Inglês - CBMERJ - Introdução À Estrutura Da Língua Inglesa

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feitas majoritariamente com a presença do Verbo no início da frase, de

Todas os exercícios da apostila que tiverem essa câmera , estão
acordo com a seguinte estrutura:
gravados em vídeo para você. Nossos professores resolveram as
questões, comentando cada detalhe para te ajudar na hora de estudar.
(Verb To Be + Subject + Complement + ?) (Verb To Be)
Muitas questões trazem dicas preciosas. Não deixe de assistir aos
vídeos dentro da plataforma on-line do Perspectiva e bons estudos!
(Auxiliary Verb + Subject + Main Verb + Complement + ?) (Simple Present)

Introdução à Estrutura da Língua Inglesa Agora, veja uns exemplos e perceba como isso irá aparecer:

Ao contrário do que costumamos pensar, a estrutura da frase em inglês Are we friends? (Verb To Be)
não apresenta muitas diferenças da estrutura em português. Abaixo (Nós somos amigos?)
veremos exemplos da estrutura em frases afirmativas, negativas,
interrogativas e negativas interrogativas. Does Michael call you? (Simple Present)
(O Michael liga para você?)
Nesta explicação, usaremos os tempos do Verb To Be e Simple Present
para criar nossas estruturas. Negativa Interrogativa

Afirmativa Há uma outra estrutura, que é feita com uma junção da Negative com a
Interrogative, e serve para reafirmar ou questionar algo. A estrutura seria
Subject + Main Verb + Complement algo como:
(Sujeito + Verbo Principal + Complemento)
(Verb To Be contraído com NOT “N’T” + Subject + Complement + ?) (Verb
Veja os dois exemplos a seguir, e como cada tempo surge na Affirmative: To Be)

Michael is a famous doctor. (Verb To Be) * (Auxiliary Verb contraído com NOT “N’T” + Subject + Complement + ?)
(Sujeito) (Verb To Be) (Complemento) (Simple Present)
(Michael é um médico famoso)
Veja os exemplos:
Jonathan plays football at night. (Simple Present)*
(Sujeito) (Verbo) (Complemento) Isn’t she your sister? (Verb To Be)
(Jonathan joga futebol à noite) (Ela não é a sua irmã?) (No sentido de reafirmar)

*De acordo com a concordância com a 3a pessoa do Singular Don’t you like Açaí? (Simple Present)
(HE/SHE/IT), o verbo sofrerá uma alteração de acordo com a terminação, (Você não gosta de Açaí?) (No sentido de reafirmar)
nesse caso, recebendo um “s” no final.
*No To Be precisamos seguir a concordância de acordo com a pessoa: I Tag Questions
Temos também uma estrutura que é usada de forma bem parecida com
Negativa a Negativa Interrogativa, mas com a presença de duas orações. Nesse
caso, primeiro você afirma ou nega, e depois faz a conjugação oposta
Na Negative, teremos alguns tipos diferentes de estruturas, vamos para confirmar aquela afirmação que você tinha feito na oração anterior.
continuar com o To Be e Simple Present, nesse caso, eles terão uma Ex:
pequena alteração entre as estruturas. She likes comic books, doesn’t she?
(Ela gosta de quadrinhos, não gosta/né?)
Subject + Verb To Be + NOT + Complement (Verb To Be)
You aren’t a teacher, are you?
Subject + Auxiliary Verb + NOT + Main Verb + Complement (Simple (Você não é um professor, é/né?)
(Sujeito + Verbo Auxiliar + NOT + Verbo Principal + Complemento) Contrações

Veja os dois exemplos a seguir na Negative: No Inglês, temos a possibilidade de fazer contrações dos pronomes com
o Verbo, ou do Verbo com a partícula negativa.
The police officer is not on duty. (Verb To Be na Negative)
(O policial não está de serviço) Veja alguns exemplos de contrações no Inglês com o To Be.

My parents do not live here anymore. (Simple Present na Negative)* He is a sailor.

(Meus pais não moram mais aqui) He’s a sailor.

They are not friends.

*De acordo com a concordância com a 3a pessoa do Singular They aren’t friends.
(HE/SHE/IT), o auxiliar terá que ser feito com DOES no lugar de DO. They’re not friends.
Maria does not like orange juice.
(Maria não gosta de suco de laranja) She is not my sister.
She isn’t my sister.
Interrogativa She’s not my sister.

Na Interrogative, teremos uma alteração bem diferente no que diz Já no Simple Present, a contração existirá na negativa entre o auxiliar
respeito às semelhanças entre o Português. As perguntas do Inglês são DO/DOES e a partícula NOT.


