(Ementa) PPGAS MN UFRJ. Antropologia Cognitiva - Antropologia Do Sonho

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Curso MNA – 872 – Antropologia Cognitiva - Antropologia do Sonho

Professor: Dra. Gemma Orobitg Canal, Universitat de Barcelona e Dr. Pedro Pitarch Ramon,
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
No. de Créditos : 03 (três), (45 horas-aulas), 15 sessões
Período: 1º. Semestre de 2015
Horário: 4as. feiras, 9:00 às 12:00 horas
Local: Sala Roberto Cardoso

O objetivo do curso é analisar o papel central que tem desempenhado a questão do sonho no
desenvolvimento da teoria antropológica e refletir, desde essa perspectiva, alguns dos debates e conceitos
centrais da antropologia. O trabalho vai consistir na análise comparativa, a partir duma seleção
bibliografica, de autores, temas clássicos e grandes questões da antropologia contemporânea que lidam
com o sonho.
O curso está organizado em duas partes:

1. O sonho na teoria antropológica: enfoca a influência da teoria psicanalítica em

diferentes escolas da antropologia: o funcionalismo, o estruturalismo, da cultura e
personalidade, teorias da comunicação.
2. Áreas e temáticas: dedicado ao estudos de caso com foco em diferentes áreas culturais
e diferentes temas.

(*) Todas as leituras estão disponíveis em formato pdf. na biblioteca do PPGAS, no arquivo de curso

1ª Sessão: 4 de março de 2015
TEDLOCK, Barbara (1992) [1987] “Preface” and “Dreaming and Dream Research” In Tedlock, Barbara
ed. Dreaming. Anthropological and Psychlogical Interpretations. Santa Fe, New Mexico. School of
American Research (Advanced Seminar Series): ix-xiv and 1-30.
GALINIER, Jacques (et alt.) (2010) “Anthropology of the Night: Cross-disciplinary investigations”.
Current Anthropology, 51(6): 819-847.

Bibliografia complementar
BASTIDE, Roger (2003) [1972] Le rève, la transe et la folie. Paris. Éditions du Seuil [Tradução: El
sueño, el trance y la locura. Buenos Aires. Amorrortu Editores, 2001]
BASTIDE, Roger (2006) [1997] “Sociologia do Sonho”, O Sagrado Selvagem e outros ensaios. São
Paulo. Companhia das Letras:. 27-44.
CHARUTY, Giordana (1996) “Destins anthropologiques du rève”, Terrain, 26: 5-18.
GALINIER, Jacques (2011) Une nuit d’épouvante. Les Indiens Otomi dans l’obscurité. Nanterre. Société
HEIJNEN, Adriënne & EDGAR, Iain (2010) “Imprints of Dreaming”, History and Anthropology, 21(3):
SHULMAN, David & STROUMSA, Guy G. ed. (1999) Dream Cultures. Explorations in the
Comparative History of Dreaming. New York, Oxford. Oxford University Press
STEWARD, Charles (2004) “Introduction: Dreaming as an Object of Anthropological Analysis”.
Dreaming, 14(2): 75-82.
TEDLOCK, Barbara ed. (1992) [1987] Dreaming. Anthropological and Psychological Interpretations.
Santa Fe, New Mexico. School of American Research Press.


2ª Sessão: 11 de março de 2015
O sonho nos origens da sociologia
LÉVY-BRUHL, Lucien (1960) [1922] “Les Reves” In La mentalité primitive. Paris. PUF (Bibliothèque
de Philosophie Contemporaine): 94-123. [ Traduçao: Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien (1923) “Dreams” In Primtive
Mentality. London, New York. George Allen & Unwin LTD; The MacMillan Company: 97-121]
EVANS-PRITCHARD, E.E ( 1965) “Teorias psicológicas” and “Levi-Bruhl” In Theories of Primitive
Religion. Oxford University Press [Tradução: Antropologia Social da Religião. Rio de Janeiro. Editora
Campus, 1978]

Bibliografia complementar
DURKHEIM, Émile (1991) [1912] Les formes élémentaires de la vie réligieuse. Paris. Livre de Poche.
[Tradução: As formas elementares da vida religiosa. São Paulo. Martins Fontes, 2000]
TYLOR, Edward Burnett [1871] [2010] Primitive Culture. Cambridge Library Collection.

