Papers by Anna Kwasiborska

Transport Problems
The authors of the paper distinguished two basic problems that occur during the ground handling o... more The authors of the paper distinguished two basic problems that occur during the ground handling of aircraft. The first one concerns the identification of disruptions during ground handling that have an impact on the scheduled completion of ground handling. The second problem is determining how these disturbances affect the environment by estimating the increased fuel consumption of the aircraft. In the first step, a catalog of disruptions in the ground handling process of the aircraft, which delays the performance of subsequent aircraft operations, was developed. Simio software was used to analyze the impact of disturbances on the performance of ground service, in which random disturbances were simulated. The simulation was run for several variants, taking into account the sample aircraft and various airlines. The developed model allows for the analysis of the impact of disturbances on the punctual performance of the ground service of the aircraft for various variants with given pro...

Systemy Logistyczne Wojsk, 2022
Ruch statków powietrznych jest ciągle analizowany z uwagi na problematykę pojemności przestrzeni ... more Ruch statków powietrznych jest ciągle analizowany z uwagi na problematykę pojemności przestrzeni powietrznej i przepustowości portów lotniczych. Ważnym obszarem jest podejście do lądowania statków powietrznych na dane lotnisko z wykorzystaniem pomocy nawigacyjnych. Urządzenia i systemy nawigacyjne są dostosowywane do wymagań prawnych organizacji europejskich i międzynarodowych. Do użytku operacyjnego podczas podejść do lądowania dopuszczono możliwość korzystania z systemu GNSS wraz z odpowiednią augmentacją (ABAS lub SBAS) określoną jako podejścia RNP APCH. Ich wprowadzenie skutkowało w pojawieniu się szeregu korzyści. Autorzy podjęli się analizy wymagań wyposażenia pokładowego statków powietrznych niezbędnego do wykonywania podejść RNP APCH. Celem naukowym jest ocena wyposażenia pokładowego RNAV statków powietrznych na przykładzie trzech przewoźników lotniczych (stan na grudzień 2018r.). Weryfikacji poddano hipotezę szacując wysoki stopień wyposażenia pokładowego RVAV statków powie...
Modeling of Ground Handling Processes in Simio Software
Advances in Air Traffic Engineering : Selected Papers from 6th International Scientific Conference on Air Traffic Engineering, ATE 2020, October 2020, Warsaw, Poland
Springer, 2021
Evaluation of the Probability of Aerodrome Traffic Incident Transformation into Accident
Proceedings of the 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL), 2019
Operacyjne i teoretyczne aspekty nowoczesnego zarządzania ruchem lotniczym

Sustainability, 2021
The most important directions in the field of sustainable development of air transport concern in... more The most important directions in the field of sustainable development of air transport concern increasing the capacity of airports and improving the global civil aviation system, improving air traffic safety, and developing procedures to optimize the operation of the aviation system. An important area is environmental protection and measures to minimize the negative impact of civil aviation activities on the environment. Air traffic and the operation of airports generate adverse environmental effects, including greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, and noise emissions. Due to the high intensity of aircraft maneuvers, the authors analyzed aircraft traffic in the area approaching the airport. It is essential to correctly line up for aircraft reporting from different entry points to the approach area to avoid waiting for landing. Misalignment of landing aircraft negatively impacts airport capacity, increases fuel consumption through more prolonged waiting times in space, and directl...

Analysis of the Process of Merging Air Traffic Streams. Case Study of TMA Warsaw
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2018
Air traffic in the terminal area is carried out in accordance with the defined procedures, in the... more Air traffic in the terminal area is carried out in accordance with the defined procedures, in the case of landing aircraft − Standard Arrival Procedures (STAR). Due to the fact that aircraft arrive from different directions, and landings take place on one direction of the runway, it is necessary to merge all traffic streams in a single queue for landing. STAR procedures define merging points. Current traffic conditions and economic factors indicate the necessity of dynamic modification of these points. Available telematic means allow for the effective implementation of this task. The aim of this paper is to analyze the schemes of merging air traffic streams on the example of the terminal area TMA Warsaw. It is focused on the search for the impact of the selection of merging points on the quality of the landing queue. For modelling of the process of merging air traffic streams at TMA Warsaw we used coloured, hierarchical and priority Petri nets. The estimations of the time of landing sequence execution were obtained. This time is the basic parameter of the landing queue evaluation. As a result of simulation tests, its dependence on the selection of streams merging points was identified. It has been found that the simplification of the merging procedure reduces the execution time of the sequence of landings. In further stages of the research, it is planned to develop an algorithm for selecting such points that lead to obtaining an aircraft landing queue with the most favourable properties.