She doesn’t watch movies. 9. They ________ thirty years old.

(Ela não assiste filmes) a) not are
b) is not
I don’t eat spicy food. c) is
(Eu não como comida apimentada) d) are not
e) doesn’t
10. We ________ in an English class.
Choose the best option to complete the sentences below: a) are
b) not are
1. We ______ students.
c) is not
a) not
d) There is
b) are they
e) not
c) are
d) nada (em branco)
11. Choose the option with the correct interrogative of the sentence
e) he
“She had traveled to China”
2. I ______ a student.
a) She has traveled to China?
a) you
b) Has she traveled to China?
b) am
c) Had she traveled to China?
c) not
d) Did she travel to China?
d) isn’t
e) are
12. Choose the option with the correct negative of the sentence below
“We are watching a movie at the moment”
3. “_____ you from Barcelona?”
a) We not are watching a movie at the moment
“No, I’m not.”
b) We are no watching a movie at the moment
a) Isn’t
c) We’re not watching a movie at the moment
b) Are
d) We isn’t watching a movie at the moment
c) Do
d) Where
13. Complete the blank in the dialogue
e) There
John - Is there anything I can do to help?
Mary – Yes,______
4. Choose the best answer:
a) there are
How is your overall evaluation of the product?
b) is there
a) I’m very happy with my new phone so far
c) there is
b) I work as a photographer so I take a lot of pictures
d) are there
c) I’m feeling fine after I started going to the gym.
e) they are
d) I’ll travel next week
e) Are you a salesperson? 14. “How old is your aunt?”
“______ is 29.”
5. Julia ____________ watch horror movies. a) She’s
a) is not b) He
b) does not c) She
c) be d) He’s
d) to be e) Her
e) am
15. Complete the following text with the correct form of the verb:
6. She __________ action games. (love) London __________ an important city, but it__________ different from old
a) love London. There__________ many big buildings and There __________ lots of
b) is small boats on the river nowadays.
c) are not a) is, is, are, are
d) loves b) was, is, are, are
e) loves not c) am, are, be, be
d) is, is, are is
7. An umbrella __________ a very ordinary object. e) are, is, is, are
a) there are
b) are 16. The correct affirmative is:
c) is a) Michael and Lucas play cards every Friday night.
d) not b) The test won’t happen until next month.
e) are they c) Are they really specialists?
d) Have they arrived?
8. They ________ tired. They can run for miles! e) He isn’t well.
a) do
b) are not 17. What is the correct negative?
c) are a) Aren’t they your colleagues?
d) does b) He doesn’t eat vegetables.
e) don’t c) Lucas lives in Brazil.
d) He is my father.
e) Is she your mother?


18. The correct interrogative is: 27. What does the word unhurt mean?
a) He loves chocolate. a) hurt badly
b) Isn’t she your daughter? b) hurt
c) Michael isn’t nice. c) not hurt
d) Do you like Sitcoms? d) hurting
e) I hate mondays. e) dead

19. The correct negative interrogative is: 28. What do you do if you reread a book?
a) Where are you? a) don't read it
b) They are siblings. b) read it again
c) He doesn’t watch that TV Show. c) read it for the first time
d) She isn’t your daughter, is she? d) read it every month
e) Isn’t this the place? e) stop reading it

20. Which of these words is not a False Cognate? 29. Mexicans can thank the peso crash for one thing: IT has forced them
a) apologize to confront the country's deep-seated political problems. Disappointed
b) realize with the ruling party, the PRI, they are demanding a truly First World
c) push government. – In the above text, IT refers to:
d) intelligent a) Mexicans.
e) resume b) peso crash.
c) PRI.
21. They suffered serious injuries. What is the object in the sentence? d) Mexico.
a) suffered e) political problems.
b) injuries
c) they 30. The rise of molecular biology since the late 1950s has had the gradual
d) serious and quite unforeseen effect of turning the eyes of medical scientists
e) serious injuries increasingly toward the basic mechanisms of life, rather than disease and
death. Of course, this has always been the orientation of all nonmedical
22. Who is the subject in the following sentence: Michael and Julia went biologists, studying growth, reproduction, nutrition or any of the other
to the Movies. characteristics shared by all living things. – A palavra "this" refere-se a:
a) Michael a) research in molecular biology.
b) Movies b) gradual and unforeseen effect.
c) Julia c) medical scientists.
d) went d) study of basic mechanisms of life.
e) Michael and Julia e) study of disease and death.

