Middle English Dictionary Entry

clō(ve n.(2)
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

The dried flower buds of a tree belonging to the Myrtaceae family, the spice cloves Syzygium aromaticum; -- usu.pl.
clove (of) gilofre, gilofre ~: (a) clove; (b) a clove given as a token payment.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • a1400 Trin-C O.9.39 Recipes (Trin-C O.9.39) 65/36 : Þese bien þe proporciouns: to .iij. pound of þy pot sugre put..an half vnce of notemuges schredid..and half an vnce of clowys ykyt in smale peces aforn.
  • a1475 Liber Cocorum (Sln 1986)p.29 : Make alyoure of crust of brede..Caste powdur of gynger and clawes þer to.
  • Note: Additional quots. for sense 1.
Note: The list of variant spellings in the form section is incomplete and needs revision to accord with standards of later volumes of the MED. (See, for example, the form glow in c1450 quot. in sense 2.(a).)--notes per MLL