Excel Dashboard : PivotTables and Data Modelling

Excel Dashboard : PivotTables and Data Modelling

The whole idea of a Dashboard is to provide a graphical interpretation of the most relevant data, such as a balanced scorecard. Moreover, the updating of new data into the dashboard every week or month should be automated as much as possible. This is where the data model becomes crucial if you want to achieve […]

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Excel Data Entry Tips and Tricks : Awesome!

Excel Data Entry Tips and Tricks : Awesome!

Here are some cool options for entering data quickly into an Excel worksheet…

When you spend a lot of time entering data in Excel it helps to understand the tools available to you to speed up data entry. Here, I’ll show you a range of Excel features which make entering repetitive data much easier.

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How to Connect “External Data” source to “Import” data into Excel

How to Connect “External Data” source to “Import” data into Excel

The main benefit of connecting to external data from Microsoft Excel is that you can periodically analyze this data in Excel without repeatedly copying the data, which is an operation that can be time-consuming and error-prone. After connecting to external data, you can also automatically refresh (or update) your Excel workbooks from the original data source whenever the data source is updated with new information.

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How To Import Data Into an Excel Spreadsheet

How To Import Data Into an Excel Spreadsheet

If you have data from an alternative source, you may be able to import it into Excel 2010 instead of having to re-enter all the information again. Depending on the type of data you would like to import, you can select from a number of options. We’ll look at one of the most common import types – a text file.

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7 Simple Tricks to Make Smart and Neat Excel Graphs

7 Simple Tricks to Make Smart and Neat Excel Graphs

To make sure you’re making your data as convincing as possible, you should always customize your graphs in Excel. And by customization, we’re not talking about big sweeping changes. Below are some quick tweaks you can make to your graphs convincing, easy-to-read, and beautiful.

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Formulas and Structured Data in Excel Tables

Formulas and Structured Data in Excel Tables

Structured references make it much easier and more intuitive to work with table data when you are using formulas that reference a table, either portions of a table or the entire table. They are especially useful because table data ranges often change, and the cell references for structured references adjust automatically. This minimizes the need to rewrite formulas as rows and columns are added and deleted in a table, or when external data is refreshed.

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