23. Choose the correct alternative: Read the text below and answer the following questions.
a) The hunter shot don’t himself with his own gun.
b) She wants to buy a new coat. Arson
c) Most girls likes to gossip. Arson often presents complex and difficult circumstances to investigate.
d) I doesn’t like football. Normally, these incidents are committed at the convenience of a
e) Loves she a boy. perpetrator who has thoroughly planned the criminal act and has left the
crime scene long before any official investigation is launched.
24. Stars do it. Sports do it. Judges in the highest courts do it. Furthermore, proving commission of the offense is more difficult because
Let's do it: that yoga thing. of the extensive destruction that frequently dominates the crime scene.
– Observe que o "it" se repete. A que se refere? The contribution of the criminalist is only one aspect of a comprehensive
a) Stars. and difficult investigative process that must establish a motive, the
b) Yoga. modus operandi, and a suspect.
c) Judges. The criminalist’s function is limited; usually he or she is expected only to
d) Sports detect and identify relevant chemical materials collected at the scene and
e) Courts to reconstruct and identify igniters. Although a chemist can identify trace
amounts of gasoline or kerosene in debris, no scientific test can
25. In “They pretended to be dead”, TO PRETEND means: determine whether an arsonist has used a pile of rubbish or paper to start
a) entender a fire. Furthermore, a fire can have many accidental causes, including
b) pretender faulty wiring, overheated electric motors, improperly cleaned and
c) fingir regulated heating systems, and cigarette smoking—which usually leave
d) tender no chemical traces. Thus, the final determination of the cause of a fire
e) fazer must consider numerous factors and requires an extensive on-site
investigation. The ultimate determination must be made by an
26. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta uma palavra em que o sufixo -er investigator whose training and knowledge have been augmented by the
desempenha a mesma função que exerce na formação da palavra practical experiences of fire investigation.
a) stronger 31. According to the text, what’s the best definition for “Arson”?
b) danger a) a chemical process
c) power b) a bank robbery
d) designer c) a criminal fire
e) laser d) an accidental fire
e) a kind of investigation


