Middle English Dictionary Entry
rī̆chelī adv.
Entry Info
Forms | rī̆chelī adv. Also richelei, richli, richlei, riclich. |
Etymology | OE rīclīce |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
(a) Splendidly, magnificently, beautifully, elegantly; (b) sumptuously, luxuriously, lavishly, richly; (c) ceremoniously; (d) abundantly, generously, amply; (e) marien ~, to give (sb.) in marriage advantageously; ben ~ maried, be advantageously married, make a good marriage.
Associated quotations
- c1300 Lay.Brut (Otho C.13)13133 : Hii come sone to þan folk of Rome richeliche [Clg: wurðliliche] i-wepnid.
- c1330(c1250) Floris (Auch)2 : I ne kan telle ȝou nowt Hou richeliche þe sadel was wrout.
- c1330(?a1300) Arth.& M.(Auch)4486 : Þemperour..Him hadde ygraiþed richeliche Andhadde him sent to Constentinenoble.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)1931 : Þe real emperours a-risen & richeli hem greiþed wiþ alle worþi wedes.
- (c1385) Chaucer CT.Kn.(Manly-Rickert)A.1012 : They founde..Two yonge knyghtes..in oon armes, wroght ful richely.
- a1400 Eglam.(Eg 2862)99 : To his bed gan he fare, Þat richely was wrouȝt.
- c1400(?c1380) Cleanness (Nero A.10)1045 : Tres..beres..þe fayrest fryt..ripe and rychely hwed.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)1.259 : With-Inne an Ile enclosed was a Ram Whiche bare his flees ful richely of golde.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)2.5712 : Moste richely With gold and azure hir statue þei do peint.
- c1430(c1386) Chaucer LGW (Benson-Robinson)1037 : This fresshe lady..Stod in the temple, in hire estat real, So rychely.
- ?a1450 MLChrist (Add 39996)2651 : Þai token þen Crist..And cloþed hym..In cloþes of purpur richely.
- c1450 Mandev.(4) (CovCRO Acc.325/1)342 : Hir god that was thair maumette, Richeli amyd he was sette.
- c1450 Ponthus (Dgb 185)113/27 : The kyng went oute armed ryght rycheley.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)137/25 : They wente into the shippe..and founde hit rychely behanged with cloth of sylke.
- a1500(c1410) Dives & P.(Htrn 270)1.94 : Grete lordys..been peyntyd rychely, after here staat.
- ?a1525(?a1475) Play Sacr.(Dub 652)259 : I prey þe rychely araye myn hall.
- (c1300) Havelok (LdMisc 108)421 : He hem cloþede rith ne fedde Ne hem dede richelike be-bedde.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)2442 : [I]osep dede hise lich faire geren, Wassen and riche-like smeren.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)7725 : Festes he wolde holde so nobliche..& so richeliche.
- c1350(a1333) Shoreham Poems (Add 17376)85/155 : Þat noble corps of ihesu cryst..Wel richeleche hit was anoynt.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Sh.(Manly-Rickert)B.1444 : Richely this monk the chapman fedde.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)6753 : Þou þat fedyst þe so rychely Ouer mesure yn glotonye, Þenk þat þou shalt stynk and rote.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)1.3590 : Iason after his Iourne Ful richely..Refresched was.
- c1440(?a1400) Morte Arth.(1) (Thrn)173 : Twa knyghtes hym seruede..Richely on þe ryghte haunde at the rounde table.
- a1450 7 Sages(3) (Cmb Dd.1.17)1207 : Hit was a man withouten kare, And ryclych he wolde fare; What he spendid he nouȝt rought.
- ?a1450 MLChrist (Add 39996)2983 : Þai toke oure Lord doun of þe croys..And anoynted hym ful richely.
- a1475 Siege Troy(1) (Hrl 525)192/1259a : They weryn servid rychely With metis and drynkis nobeley.
- a1500(c1400) St.Erk.(Hrl 2250)304 : We are..exilid fro þat soper.. Þer richely hit arne refetyd þat after right hungride.
- c1330(?a1300) Arth.& M.(Auch)2734 : His moder starf..And richeliche was brouȝt in mold.
- c1330(?c1300) Guy(1) (Auch)699 : Þerl dede anon aparaile Gyes dobing..Wel richelich he dubbed Gij.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)8845 : Þat tre þan ful richeli Was in þat temple dun to li.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)21604 : Wit-in þe kirc of sant soffie þar ha þai sett it [the cross] richelie [Phys-E: riȝte heili].
