Monday, May 6, 2013

Change the Date

We have changed the date!!!

Our good friends Victoria Waller Hood and Aaron Hood are getting married the weekend of the 14th, 15th and 16th of June.  They have invited us to join them since we have many mutual friends and many of them are coming from a great distance to attend.  

So, we are going to have one glorious weekend with two wedding ceremonies at two different times throughout the weekend and then one big feast at 3 pm on Sunday the 16th of June, 2013.

If you can come, please RSVP us at [email protected].  Let us know if you have already RSVPed with the hoodtribe.  If you need a campsite and you haven't already RSVPed with the hoodtribe let us know and we will arrange it.  There may still be hotel rooms available at
Another option is in Aurora, Ky about 5 minutes away.  Murray, KY is about 30 minutes away and has many options.

To sign up to help bring food for the wedding feast go to 

Below is a copy of Aaron and Victoria's invitation


Anonymous said...

Is Victoria waller daughter of mr Waller of hayovel is she the elderst girl toget married hope you will answer my question said...

Where are the pictures?!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Victoria is daughter to Tommy Waller of HaYovel and is the eldest daughter to get married.