Shop some of our favorite songbooks and music related books on our store and support independent musicians and artists.
Lulu is completely free to use and offers both print and ebook formats. Books are printed on demand so you only pay for what you need.
Lulu authors earn the highest royalties in the market and you control the price your audience pays.
See examples of how Grammy winning Jazz collective, Snarky Puppy used Lulu to publish their songbooks.
Create a custom songbook and share your music with friends and family this year.
Expand your audience, earn extra income, and offer your fans more of what they want. Imagine your sheet music or tabs printed and bound in a beautiful book available at your merch booth or online!
Below are free online resources that enable you to compose and create your musical score, export as a PDF, and create a printed book on Lulu!
Create a custom songbook and share your music with friends and family this year.