Journal of Air Transport Management, 2020
Aircraft ground handling is an essential part of an air operation and determines its punctuality ... more Aircraft ground handling is an essential part of an air operation and determines its punctuality and safety. Ground support equipment vehicles (GSE) are used in most of the handling tasks. This puts certain requirements on the candidates for ground handling agents, especially on their psychophysical features. This study aimed at determining a professional profile of the candidate, defining expectations and requirements for the future employee and developing a quantitative method of assessing suitability for work as a GSE operator. Since some features characterizing the employee are not measurable, and the relations between features are imprecise and often subjective, fuzzy models based on linguistic variables were used to build the assessment method. A computer implementation of the fuzzy inference system was used for the assessment of exemplary candidates for the position of fuel tanker operator. The obtained results show that the applied approach makes it possible to easily compare the candidates' suitability for work at this position. The simulation experiments also showed that the method allows for the creation of individualized training programs based on partial assessments of individual traits of candidates.

Journal of KONES. Powertrain and Transport, 2015
The aircraft Airbus A380 is the biggest aircraft in present time. Many airports need to adapt the... more The aircraft Airbus A380 is the biggest aircraft in present time. Many airports need to adapt their airside infrastructure. The main duties concerns upgrading runways, and taxiways, relocating taxiways and even relocating aircraft stands and buildings to provide sufficient wings clearance. There are many hubs in the world, which must rebuild elements of infrastructures for A380. Besides these large hub and main base airports, there are other airports around the world that will experience A380 operations. The operating frequency could be either on regular basis, such as one or two scheduled arrivals a day, but also may be a much lower frequency such as for a flight diversion. Such diversions could be either due to the unavailability of the destination airport (because of weather or operational issues) or because of an in-flight emergency. It is in the interest of in-flight safety to have a reasonable number of alternate airports and runways available in addition to the scheduled ones. Aircraft operations regulations make a distinction between destination alternate aerodromes, other alternate aerodromes required to be adequate (e.g. in JAR-OPS 1) and in-flight diversion aerodromes. For those alternate airports, large-scale changes to their existing airside infrastructure would be financially excessive and never be economical. On the other hand, especially in the case of a filed alternate, a minimum should be done to properly handle the aircraft and its passengers. In paper is presented necessary requirements to service of airplane the Airbus A380. It is presented on examples of Chopin's airport in Warsaw. Service of this type of airplane requires adaptation of parameters of runway, taxiway and ground operations.

Journal of KONES. Powertrain and Transport, 2015
Air transport plays a major role in the development of world economic activity and remains one of... more Air transport plays a major role in the development of world economic activity and remains one of the fastest growing sectors of the international economy. One of the key elements that contribute to the maintenance of civil aviation development is to secure safe, efficient and environmentally sustainable means of transport, at the global, local and regional level. At airports communication air operations take place at intervals of tens of seconds to several minutes. A very important operation that the aircraft has to perform before coming to a safe standstill is take off. One of the most important operation is take off the aircraft. Security is an integral factor in determining the movement of the aircraft. The paper contains identification and analysis take off aircraft operations. The paper presents an analysis of the takeoff operations including the rejected takeoff. It is used in the analysis of the operation-taking place at the aerodrome of computer tools and methods. The result is the mathematical models form the basis for computer simulation. The aim of the article is modelling of the various stages of launch operations and identify basic models of these steps based on the parameters recorded by the flight data recorder aircraft. Constructed models imitating actual aircraft operations in the vicinity of the airport, will could be used in the practice of aviation.
Streszczenie: W pracy przedstawiono problematykĊ sekwencjonowania samolotów wykonujących operacje... more Streszczenie: W pracy przedstawiono problematykĊ sekwencjonowania samolotów wykonujących operacje startu i lądowania. Zagadnienie to jest ostatnio coraz czĊĞciej podejmowane ze wzglĊdu na oczekiwanie istotnej poprawy przepustowoĞci lotnisk, przy minimalnych nakáadach finansowych i organizacyjnych. Brak jest jednak skutecznych rozwiązaĔ, zwáaszcza w odniesieniu do ujĊcia caáoĞciowego áączącego w sobie róĪne kryteria oceny jakoĞci ruchu lotniczego w rejonie lotnisk. Jako jeden ze sposobów rozwiązania tego problemu moĪna wskazaü znane z literatury metody szeregowania zadaĔ. W pierwszym etapie pracy skupiono siĊ na przeglądzie metod szeregowania oraz analizie powiązanej literatury w odniesieniu do ruchu lotniczego. Wskazano na moĪliwoĞci wykorzystania przedstawionych metod w rozwiązaniu problemu sekwencjonowania samolotów lądujących i startujących.
Opracowanie Kryteriów I Analiza Istniejącej Sieci Lotnisk Il Ądowisk W Polsce W Aspekcie Rozwoju Systemu Transportu Małymi Samolotami

