

Packing Tips for a Self-Guided Hiking Tour in Europe

Packing Tips for a Self-Guided Hiking Tour in Europe

Packing Tips for a Self-Guided Hiking Tour in Europe Embarking on a self-guided hiking tour in Europe is a thrilling way to explore scenic landscapes and immerse yourself in the continent’s natural beauty. With the freedom and flexibility that come with self-guided adventures, packing thoughtfully becomes essential. Here’s a helpful guide to ensure you’re well-prepared...
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Truffle mushrooms enhance any dish! Learn what are the best truffle spots in Europe!

Uncovering the Best Truffle Spots in Europe

Welcome to the world of truffles, a culinary gem that has captivated food enthusiasts for centuries.  These elusive fungi, buried beneath the soil in select European regions, are a gastronomic delight. They’re prized for their unique aroma and flavor, transforming ordinary dishes into extraordinary culinary experiences. But where can you find the best truffle spots...
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Rocky Mountains of Colorado family adventure tour

My Colorado: The Real Aspen & Snowmass – The Roaring Fork Valley

May 1, 2020: Aspen, Colorado Many of you have probably never heard of the Roaring Fork Valley. To be honest, until I moved here 12 years ago, neither had I. I can remember the exact moment I arrived in the valley. I’d been living in Denver and was familiar with the many nearby ski areas...
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Perfect blue skies and sparkling sea, equals the best backdrop in Puglia!

Self Guided Travel Will Lead Travel Return Post Covid-19

April 23, 2020:  SELF GUIDED IS THE SOLUTION! Self-guided travel after covid: Today we received a bit of good news and confirmation, in an e-newsletter from our industry peers at the Travel & Adventure Show group. This indicated that self guided travel will be the most sought after type of travel when people return to...
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Colorado wildflowers along every trail

Travel in the Post Covid-19 Realm

April 21, 2020 Is it too soon?  Here, at my desk in my home office, I hear the landscapers at the neighboring homes running leaf blowers and chain saws, and I hear the construction of home improvements in the neighborhood. I see the delivery vans going by. In a way, it seems that some things...
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Walker along Killary Fjord

Walking vs. Hiking: Setting out on Foot in the UK

If you’re a bit of an Anglophile, you’re probably prepared for the most common UK terms that cause confusion to the North American speaker – across the pond chips are crisps, an aubergine is an eggplant, and pants are underwear. Many of the differences are small, charming, and create a real sense of place for...
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Ireland hiking tour self guided

Pure Adventures Hiking Tips For Adventure Travelers [e-guide]

If you asked anyone here at Pure Adventures how we’ve maintained (and grown) over the past 20+ years, you will probably get three very similar answers – if not the exact same answers. We do it for 1) the love of travel 2) the love of the activities we provide 3) the love of our...
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Italy - Lake Como Hiking Tour

Rise of the Solo Adventure Traveler

Traveling without an entourage is one of the most popular ways to see the world these days. Here are five reasons why you should consider going it alone. One may be the loneliest number, but when it comes to myriad social experiences in today’s society – globetrotting among them – a party of one often...
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Take A Trip, Refer Friends, Earn $$ Towards A FREE TRIP!

Offering great value to our customers is always number one on our priority list. Our referral program has been a huge success because with each person you refer you bank $50 towards your next tour with us! The best part – there is NO LIMIT to how much you can bank. Meaning of course if...
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FUN FACTS: How The Grand Canyon Became The Grand Canyon

Having guided our Grand Canyon Rim-To-Rim Hiking Tour for several years now, we feel like we have a pretty intimate relationship with the area. When someone shares their vacation photos or video with you of their trip to the canyon, they look great! But you can’t really understand the actual scale until you experience it...
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