32. Which, according to the text, are examples of accidental causes of a example the logical thing would be to teach the verb “to be” prior to
fire? teaching the present continuous which requires using the auxiliary form
a) Arson, cigarettes, improperly cleaned heating systems. of the verb “to be”.
b) Cigarettes, overheated electric motors, faulty wiring.
c) Chemical traces, poor investigation, a pile of rubbish 5 – Suggestopedia
d) Paper, debris, gasoline
This is a behaviourist theory and related to pseudoscience. This theory is
e) Cigarette smoking, overheated electric motors, modus operandi.
intended to offer learners various choices. It relies a lot on the
atmosphere and the physical surroundings of the class. It’s essential that
33. What best describes a criminalist’s contribution in an investigation?
all learners feel equally comfortable and confident. When teachers are
a) A criminalist is responsible for setting a place on fire.
training to use the Suggestopedia method, there’s a lot of art and music
b) A criminalist does the same as a police officer.
involved. Each Suggestopedia lesson is divided into three different
c) A criminalist usually tends to faulty wiring and heating systems.
phases – 1. Deciphering 2. Concert Session 3. Elaboration.
d) A criminalist is expected to detect and identify relevant chemical
materials collect at the scene.
6 – Total Physical Response
e) A criminalist tests what an arsonist used to start the fire.
Total Physical Response, otherwise known as TPR is an approach that
34. “Fire”, according to the text, best translates, in Portuguese, to: follows the idea of ‘learning by doing’. Beginners will learn English
a) Fogo. through a series of repetitive actions such as “Stand up”, “Open your
b) Arsonismo. book”, “Close the door”, and “Walk to the window and open it.” With TPR,
c) Queima de materiais inflamáveis. the most important skill is aural comprehension and everything else will
d) Incêndio. follow naturally later.
e) Nenhuma das opções.
7 – Communicative Language Teaching CLT The idea behind this
35. According to the text (line 5), why is it difficult to prove commission? approach is to help learners communicate more effectively and correctly
a) Because of the lack of good criminalists. in realistic situations that they may find themselves in. This type of
b) Because the chemists aren’t well prepared for arson. teaching involves focusing on important functions like suggesting,
c) Because of the extensive destruction in the crime scenes. thanking, inviting, complaining, and asking for directions to name but a
d) Because it’s hard to find the perpetrator. few.
e) None of the above.
8 – The Silent Way
Read the text to answer.
The main of this way of teaching is for the teacher to say very little, so
English teaching methods and approaches students can take control of their learning. There’s a big emphasis on
pronunciation and a large chunk of the lesson focuses on it. This method
Throughout the history of teaching languages a number of different of learning English follows a structural syllabus and grammar, vocabulary
teaching approaches and methodologies have been tried and tested with and pronunciation are constantly drilled and recycled for reinforcement.
some being more popular and effective than others. It’s beneficial to be The teacher evaluates their students through careful observation, and it’s
familiar with a few of these. even possible that they may never set a formal test as learners are
encouraged to correct their own language errors.
1 – The Direct Method
9 – Community Language Learning
The direct method of teaching English is also known as the Natural
Method. It’s used to teach a number of different languages not just This is probably one of the English teaching methods where the student
English, and the main idea of the Direct Method is that it only uses the feels the safest as there’s a great emphasis on the relationship and bond
target language that the students are trying to learn. Its main focus is oral between the student and teacher. Unlike a lot of the other methods and
skill and it is taught via repetitive drilling. Grammar is taught using an approaches of teaching English as a Second Language, a lot of the L1
inductive way and students need to try and guess the rules through the (mother tongue) is used for translation purposes.
teacher’s oral presentation.
10 – Task Based Language Learning
2 – The Grammar Translation Method The main aim of this approach to learning is task completion. Usually,
This is the traditional or ‘classical’ way of learning a language and it’s still relevant and interesting tasks are set by the teacher and students are
commonly used. Some countries prefer this style of teaching and the expected to draw on their pre-existing knowledge of English to complete
main idea behind this method is that the students learn all grammar rules, the task with as few errors as possible.
so they’re able to translate a number of sentences.
11 – The Lexical Approach
3 – The Audio Lingual Method The Lexical syllabus or approach is based on computer studies that have
The Audio Lingual Method otherwise known as the New Key Method or previously identified the most commonly used words. This approach in
Army Method is based on a behaviourist theory that things are able to be teaching focuses on vocabulary acquisition and teaching lexical chunks
learned by constant reinforcement. This is related to the Direct Method in order of their frequency and use. Teachers of the Lexical Approach
and just like its predecessor it only uses the target language. The biggest place a great emphasis on authentic materials.
difference between the Audio Lingual Method and the Direct Method is (Available: Adapted.)
its focus of teaching. The Direct Methods focuses on the teaching of
vocabulary whereas the Audio Lingual Method focuses on specific 36. According to information given in the text, what is the main distinction
grammar teachings. between the Audio Lingual Method and the Direct Method?
a) The Audio Lingual Method aims at specific grammar instruction while
4 – The Structural Approach the Direct Method brings out lexical teaching
b) The Audio Lingual Method is based on the behaviourist premisse of
As the name suggests, the method is all about structure. The idea is that conditioning and the furnishing of patterns.
any language is made up of complex grammar rules. These rules,
according to this approach need to be learnt in a specific order, for


c) The Audio Lingual Method concentrates on the mother tongue 32. B

translation and the Direct Method targets language acquisition. 33. D
d) The Direct Method is based on computer studies, setting emphasis on 34. D
authentic materials for teaching grammar inductively. 35. C
e) None of the above. 36. A
37. B
37. According to the text, what best describes the Lexical Approach? 38. C
a) It focuses on the least commonly used words to increase students’ 39. A
vocabulary. 40. D
b) It focuses on vocabulary acquisition based on frequency and use.
c) The main approach is task completion.
d) It’s also known as the New Key Method.
e) It’s the traditional and or classic way of learning a language.

38. In the Silent Way method, who is responsible for correcting mistakes?
a) The teacher.
b) The parents or family of the students.
c) The students themselves.
d) A computer grammar program.
e) Mistakes are ignored.

39. According to the text, which method is also known as “The Army
a) The Audio Lingual Method.
b) The Direct Method.
c) Community Language Learning.
d) The Silent Way.
e) Total Physical Response.

40. Which following option contains all Suggestopedia’s phases?

a) Deciphering and Concert Session.
b) Deciphering, Show Session and Elaboration.
c) Elaboration and Deciphering.
d) Deciphering, Elaboration and Concert Session.
e) Concert Session, Deciphering and Correction.


1. C
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. B
6. D
7. C
8. B
9. D
10. A
11. C
12. C
13. C
14. C
15. A
16. A
17. B
18. D
19. E
20. D
21. E
22. E
23. B
24. B
25. C
26. D
27. C
28. B
29. B
30. D
31. C

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