"Confident are those people who work together in unity."
"Confident are those people who work together in unity."
"Any war can be won when soldiers get united."
"Unstoppable are those people who stand in unity."
"Progress can only be brought in a country when the whole country is united."
"The strength of unity is the strongest compared to any other known strength."
"The highest level of courage is obtained only when we become united."
"Even the impossible seems to be possible when people unite."
"A country can achieve freedom only by its united citizens."
"The glow of unity is so powerful that it can enkindle the whole world."
"Your weakness is at its peak vulnerability when you're not united."
"The weak become strong when they come together united."
"The ones who were united are the ones who are on top now."
"Hardest of victories are those which are played in unity."
"When you work in unity you work as a family, and there's no bond stronger than that."
"When you perform in unity your talents are highlighted even more brilliantly."
"Hate and jealousy destroy unanimity, so be careful whom you tread with."
"Working in unison gives a different level of satisfaction."
If the whole world comes together there is no change that cannot be made.
Religion has become the root cause which is preventing us from being united.
The unity between us should be so strong that even when we depart, the unity in our hearts should not evaporate.
Cooperation in a team is what leads to success.
No matter how hard you try alone, you will realize a partner is needed for success.
Alone you are good but together you become great.
The impact a society as a whole can make is incredible, yet we choose to be by ourselves.
For once just think about uniting and the rest will happen so hastily you wouldn't believe.
All the materials hold together to make a structure strong. If any of the material gives up, the whole structure falls.
The builders of great monuments brought together people to work for it, had they not agreed to work the monuments would still be a dream.
All religions preach peace and unity, even then we mar other religions with false accusations.
Business is laid upon trust and unity, if one partner tries to cheat all the others go down.
Even in your own body your organs and muscles work in unity, if at all they do not life would become a tragedy.
We find strength in our unity, and beauty in our variety. Together, we create a society that values both.
Unity is not conformity; it is a symphony of varied notes that produce a melodious harmony."
Differences become threads that weave a tapestry of strength when we stand together,
The ability to reconcile differences and accept our common humanity is made possible through unity.
Every flower in the "garden of unity" is different, but when they are all combined, they form an incredible bouquet.
Unity is about celebrating our individuality while finding common ground, not about erasing our individuality,
United we stand, a testament to the fact that not even the fiercest storms can sever a bond strengthened by understanding.
The ability to change "me" into "we" and turn obstacles into possibilities is the strength of unity.
We can only achieve acceptance, compassion, and advancement by working together.
Just as a single thread is weak, when they are all joined together, they become a rope powerful enough to move mountains. The power of oneness is so great.