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For relieving stress
Presented by: Gul-e-Aqsa
From: university of karachi.
• Cleanses and rejuvenates your vital channels of energy.
• Calms the mind and the nervous system, triggering deep
• Great preparation for meditation
• Increase in the intake of oxygen helps to nourish the body
and brain
• The holding of the breath between inhales and exhales helps
to regulate and direct the flow of breath in the body.
• Helps to balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain
(linear thinking with creative thinking)
• Helps to regulate the heating and cooling cycles of the body
• Balances the ultradium rhythm (as one nostril is responsible
for wake cycles and sleep cycles)
• Alleviates headaches and calms anxiety and tense mental
Deep breathing exercises ppt
• Sit or stand in a comfortable
• Inhale slowly through your nose,
focusing on the breathe and count
in your mind 1-2-3-4-5
• Exhale through your mouth,
counting for 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 as all
the air leaves your lungs.
• Let your belly go as you breathe.
• Rather than filling up your chest and
raising your shoulders.
• It allows more oxygen reach your
• Inhale and exhale rapidly through your nose,
keeping your mouth closed but relaxed. Your
breaths in and out should be equal in
duration, but as short as possible. This is a
noisy breathing exercise.
• Try for three in-and-out breath cycles per
second. This produces a quick movement of
the diaphragm, suggesting a bellows. Breathe
normally after each cycle.
• Do not do for more than 15 seconds on your
first try. Each time you practice the
Stimulating Breath, you can increase your
time by five seconds or so, until you reach a
full minute.
• *It will make you feel invigorated,
comparable to the heightened awareness you
feel after a good workout.
• Exhale completely through your
mouth, making a whoosh sound.
• Close your mouth and inhale
quietly through your nose to a
mental count of four.
• Hold your breath for a count
of seven.
• Exhale completely through your
mouth, making a whoosh sound
to a count of eight.
• This is one breath. Now inhale
again and repeat the cycle three
more times for a total of four
1) Sit with spine straight and feet flat on the floor
2) Close the right nostril with your right thumb, and
inhale through the left nostril. Inhale into the
belly, for a count of 4
3) After inhaling, hold your breath for 4 seconds
4) Exhale through your right nostril while closing
the left with your ring and pinky finger of your
right hand for 4 counts
5) Repeat steps 1 to 3, but this time start inhaling
through the RIGHT nostril (while you close the
left nostril with your ring and pinky finger).
• *Start off practicing this breathing exercise
for 2 minutes at a time and then increase to 10
minutes for maximum benefits
• Place one hand on your chest and the other on your
abdomen. When you take a deep breath in, the hand on
the abdomen should rise higher than the one on the
chest. This insures that the diaphragm is pulling air into
the bases of the lungs.
• After exhaling through the mouth, take a slow deep
breath in through your nose imagining that you are
sucking in all the air in the room and hold it for a count
of 7 (or as long as you are able, not exceeding 7)
• Slowly exhale through your mouth for a count of 8. As all
the air is released with relaxation, gently contract your
abdominal muscles to completely evacuate the remaining
air from the lungs. It is important to remember that we
deepen respirations not by inhaling more air but through
completely exhaling it.
• Repeat the cycle four more times for a total of 5 deep
breaths and try to breathe at a rate of one breath every
10 seconds (or 6 breaths per minute). At this rate our
heart rate variability increases which has a positive
effect on cardiac health.

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Deep breathing exercises ppt

  • 1. DEEP BREATHING EXERCISES For relieving stress Presented by: Gul-e-Aqsa From: university of karachi.
  • 2. BENEFITS OF DEEP BREATHING • Cleanses and rejuvenates your vital channels of energy. • Calms the mind and the nervous system, triggering deep relaxation • Great preparation for meditation • Increase in the intake of oxygen helps to nourish the body and brain • The holding of the breath between inhales and exhales helps to regulate and direct the flow of breath in the body. • Helps to balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain (linear thinking with creative thinking) • Helps to regulate the heating and cooling cycles of the body • Balances the ultradium rhythm (as one nostril is responsible for wake cycles and sleep cycles) • Alleviates headaches and calms anxiety and tense mental states
  • 4. 1# RELAXATION BREATHING TECHNIQUE • Sit or stand in a comfortable position. • Inhale slowly through your nose, focusing on the breathe and count in your mind 1-2-3-4-5 • Exhale through your mouth, counting for 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 as all the air leaves your lungs. • Let your belly go as you breathe. • Rather than filling up your chest and raising your shoulders. • It allows more oxygen reach your lungs.
  • 5. 2# STIMULATING BREATHE. • Inhale and exhale rapidly through your nose, keeping your mouth closed but relaxed. Your breaths in and out should be equal in duration, but as short as possible. This is a noisy breathing exercise. • Try for three in-and-out breath cycles per second. This produces a quick movement of the diaphragm, suggesting a bellows. Breathe normally after each cycle. • Do not do for more than 15 seconds on your first try. Each time you practice the Stimulating Breath, you can increase your time by five seconds or so, until you reach a full minute. • *It will make you feel invigorated, comparable to the heightened awareness you feel after a good workout.
  • 6. 3# 4-7-8 EXERCISE TECHNIQUE • Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound. • Close your mouth and inhale quietly through your nose to a mental count of four. • Hold your breath for a count of seven. • Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound to a count of eight. • This is one breath. Now inhale again and repeat the cycle three more times for a total of four breaths.
  • 7. 4# ALTERNATE-NOSE BREATHING TECHNIQUE 1) Sit with spine straight and feet flat on the floor 2) Close the right nostril with your right thumb, and inhale through the left nostril. Inhale into the belly, for a count of 4 3) After inhaling, hold your breath for 4 seconds 4) Exhale through your right nostril while closing the left with your ring and pinky finger of your right hand for 4 counts 5) Repeat steps 1 to 3, but this time start inhaling through the RIGHT nostril (while you close the left nostril with your ring and pinky finger). • *Start off practicing this breathing exercise for 2 minutes at a time and then increase to 10 minutes for maximum benefits
  • 8. 5# ABDOMINAL BREATHING TECHNIQUE • Place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen. When you take a deep breath in, the hand on the abdomen should rise higher than the one on the chest. This insures that the diaphragm is pulling air into the bases of the lungs. • After exhaling through the mouth, take a slow deep breath in through your nose imagining that you are sucking in all the air in the room and hold it for a count of 7 (or as long as you are able, not exceeding 7) • Slowly exhale through your mouth for a count of 8. As all the air is released with relaxation, gently contract your abdominal muscles to completely evacuate the remaining air from the lungs. It is important to remember that we deepen respirations not by inhaling more air but through completely exhaling it. • Repeat the cycle four more times for a total of 5 deep breaths and try to breathe at a rate of one breath every 10 seconds (or 6 breaths per minute). At this rate our heart rate variability increases which has a positive effect on cardiac health.

Editor's Notes

  1. Note: Always inhale quietly through your nose and exhale audibly through your mouth. The tip of your tongue stays in position the whole time. Exhalation takes twice as long as inhalation.
  2. Once you feel comfortable with the above technique, you may want to incorporate words that can enhance the exercise. Examples would be to say to yourself the word, relaxation (with inhalation) and stress or anger (with exhalation). In general, exhalation should be twice as long as inhalation. The use of the hands on the chest and abdomen are only needed to help you train your breathing. Once you feel comfortable with your ability to breathe into the abdomen, they are no longer needed.