Folded Fabric Flowers Make Beautiful Ornaments

They Can Also be Used in Quilting Projects!
Folded fabric hexagons make lovely ornaments for the tree. Choose fabrics in colors you love and simply add hanging cords.
They’re also great for decorating wrapped gifts. Or, sew them into quilting projects for a bit of 3D wow.
It may take a bit to work through folding the first one. Once you’ve got the folding down you can create an ornament in just a few minutes.
Photo from Vom Sommer.
The folds are secured with a few stitches. Then add a button or other pretty to hide the center.
Image found on 4FunCreativity.
Lisa from A Spoonful of Sugar started with a 6″ hexagon, which produced an ornament that’s 2″ from tip to tip (hers are the beautiful white ornaments). You can make any size you want by adjusting the size of the starting hexie.
Learn more about Lisa’s ornaments here.
The following video shows the folding process.
If the video doesn’t play on your device, click here to view it at YouTube.
Mary Anne Ciccotelli has created written and illustrated instructions, which you’ll find at the link below.
The following link is for a template with hexies in 4 sizes.
That is SO cool. Thank you.