deve ser
ingerida diariamente pelos aldees.
II. Tanto a ciprofloxacina quanto a cloroquina foram sintetizadas a partir das
quinolonas, no incio da dcada de 60.
III. Para que se desenvolva a resistncia, necessrio que os dois antibiticos, a
ciprofloxacina e a cloroquina, sejam ingeridos nas mesmas quantidades.
Esto corretas:

I e II.
Apenas a II.
Apenas a III.

5. Este estudo:
a) demonstra que o problema cada vez maior de resistncia a antibiticos pode ser
aclarado pelas descobertas dos cientistas.
b) comprova que o uso mundial da ciprofloxacina mais preocupante do que o uso de
drogas administradas para combater a malria.
c) revela que os Centros de Controle e Preveno de Doenas calculam que cerca de
500 milhes de pessoas morrero, devido malria, nos pases perifricos.
d) indica que possvel que a ciprofloxacina seja responsvel pela tolerncia a
antibiticos nos pases perifricos.

6. A pesquisa conclui que:

a) os tratamentos voltados para doenas causadas por agentes patognicos diferentes
entre si devem ser desempenhados de forma independente.
b) meios alternativos de preveno ao mosquito transmissor da malria, como o uso de
redes protetoras com inseticida, sero necessrios.
c) desenvolvimento de uma vacina eficaz a nica soluo para o problema da
resistncia a antibiticos.
d) os tratamentos contra os diferentes agentes patognicos podero ser substitudos uns
pelos outros sem que haja o desenvolvimento de resistncia.

7. Qual dos trechos abaixo se trata do objetivo do estudo?

a) (...) During a three-year study, the researchers monitored the levels of antibioticresistant E. coli in patients at their clinics.
b) () This is the first study to show that resistance can emerge in individuals never
exposed to the antibiotic.
c) () to the increased use of chloroquinea drug widely prescribed to prevent and
control malaria after a large outbreak of the disease.
d) () They found that rates of resistance were over three times higher in February
2003 than they were just a year earlier.

8. A expresso in fact no trecho In fact, he says, ciprofloxacin-resistant E. Coli were

even more widespread in remote Guyanese villages than in U.S. intensive care units
"where every second person is on antibiotics, introduz a noo de



A palavra which (linha 16) se refere palavra



Disponvel em: Scientific American: July 21, 2008








A new study shows that overuse of a drug used to prevent and treat malaria may
be contributing to growing antibiotic resistance. Researchers report in the journal PLoS
ONE that Escherichia coli bacteria resistant to the antibiotic ciprofloxacin were detected
in the digestive tracts of villagers from remote rainforest communities in Guyana who
had been given the drug chloroquine to prevent and treat malaria, a potentially fatal
disease spread by mosquitoes. This is the first study to show that resistance can emerge
in individuals never exposed to the antibiotic, which is used throughout the world to
treat bacterial infections, including pneumonia, urinary tract infections and sexually
transmitted diseases.
"Ten to 15 years ago, resistance to ciprofloxacin was rare. [Now], outside of
remote populations, cipro resistance in hospitals and the community at large is
becoming a problem," says Andrew Simor, a senior scientist at the Sunnybrook Health
Sciences Center at the University of Toronto, who was not involved in the study. "E.
coli is one of the most common causes of infections in humans. A decade ago it was
nearly universally susceptible to ciprofloxacin." Today, he says, as many as 30 percent
of hospital patients tested have E. coli that failed to respond to ciprofloxacin, which is
the drug of choice for treating these bacteria.
Drug-resistant bacteria are known to arise from the overuse of antibiotics, which
is why researchers were surprised to discover that they can develop in areas that do not
have access to ciprofloxacin, says study co-author Michael Silverman, an infectious
disease specialist at Lakeridge Health Network in Ontario. In fact, he says,
ciprofloxacin-resistant E. coli were even more widespread in remote Guyanese villages
than in U.S. intensive care units "where every second person is on antibiotics."
During a three-year study, the researchers monitored the levels of antibioticresistant E. coli in patients at their clinics. They found that rates of resistance were over
three times higher in February 2003 than they were just a year earlier, Silverman says.
The jump corresponded to the increased use of chloroquinea drug widely prescribed
to prevent and control malaria after a large outbreak of the disease (which causes high
fevers, chills, nausea and headaches) in late 2002.
Chloroquine, taken daily by some villagers, is a close chemical cousin of
ciprofloxacin. In the early 1960s, the creation of the antibiotic class (quinolones), which
includes ciprofloxacin, was based on the by-products of chloroquine synthesis. In
laboratory experiments, the team confirmed that chloroquine concentrations similar to
those seen in the human intestinal tract prompted E. coli ciprofloxacin resistance.
These findings may have far-reaching implications for the escalating problem of
antibiotic resistance. The worldwide use of ciprofloxacin pales in comparison with the
use of drugs to counter malaria, which the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention estimates strikes 350 million to 500 million people (mostly in Africa, Asia,
and Central and South America) annually. "It is very possible that the antimalarial drugs
may be inducing a large amount of the antibiotic resistance that occurs in the tropics,"
Silverman says.


