TCC - Cultivo de Berinjela
TCC - Cultivo de Berinjela
TCC - Cultivo de Berinjela
Aquidauana – MS
Abril de 2010
Aquidauana – MS
Abril de 2010
“Os problemas significativos que enfrentamos não podem ser resolvidos no
mesmo nível de pensamento em que estávamos quando os criamos”.
Albert Einstein
RESUMO........................................................................................................... VI
1 – INTRODUÇÃO ............................................................................................ 1
5 – CONCLUSÕES ......................................................................................... 18
Seeking to expand the supply of quality vegetables in the State of Mato Grosso
do Sul it was realized an experiment at State University of Mato Grosso do Sul,
Aquidauana Unit, with eggplant seedlings formation and fruits production,
cultivar Comprida Roxa, from October 2008 to March 2009. The seedlings were
produced in three protected environments: A1- greenhouse covered with light
diffuser polyethylene film of 150 microns; A2- nursery with monofilament screen
(Sombrite®), mesh to 50% of shading, and A3- nursery with reflector thermal
aluminum screen (Aluminet®), mesh to 50% of shading. The seedling were
grown in polystyrene trays with 72 cells filled with substrates: S1- 86% of
Plantmax® + 14% of organic compound (C.O); S2- 86% of soil + 14% of
organic compound and S3- 86% of coconut fiber + 14% of organic compound,
and then were transplanted for field to averaged your productivity. The
experiment was carried out in a completely randomized, split-plot scheme, with
15 replications for seedlings and completely randomized for field, with 10
replications. There is interaction between environment and substrate in the
formation of eggplant seedlings. The combination of Aluminet and Plantmax +
organic compound promotes best seedlings and higher productivity in the field.
* pH M.O. K Ca Mg H + Al SB CTC V
_______________________ -3________________________
% cmolc dm %
AQ1 5,4 1,4 0,4 0,9 0,8 3,3 2,1 5,4 38,9
AQ2 6,1 3,3 0,5 5,4 2,3 3,3 8,2 11,5 71,3
* Laboratório de Análises do Solo da Agência Estadual de Defesa Sanitária Animal e Vegetal de
Tabela 2.Temperatura (°C) e Umidade relativa média (%) do ar nos horários das
09h 00 min, 12h 00 min e 15h 00 min para cada ambiente (A) de
cultivo na fase de formação de mudas. Temperatura média do ar (TC),
umidade relativa média do ar (URC) e precipitação acumulada (PAC)
durante a fase de campo (C).
TAIZ, L.; ZEIGER, E. Fisiologia vegetal. 3.ed. Porto Alegre-RS: ARTMED, 719
p., 2004.