3ª Sessão: 18 de março de 2015

Freud e a antropologia britânica

MALINOWSKI, Bronislaw (1937) [1927] “Preface” and “Part II. The Mirror of tradition” In Sex and
Repression in Savage Society. London. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co.: vii-xii and 83-103.
LINCOLN, James Steward (1970) [1935] “Structure, Theory and Function of Dreams in Primitive
Cultures”, The Dream in Primitive Culture. New York, London. Johnson Reprint Corporation: 22-43.
FIRTH, Raymond (2001) “Tikopia Dreams: Persona Images of Social Reality”. The Journal of the
Polynesian Society, Vol 10(1): 7-30.

Bibliografia complementar
EVANS-PRITCHARD, E.E. (1976) “Apendix II. Witchcarft and Dreams” In Witchcraft, Oracles and
Magic among the Azande. Oxford. Clarendon Press: 230-235.
FIRTH, Raymond (1934) “The Meaning of Dreams in Tikopia” In Evans-Pritchard, EE; Firth, Raymond;
Malinowski, Bronislaw and Shapera, Isaac (ed.) Essays Presented to C.G. Seligman. London. Kegan
Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co. : 63-74.
MALINOWSKI, Bronislaw (1929) “XII. Erotic Dreams and Fantasies” In The Sexual Life of Savages of
North-Western Melanesia. New York. Readers League of America: 384-429.
PULMAN, Bertrand (1986) “Aux origines deu débat ethnologie/psychanalyse: W.H.R Rivers” L’Homme,
28, nº 100: 119-142.
PULMAN, Bertand (1989) “Aux origines du débat anthropologie et psychanalyse: Seligman (1873-
1940)”. Gradhiva, 6: 35-49.
RIVERS, W.H.R (1923) Conflict and Dream. London. Paul Kegan, Trench, Trubner & Co.
SELIGMAN, C. G. (1924) “Anthropology and Psychology: Presidential Address”, Journal of the Royal
Anthropological Institute, 54: 13-46.

4ª Sessão: 25 de março de 2015

Psicanálise e Antropologia
ROHEIM, Géza (1973) [1950] “Introducción”, Psicoanálisis y Antropología. Cultural, personalidade y el
inconsciente. Buenos Aires. Editora Sudamericana: 11-63.
ROHEIM, Géza (1945) “XI. Eternal Ones of Dream” and “Summary and Conclusion”, Eternal Ones of
the Dream. A psychoanalytic interpretation of Australian myth ans ritual. New York. International
Universities Press: 210-223 and 245-250.
DEVEREUX, George (1957) “Dream Learning and Individual Ritual Differences in Mohave
 American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol. 59, No. 6 (Dec., 1957): 1036-1045
CRAPANZANO, Vincent (1992) “Centering”, Hermes’ Dilemma and Hamlet’s Desire: On Epistemology
of Interpretation. Harvard University Press: 27-43

Bibliografia complementar
CRAPANZANO, Vincent (1992) “Saints, Jnun, and Dreams”, Hermes’ Dilemma and Hamlet’s Desire:
On Epistemology of Interpretation. Harvard University Press: 239-259.
CORIN, Ellen (2010) “Le heurt des langues. Psychanalyse et anthropologie en dialogue”, Anthropologie

et Société, 34(3):9-22.
DEVEREUX, George (1951) Psychothérapie d’un indien des plaines: réalités et rêve. Paris: Fayard.
[Reality and Dream: Psychotherapy os a Plains Indian. New York. International University Press, 1951]
DEVEREUX, George (1978) Ethnopsychanaysis. Psychanalysis and Anthropology as Complementary
Frames of References. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London. University of Califormia Press.
NATHAN, Tobie & DEVEREUX, George (1981) “Vivre et rêver (propos sur le rêve)”,
Ethnopsychiatrica, 3: 5-13

5ª Sessão: 1 de abril de 2015

Cultura e Personalidade
D’ANDRADE, Roy (1961) “Anthropological Studies of Dreams” In Hsu, Fancis L.K. Psychological
Anthropology. Approaches to Culture and Personality. Hommewood, Illinois. The Dorsey Press: 296-
 , Dorothy (1952) “The Manifest Content of Dreams: A Challenge to Social Science” 

American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol. 54, No. 4 (Oct. - Dec., 1952): 469-485
 (1954) “ D ream s and D ream Interpretation in H aiti
Anthropologist, New Series, Vol. 56(2): 262-268

