Famous Quotes & Sayings

Linda Gregg Quotes & Sayings

Enjoy the top 5 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Linda Gregg.

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Famous Quotes By Linda Gregg

Linda Gregg Quotes 1477351

You return when you feel like it, like rain.
And like rain you are tender, with the rain's inept tenderness.
A passion so general I could be anywhere.
You carry me out into the wet air.
You lay me down on the leaves and the strong thing is not the sex,
But waking up alone under the tress after. — Linda Gregg

Linda Gregg Quotes 995866

So many want to be lifted by song and dancing, and this morning it is easy to understand. I write in the sound of chirping birds hidden in the almond trees, the almonds still green and thriving in the foliage. — Linda Gregg

Linda Gregg Quotes 230293

She shines and nobody knows what to do with her. — Linda Gregg

Linda Gregg Quotes 563531

When death comes, we take off our clothes and gather everything we left behind: what is dark, broken, touched with shame. When Death demands we give an accounting, naked we present our lives in bundles. See how much these weigh, we tell him, refusing to deny what we have lived. Everything that is touched by light loves the light. We the stubborn-as-grass, we who reel at the taste of sap and want our spirits cleansed, will not betray the weeds, snake, or crippled mare. Never leave behind what the light shone on. — Linda Gregg

Linda Gregg Quotes 977518

It was my dream
Not its failure that damaged me — Linda Gregg