Increased air transport volumes force carriers to make more frequent flights as well as airport o... more Increased air transport volumes force carriers to make more frequent flights as well as airport operations. Unfortunately, such progress has some negative effects which the main is environment nuisances. Due to its reach, aircraft noise is one of the most important and unpleasant effects of airport operations. The problem of protecting the environment against noise is becoming increasingly more important on the international market. A lot is being done here by the European Union, which urges or obliges Member States to comply with certain rules, laws and standards aimed at preventing too much interference of socioeconomic development with nature 19]. Considering how air transport is growing, it is necessary to conduct studies into airport throughput including throughput environment. This throughput is determined by Restricted Use Area and it is defined as acceptable daily number of performed air operations resulting from the noise limit at airport. There are the following noise level limits classification: noise level limits per flight which is measured at monitoring points, with special attention paid to those measures specific to night-time and noise volume limits over a time-period, particularly at night-time. ANALIZA RUCHU LOTNISKOWEGO W ASPEKCIE PRZEPUSTOWOŚCI ŚRODOWISKOWEJ Streszczenie. Rozwój transportu lotniczego wiąże się ze zwiększeniem częstotliwości lotów, ich zasięgu, liczby przewoźników oraz floty przewoźników lotniczych. Niestety postęp ten ma także negatywne skutki, w postaci występowania określonych uciążliwości w środowisku. Hałas lotniczy, przez zasięg oddziaływania, jest jednym z najdotkliwiej odczuwanych efektów działalności lotniska. Ochrona środowiska przed hałasem jest coraz poważniejszym zagadnieniem na rynku międzynarodowym. Jest w tym duży udział Unii Europejskiej, która motywuje bądź zobowiązuje państwa członkowskie do przestrzegania pewnych zasad, praw i norm mających na celu zapobieganie zbyt dużej ingerencji rozwoju społeczno-przemysłowego w przyrodę. Rozwój transportu lotniczego pociąga za sobą prowadzenie badań nad przepustowością portów lotniczych, w tym również przepustowością środowiskową. Przepustowość ta jest określona przez Obszar Ograniczonego Użytkowania i oznacza dopuszczalną dobową liczbę operacji lotniczych wynikającą z limitu hałasu. Klasyfikacja poziomu hałasu wyróżnia: limity poziomu hałasu na poszczególne loty, które są mierzone w punktach pomiaru hałasu, oraz limity hałasu w określonym czasie, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem godzin nocnych.

Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport, 2017
Many European airports are located in close proximity to residential or protected areas. Aircraft... more Many European airports are located in close proximity to residential or protected areas. Aircraft noise emissions caused by the landing and taking off of aircraft are a big problem in these areas. From an operational point of view, the method for reducing noise is to reduce traffic volume or change its organization, especially during the night. Some procedures and tools have been developed to support air traffic management in the implementation of operational constraints necessary to maintain noise at an acceptable level. The objective of this paper is to analyse the effectiveness of these tools. For this purpose, we have analysed existing methods of operational noise reduction, taking into account their influence on the structure, smoothness, punctuality and, especially, the safety of air traffic. As a result, existing risks have been identified, while methods have been proposed to combine two important air traffic service tasks: ensuring safety, while taking into account the environmental constraints, especially in relation to the acoustic climate.
Papers by Anna Kwasiborska