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ALUNO(A):_________________________________________________________________________ DATA: ___/___/2021

DISCIPLINA: Língua Inglesa Turma: ___________ PROF (A):TAÍS SALBÉ


O Simple Present (presente simples) é um dos Na maioria dos verbos, a flexão da 3ª pessoa é feita
verbos mais utilizados em inglês e corresponde ao com o acréscimo de -s:
presente do indicativo em português.
he lives > he leaves
Simple Present – Affirmative Form she lives > she leaves
O Simple Present é usado basicamente para falar de it lives > it leaves
ações no presente, mas não necessariamente no
momento da fala. Observe as exceções:

Exemplos: – verbos terminados em -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x e -o: em

— When nearly all creatures leave except for the vez de -s, acrescenta-se -es.
emperor penguin.(Quando quase todas as criaturas
partem, exceto o pinguim-imperador). I kiss > she kisses
I wash > he washes
— The penguin is only animal that spends the winter I watch > she watches
on Antarctica’s open ice. (O pinguim é o único animal I fix > it fixes
que passa o inverno no gelo aberto da Antártica) I do she does
I go he goes
Esse tempo verbal também é usado para falar de
verdades universais, fatos científicos e da natureza: – nos verbos terminados em consoante + y: troca-se
o y por i e acrescenta-se -es:
— Winter arrives in Antarctica in March. (O inverno
chega à Antártica em março). I try > he tries
I study > she studies
Um outro uso importante do Simple Present é para I fly > it flies
descrever ações habituais, repetidas, no presente: I carry > he carries
I cry > she cries
— Every year, female emperors go to the open sea to
get their food. (Todos os anos, as imperadoras vão – mas a regra geral é aplicada nos verbos terminados
para o mar aberto para obter comida). em vogal + y, ou seja, acrescenta-se -s:

— They spend their entire lives on Antarctic ice and I say > he says
its waters.( Eles passam a vida inteira no gelo da I buy > she buys
Antártica e em suas águas). I pay > he pays
I pray > she prays
— They travel about 80 kilometers across the frozen I stay > it stays
surface every winter. (Eles viajam cerca de 80
quilômetros pela superfície congelada a cada – Veja abaixo a conjugação no Simple Present dos
inverno). verbos to live, to go e to play, na forma afirmativa:

A forma básica do Simple Present é igual à do I live > I go > I play

infinitivo (sem to). Como exemplo, veja os verbos to you live > you go > you play
live (viver; morar) e to leave (sair; partir; deixar): he lives > he goes > he plays
she lives > she goes > she plays
I live > I leave it lives > it goes > it plays
you live > you leave we live we go we play
we live > we leave you live you go you play
they live > they leave they live they go they play
ATIVIDADES ( ) Female penguins lay one egg and go to the sea to
get their food.
Leia o texto abaixo para responder as questões. Caso
precise, consulte o Google Tradutor, na internet, para Questão 2:
fazer a tradução das palavras que não compreende:
Finding the Right Sequence (Encontre a sequência
“The Changing of the Guard” certa).

Emperor penguins spend the long Antarctic winter on Acording to te text, number the sentences from 1
the open ice and they breed during this harsh season (first event) to 10 (last event), putting the events in
(unlike most birds, which breed in the springtime). the correct order. (De acordo com o texto, numere as
After a courtship of several weeks, females lay one sentenças de 1 (primeiro evento) a 10 (último evento),
single egg and then leave it behind! Every year, colocando os eventos na ordem correta).
female emperors go to the open sea to get their food.
They travel about 80 kilometers across the frozen a. ( ) Male and female change places. It’s the
surface every winter. Where are the eggs, then? At “changing of the guard”.
the feet, literally, of the male emperors. The male b. ( ) Finally, after more than two months, the
emperor penguin incubates his egg, keeping it warm females return from the sea.
on his feet covered by his stomach. He just stands c. ( ) Emperor penguins breed during the long
there, for about 65 days, through icy temperatures, Antarctic winter.
cruel winds, and blinding storms until the egg d. ( ) Females go to the open sea to get their food.
hatches. And those dedicated fathers eat nothing that e. ( ) The male penguins just stay there on the open
whole time. Because of the cruel Antarctic cold, the ice for more than two months.
male penguins stay together, very near each other. f. ( ) The two birds greet each other noisily.
The snow falls. The wind blows very, very hard. But g. ( ) After a courtship of several weeks, females lay
the penguins just stay there. And survive. Finally, one single egg and then leave it behind.
after over two months, the females return from the h. ( ) The female takes over care of the chick and the
sea, bringing food They regurgitate, to feed the now male goes to the sea to get his food.
hatched chicks. The two birds greet each other i. ( ) The female regurgitates food and gives it to the
noisily. Then the male changes places with the chick.
female; writers call this the “changing of the guard”. j. ( ) The male emperor penguin incubates his egg by
The mother takes over care of the chick and the male keeping it warm on his feet.
finally starts the long trip to the open sea and food.
Questão 3:
Questão 1:
Complete the sentences with the Simple Present of
Finding the Main Ideas (Encontrando as Idéias the verbs in the box, according to The Changing of
Principais). the Guard. (Complete as frases com o Presente
Simples dos verbos da caixa, de acordo com o texto
Skim the text to find the main ideas in each paragraph “The changing of the Guard).
and match the boxes. (Releia o texto para encontrar
as ideias principais em cada parágrafo e combine as

a. Title and opening text a. The male penguins _____________ together, very
b. Paragraph one near each other.
c. Paragraph two b. Every year, female emperros ________________
d. Paragraph three to the open sea to ____________ their food.
c. Those dedicated fathers ______________ nothing
( ) The male penguin incubates the egg for over two during that whole time.
months. d. Females ________________ one single egg and
( ) The “changing of the guard” happens when the then ________________ it behind!
female penguin returns from the sea. e. Emperor penguins _______________ the long
( ) Emperor penguins never leave Antarctica. Antarctic winter on the open ice.
f. The snow ________________. The wind
___________ very, very hard.
g. Winter ____________ in Antarctica in March.
h. The penguins _______________ about 80
kilometers across the frozen surface every winter.
i. The Antarctic winter is harsh, but the penguins
j. Finally, after over two months, the females
_____________ from the sea.

Questão 4:

Observe os verbos destacados nas frases a seguir e


— Then the male changes places with the female;

writers call this...

— The mother takes over care of the chick and the

male finally starts the long trip.

a. Por que foi acrescentado -s a esses verbos?

__________________________________________ a) O que o homem do cartum sempre faz?
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
b. E o verbo to call? Por que não se acrescentou -s a __________________________________________
ele? b) E o que ele nunca faz?
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
__________________________________________ __________________________________________

Questão 6:
Adverbs of Frequency
Complete the following sentences using the adverbs
and verbs from the box. (Complete as seguintes frases
usando os advérbios e verbos da caixa).

Observe as palavras em destaque:

— Winter always arrives in Antarctic in March.

a. I ___________ before driving. It’s against the law.
b. Jane and Greg __________ to the movies. They
— Emperor penguins never leave Antarctica.
love the movies.
c. It ___________ in the Amazon Forest in the wet
— Most birds often breed during springtime.
season. That’s why it is called a rain forest!
d. My sister ____________. She hates cooking.
As palavras destacadas nessas frases são advérbios
e. That train __________ late. It always arrives on
que expressam a frequência, maior ou menor, com
que as ações são praticadas.
f. Jane and Greg _____________ happy when they
see each other. They are in love.
Questão 5:
Observe o cartum abaixo e a citação e responda:

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