Bibliografia complementar
 , Dorothy (1949) ”The Significance of Dreams for Anthropological Research”American
Anthropologist, New Series, Vol. 51, No. 2: 177-198
EGGAN, Dorothy (1955) “The Personal Use of Myth in Dreams
”The Journal of American Folklore,
68 (270), Myth: A Symposium: 445-453
EGGAN, Dorothy (1967) “Les rêves chez les Hopi” In Caillois, Roger & Grunebaum, G. E. Von ed. Le
rêve et les sociétés humaines. Paris. Gallimard (Bibliothèque des Sciences Humaines): 213-256
GIFFORD, Eduard Winslow (1926) “Yuma Dreams and Omens”
 The Journal of American Folklore, 39
(151) (Jan. - Mar., 1926): 58-69
HALLOWELL, Irving A. (1967) “Le rôle des rêves dans la cultura Ojibwa” In In Caillois, Roger &
Grunebaum, G. E. Von ed. Le rêve et les sociétés humaines. Paris. Gallimard (Bibliothèque des Sciences
Humaines): 257-281
RADIN, Paul (1914) “Some aspects of Puberty Fasting among the Ojibwa”. Museum Bulletin, 2
(Anthropological Series, 2). Canada Department of Mines.
WALLACE, W.J. (1947) “The Dream in Mohave Life”, Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 6, nº 237:

6ª Sessão: 8 de abril de 2015

Estrutura dos sonhos e dos mitos

LÉVI-STRAUSS, Claude (1986) “’Totem e Tabú’ versión Jivara” In La Alfarera Celosa. Barcelona.
Paidós: 167-182.
DESCOLA, Philippe (1989) “Head-Shrinkers Versus Shrinks: Jivaroan Dream Analysis
”Man, New
Series, Vol. 24, No. 3 (Sep., 1989): 439-450
KRACKE, Waud H. (1992) [1987] “Myths in dreams, thought in images: an Amazonian contribution to
the psychoanalitic theory of primary process” Tedlock, Barbara ed. Dreaming. Anthropological and
Psychological Interpretations. Santa Fe, New Mexico. School of American Research Press: 31-54.

Bibliografia complementar
KUPER, Adam (1979)“A Structural Approach to Dreams”
 M an,N ew Series,14(4): 645 -662
KUPER, Adam (2001) “El simbolismo en los mitos y en los sueños” In Ortodoxia y tabu: apuntes
críticos sobre la teoria antropológica. Bellaterra. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Autónoma
de Barcelona (Publicacions d’antropologia cultural): 39-54.
PERRIN, Michel ed. (1990) Antropologia y experiencias del sueño. Quito. Abya Yala.
PERRIN, Michel (1992) Les praticiens du rève. Un exemple de chamanisme. Paris. PUF.

7ª Sessão: 28 de abril de 2015

Sonho, subjetividade pessoal e comunicação
TEDLOCK, Barbara (1992) [1987] “Zuñi and Quiché Dream Sharing” In Tedlock, Barbara ed.
Dreaming. Anthropological and Psychological Intrepretations. Santa Fe, New Mexico. School for
American Research: 105-131.
HERDT, Gilbert (1992) [1987] “Selfhood and discourse in Sambia” In Tedlock, Barbara ed. Dreaming.
Anthropological and Psychological Intrepretations. Santa Fe, New Mexico. School for American
Research: 55-85.
GRAHAM, Laura (1994) “Dialogic Dreams: Creative Selves Coming into Life in the Flow of Time”
American Ethnologist 21(4): 723-745.

Bibliografia complementar

EWING, Katherine P. (1990) “The Dream of Spiritual Iniciation and the Organization of Self
Representations among Pakistani Sufis”. American Ethnologist, 17(1): 56-74.
EWING, Katherine P. (1994) “Dreams from a Saint: Anthropological Atheism and the Temptation to
Believe” American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol. 96, No. 3 (Sep., 1994):571-583.
GRAHAM, Laura (1995) Performing Dreams. Discourses of Immortality among the Xavante of Central
Brazil. Austin. University of Texas Press.
REYNOLDS, P. (1992) “Dreams and the Constitution on Self among the Zehuru” In Jedrj, M.C. & Shaw,
R. ed. Dreaming, Religion and Society in Africa. Leiden. E.J. Brill: 21-36.
STEWARD, Charles (1997) “Fields in Dreams: Anxiety, Experience, and the Limits of Social

Constructionism in Modern Greek Narratives”. American Ethnologist, 24(4): 877-894.
TEDLOCK, Barbara (1991) “The New Anthropology of Dreaming”, Dreaming, 1(2): 161-177.


