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Helium isn't a solid at absolute zero.
The temperature slider shows melting and boiling points at standard pressure. Unlike any other element, helium will remain liquid down to absolute zero at normal pressures. This is a direct effect of quantum mechanics: specifically, the zero point energy of the system is too high to allow freezing. At 2.5MPa, a very high pressure, it will become solid. Then again, so will almost every other element.
You misspelled cesium/aluminum.
When the USA submitted to the oversight of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (which allowed it to have some names for element 104-111, but not all of them), compromises were made. Aluminium is the British spelling, as is caesium. In exchange, the American spelling of sulfur (vs. sulphur) became the international standard.
Where are the Roman numeral group numbers like VIIB?
Roman numerals for groups were scrapped in 1990 by IUPAC because they're different and conflicting in the US and UK and Ptable has an international audience. If you're seeing them elsewhere, that source hasn't been updated in 35 years.
Where can I find valence numbers?
Electron-related properties can be found under oxidation states in the Electrons tab.
It's supposed to be atomic mass, not weight.
Atomic weight is the official term used by IUPAC to refer to the relative atomic masses published specifically for inclusion in periodic tables. The term is used because they are weighted averages.
Isn't it supposed to be Lanthanide, not -oid?
No, not according to IUPAC [PDF] (IR-3.5).
The electron configuration for an element is wrong.
Ptable shows true, experimental values for electron configuration. The method of drawing arrows you learned in class works most of the time but has about 20 exceptions. Ptable shows these exceptions overlined in red.
La/Ac or Lu/Lr should be in group 3 with the d-block.
This is hotly debated and an IUPAC task force headed by Eric Scerri is dedicated to finding an answer. Secretary general of IUPAC suggests we not hold our breath for a quick resolution. There are merits to including Lu/Lr or La/Ac inline rather than at the end of the f-block, but there are also drawbacks. Unqualified to weigh in on these arguments and make sweeping conclusions that'll affect how millions a week see the periodic table, Ptable mirrors the official IUPAC layout.
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