- c1400(?a1300) KAlex.(LdMisc 622)1360 : Philippe is ded; as kyng of myche werþe, Richely is he ybrouȝth on erþe.
- c1400(?c1390) Gawain (Nero A.10)931 : Claplaynez [read: Chaplaynez] to þe chapeles chosen þe gate, Rungen ful rychely, ryȝt as þay schulden
- c1410 Chaucer CT.Sq.(Hrl 7334)F.174 : This presentz ben ful richely [vrr. realliche, roially] I-fett.
- a1450(?c1421) Lydg.ST (Arun 119)601 : They..did her bysy Cure..to make a sepulture, And richely..The asshen did they enclose.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)419/17 : They were rychely wedded wyth grete nobley.
- a1500(?a1475) Guy(4) (Cmb Ff.2.38)5357 : He made hym knyght rychelye.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)13690 : Ermonia þe myld..Orestes þe rynke richeli had weddit.
- ?a1400(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.2 (Petyt 511)p.35 : Þe abbey of Rumeye he feffed richely, With rentes fulle gode & kirkes of pris.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)1.3898 : Gadred was..þe nauye..Wel enarmed and richelly vitailled.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)2.4011 : Of al plente we passyn and habounde More richely þan ȝoure Grekis ȝonder.
- a1425(?a1400) RRose (Htrn 409)2599 : But wolde Love do so I myght Have fully joye of hir so bright, My peyne were quyt me rychely.
- a1425(?a1400) RRose (Htrn 409)5584 : Suffisaunce all oonly Makith men to lyve richely.
- a1450 Castle Persev.(Folg V.a.354)600 : To medys þou ȝeue me howse and londe Þat I regne rychely at myn enprise.
- a1450 PNoster R.Hermit (Westm-S 3)17/14 : Wel þen was þis pore ȝifte amendid richely þoruȝ hertly loue.
- c1450(?c1400) 3 KCol.(1) (Cmb Ee.4.32)8/22 : Þe citee..was enhabited richelich with worschippeful prynces and lordys.
- c1475 Body Pol.(Cmb Kk.1.5)107/2 : They coude knowe the good and worchipfull men and rewarde theim..mor rychely for their good dedis.
- c1500 Melusine (Roy 18.B.2)314/12 : We haue ynough wherof to do make ayen thabbey of Maylleses..bettre than euer it was tofore, & to..endowe it bettre & rychelyer.
- (c1395) Chaucer CT.Cl.(Manly-Rickert)E.1130 : Richely his doghter maried he Vnto a lord, oon of the worthieste Of al Ytaille.
- ?a1425(?a1350) Castleford Chron.Lear (Göt Hist 740)177 : He marid Gonoryll rychly To Marglaune, duke of Albany.
- ?a1425 Mandev.(2) (Eg 1982)18/14 : Þe sowdan..wald hafe maried me richely [Man.(1): highly; F hautement] with a grete prince doghter.
- c1450 Alph.Tales (Add 25719)246/21 : Gyff me all þi gudis, at þurgh name of þaim I may richelie be marid & gett a gude wyfe.
- c1450 Ponthus (Dgb 185)99/25 : I be ryght wele pleased that ye be so wele and rychely maryed.
Powerfully, masterfully, boldly; nobly; also, rashly [quot.: ?a1450].
Associated quotations
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)1364 : Þe king of Lumbardie..heora nexta cunnes-mon, richeliche he nom his sonde & sende to Ebrauke.
- c1300(c1250) Floris (Cmb Gg.4.27)389 : Whanne he hereþ þe speke so richeliche..he wile beo wel bliþe..And falle..to þi fote.
- c1300 Lay.Brut (Otho C.13)9641 : Ich ȝou wolde ȝeue lond, boþe seoluer and gold, þat ȝeo mihte richeliche rixli on lond.
- c1330(?a1300) Tristrem (Auch)264 : Durst non oȝain him kiþe, Bot ȝalt him tour and toun..No was no king wiþ croun, So richeliche hadde y done.
- a1400 PPl.C (LdMisc 656)14.154 : Richelich [Hnt: out of reson þei ryde and rechelesliche taken on].
- c1400(?c1390) Gawain (Nero A.10)308 : He coȝed ful hyȝe, Ande rimed hym ful richly [Tolkien & G.: richley], & ryȝt hym to speke.
- a1500(?c1450) Merlin (Cmb Ff.3.11)188 : He comaunded and somowned..wele viij Ml. men..and thise greved the saisnes..the Duke hym contened in this maner richely as ye haue herde.