8ª Sessão: 15 de abril de 2015

PANDYA, Vishvajit (2004) “Forest smells and spider webs: Rtualized dream interpretation among
Andaman Islanders”. Dreaming. 14: 136-150.
TUZIN, Donald (1975) “The Breath of a Ghost: Dreams and the Fear of the Dead”, Ethos, 3(4): 555-578
WOLFE, Patrick (1991) “On Being Woken Up: The Dreamtime in Anthropology and in Ausralian Settler
Culture”, Comparative Studies in Society ans History, 33(2): 197-224.

9ª Sessão: 6 de maio de 2015

América do Norte
HALLOWELL, Irving A. (1967) “Le rôle des rêves dans la cultura Ojibwa” In In Caillois, Roger &
Grunebaum, G. E. Von ed. Le rêve et les sociétés humaines. Paris. Gallimard (Bibliothèque des Sciences
Humaines): 257-281
VAIZELLES, Danielle (1990) “Sueños y visiones de los Sioux Lakotas” In Perrin, Michel ed.
Antropología y experiencias del sueño. Quito. Abya Yala: 49-66.
TEDLOCK, Denis (1999) “Mythic Dreams and Double Voicing” In Shulman, David & Stroumsa, Guy G.
ed. Dream Cultures. Explorations in the Comparative History of Dreaming. New York, Oxford. Oxford
University Press: 104-118.

10ª Sessão: 13 de maio de 2015

FOSTER, George M. (1973) “Dream, Character, and Cognitive Orientation in Tzintunztzan” Ethos, 1(1):
GALINIER, Jacques (1990) “La persona y el mundo de los sueños de los Otomies” In Perrin, Michel ed.
Antropología y Experiencias del Sueño. Quito. Abya Yala: 67-78.
GROARK, Kevin P. (2009) “Discourses of the Soul: The negociation of personal agency in Tzotzil Maya
dream narratives” American Ethnologist, 36(4): 705-721.

11ª Sessão: 20 de maio de 2015

América do Sul
MANNHEIM, Bruce (1992) [1981] “A semiotic of Andean dreams” In Tedlock, Barbara ed. Dreaming.
Anthropological and Psychological Interpretations. Santa Fe, New Mexico. School of American
Research Press: 132-153
BASSO, Ellen B. (1992) [1987] “The implications of a progressive theory of dreaming” In Tedlock,
Barbara ed. Dreaming. Anthropological and Psychological Interpretations. Santa Fe, New Mexico.
School of American Research Press: 86-104.
GREGOR, Thomas (1981) “’Far, Far Away My Shadow Wandered...’: The Dream Symbolism and
Dream Theories of the Mehinaku Indians of Brazil
”American Ethnologist, 8(4): 709-720.

12ª Sessão: 27 de maio de 2015

Os Pumé e os seus sonhos.
OROBITG, Gemma (2002) “Soñar para vivir. Memoria, olvido y experiencia entre los Pumé (Venezuela)” In
Piqué, Raquel & Ventura, Montserrat (ed.) América Latina. Historia y Sociedad. Barcelona, Institut Català
de Cooperació Iberoamericana: 397-410.
TEDLOCK, Barbara (2007) “Bicultural Dreaming as an Intersubjective Communication Process”,
Dreaming 17(2): 57-72.
OROBITG, Gemma (1998) Les Pumé et leurs rêves. Étude d’un groupe indien des Plaines du Venezuela.
Paris, Amsterdam. Éditions des Archives Contemporains.

13ª Sessão: 3 de junho de 2015

Politicas do sonho
EDGAR, Iain R. (2004) “The Dream Will Tell: Militant Muslim Dreaming in the Context of Traditional
and Contemporary Islamic Dream Theory and Practice”, Dreaming, 14 (1): 21-29.
HOMIAK, John (1992) [1987] “The mystic revelation of Rasta Far-Eye: visionar communication in a
prophetic movement” In Tedlock, Barbara ed. Dreaming. Anthropological and Psychological
Interpretations. Santa Fe, New Mexico. School of American Research Press: 220-245.
EVES, Richard (2011) Pentecostal Dreaming and Technologies of Governentality in a Melanesian
society” American Ethnologist, 38 (4): 758-773.

14ª Sessão: 10 de junho de 2015

Mundos sonhados
PITARCH, Pedro (2012) “La ciudad de los espíritus europeos. Notas sobre la modernidade de los mundos
virtuales indígenas”In Pitarch, Pedro & Orobitg, Gemma (ed.) Modernidades Indígenas. Madrid/Frankfurt.
Iberoamericana Vertvuert (Tiempo Emulado. Historia de América y España, 21): 61-88.

15ª Sessão: 17 de junho de 2015

Conclusões do curso


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