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Flutter icons from popular web icon fonts. Customize your final icon package using fluttericon.com.

Fluttericon #

pub package

Flutter icon packs built from 15 popular free and open-source webfonts. These include all packs available from FlutterIcon (except Material Icons).

Please note this package is not intended for production use, due to the large size. Instead, it can be used as a development aid to help identify/test icons.

For production use, it is highly recommended to use FlutterIcon to customize your icon pack, limiting your icon font to needed icons and building your own from custom SVG.

Included icon sets #

The icon set included are:

  • Brandico
  • Elusive
  • Entypo
  • Font Awesome (4 and 5)
  • Fontelico
  • Iconic
  • Linearicons Free
  • Linecons
  • Maki
  • Meteocons
  • MfgLabs
  • ModernPictograms
  • Octicons
  • RPGAwesome
  • Typicons
  • WebSymbols
  • Zocial

Please review and respect the copyright information contained in the header file for each font set.

Usage #

Simply import the desired icon set and use the IconData as normal.

import 'package:fluttericon/typicons_icons.dart';
import 'package:fluttericon/fontelico_icons.dart';
import 'package:fluttericon/linecons_icons.dart';

final myIcons = const <Widget>[
    const Icon(Typicons.attention),
    const Icon(Fontelico.emo_wink),
    const Icon(Linecons.globe),

FlutterIcon #

To customize icon packs, visit FlutterIcon.

pub points


verified publisherstarheightmedia.com

Flutter icons from popular web icon fonts. Customize your final icon package using fluttericon.com.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


unknown (license)




Packages that depend on fluttericon