Traditionally, scientists have targeted viruses, bacteria and parasites in different

ways and assumed that the treatments had little to do with one another. But this finding
indicates that one may play off the other when it comes to encouraging resistance in
human pathogens. Silverman stressed that the study highlights the need to continue to
try to prevent malaria through the use of insecticide-treated bed nets, along with the
development of an effective vaccine.
Gabarito: 1- D, 2- C, 3- A, 4- C, 5- A, 6- B, 7- B, 8- A, 9- B.


Parte II - somente para candidatos ao doutorado das unidades que exigem produo
Esta parte consiste de atividades sobre os textos lidos pelos candidatos na parte I
(compreenso de leitura).
Provas que exigem Parte I (compreenso da leitura) e parte II (questo dissertativa) para
os candidatos ao doutorado.
Seguem alguns modelos adotados:


A Parte I possui peso 2 e a Parte II possui peso 1.

A Nota Final ser a mdia ponderada das duas provas (Parte I

e Parte II):
NF = (Parte I x 2) + (Parte II x 1)
According to the text An investigation of the physiology and potential role of
components of the deep ocean bacterial community (), discuss the role of
bacteria in the marine ecosystems. Your text must contain between 60 and
80 words.



OBJECTIVES: This study __________ (1) a nurse-managed smoking cessation
program for smokers hospitalized for a variety of conditions. METHODS: Hospitalized
patients who smoked __________ (2) to hospitalization and who were motivated to quit
(n = 660) were randomized to intervention or usual-care groups and followed for the
next year. The intervention included a meeting with the nurse-case manager; the use of
a videotape, workbook, relaxation audiotape, and nicotine replacement therapy; and
nurse-initiated phone contacts after discharge. RESULTS: The 12-month confirmed
cessation rates were 21% and 31% for, respectively, the usual-care and intervention
groups (odds ratio = 1.7; 95% confidence interval = 1.1, 2.3). CONCLUSIONS: A
nurse-managed smoking cessation intervention __________ (3) significantly increase
cessation rates for hospitalized patients.
American Journal of Public Health, 1996 -

A. Escolha, a cada questo, a palavra mais adequada para completar as lacunas do texto.

1. __________ (linha 01)

a) evaluated
b) is evaluated
c) evaluating
d) has evaluate

3. __________ (linha 10)

a) has to
b) has not
c) must not
d) can

2. __________ (linha 03)

a) due
b) prior
c) after
d) as

B. Traduza o trecho abaixo, retirado do Abstract.

The intervention included a meeting with the nurse-case manager; the use of a
videotape, workbook, relaxation audiotape, and nicotine replacement therapy; and
nurse-initiated phone contacts after discharge (linhas 05 a 07).


Disponvel em:


The rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) is an abundant primate species that diverged
from the ancestors of Homo sapiens about 25 million years ago. Because they are
genetically and physiologically similar to humans, rhesus monkeys are the most widely
used nonhuman primate in basic and applied biomedical research. We determined the
genome sequence of an Indian-origin Macaca mulatta female and compared the data
with chimpanzees and humans to reveal the structure of ancestral primate genomes and
to identify evidence for positive selection and lineage-specific expansions and
contractions of gene families. A comparison of sequences from individual animals was
used to investigate their underlying genetic diversity. The complete description of the
macaque genome blueprint enhances the utility of this animal model for biomedical
research and improves our understanding of the basic biology of the species.

A. Descreva EM PORTUGUS a metodologia empregada no estudo.

B. Traduza a frase abaixo, retirada do abstract:
The complete description of the macaque genome blueprint enhances the utility of this
animal model for biomedical research and improves our understanding of the basic
biology of the species. (linhas 09 a 11)
C. A que se referem as palavras they (linha. 2) e their (linha 9)?

They _________________________________________
Their _________________________________________

D. Resuma EM UMA FRASE EM INGLS a definio da microbiologia segundo

o Texto II da Parte I. (2,0)

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