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The End Of Old Ways Quotes & Sayings

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Top The End Of Old Ways Quotes

The End Of Old Ways Quotes By Terry Newman

His manners could do with some attention.' 'Don't mind him. Big problem.' 'Such as?' 'Small dick. — Terry Newman

The End Of Old Ways Quotes By John C. Bogle

It's amazing how difficult it is for a man to understand something if he's paid a small fortune not to understand it. — John C. Bogle

The End Of Old Ways Quotes By Frederick Lenz

You can gain power by avoidance. You can gain power by doing certain things. You can gain much more power by meditating. — Frederick Lenz

The End Of Old Ways Quotes By Henri J.M. Nouwen

Do you really want to be converted? Are you willing to be transformed? Or do you keep clutching your old ways of life with one hand while with the other you beg people to for help you change?
Conversion is certainly not something you can bring about yourself. It is not a question of willpower. You have to trust the inner voice that shows the way. You know that inner voice. You turn to it often. But after you have heard with clarity what you are asked to do, you start raising questions, fabricating objections,, and seeking everyone else's opinion. Thus you become entangles in countless often contradictory thoughts, feelings, and ideas and lose touch with the God in you. And you end up dependent on all the people you have gathered around you.
Excerpt from:The Inner Voice of Love From Anguish to Freedom by Henry Nouwen — Henri J.M. Nouwen

The End Of Old Ways Quotes By Eric Schlosser

The Soviet Union welcomed the new system. At the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis, urgent messages from the Soviet ambassador in Washington had been encoded by hand and then given to a Western Union messenger who arrived at the embassy on a bicycle. — Eric Schlosser

The End Of Old Ways Quotes By Heather Brooke

Digitization is certainly challenging the old ways of doing things, whether that's in publishing or politics. But it's not the end. In many ways, it is just the beginning. — Heather Brooke

The End Of Old Ways Quotes By Michael Bungay Stanier

You already know it's hard to change old ways of behaving, however good your intentions. Or is it just me who has: sworn not to check email first thing in the morning, and nonetheless found myself in the wee small hours, my face lit by that pale screen glow; intended to find inner peace through the discipline of meditation, yet couldn't find five minutes to just sit and breathe, sit and breathe; committed to take a proper lunch break, and somehow found myself shaking the crumbs out of my keyboard, evidence of sandwich spillage; or decided to abstain from drinking for a while, and yet had a glass of good Australian shiraz mysteriously appear in my hand at the end of the day? — Michael Bungay Stanier

The End Of Old Ways Quotes By Cassandra Clare

All of us. The Clave and the Law - what Clary can do overturns everything they know to be true. No human being can create new runes, or draw the sort of runes Clary can. Only angels have that power. And since Clary can do that - well, it seems like a portent. Things are changing. The Laws are changing. The old ways may never be the right ways again. Just as the rebellion of the angels ended the world as it was - it split heaven in half and created hell - this could mean the end of the Nephilim as they currently exist. This is our war in heaven, vampire, and only one side can win it. And my father means it to be his." * — Cassandra Clare

The End Of Old Ways Quotes By Lauren Beukes

you're deluding yourself that you have some deep spiritual connection, like you didn't just read it on Wikipedia. There's a difference between tradition and culture. — Lauren Beukes

The End Of Old Ways Quotes By A.W.Chrystalis

Just like me. Just like so many others. Tragedies may change who we are, may alter the paths we take, sometimes drastically. But we can still continue on, continue living for tomorrow. Tomorrow is always worth fighting for." Mach Derune, A Time for Revenge, The End of Old Ways series — A.W.Chrystalis

The End Of Old Ways Quotes By Dan Wells

Tissue gas was most common in bedsores - big, nasty ones on hospital patients, or on old people who never moved for weeks or months at a time. Gangrene was another possible source of the bacteria, and usually showed up in the same types of cases. It was possible that this body could have developed tissue gas in one of those ways if she'd been held in one place for months on end, without being allowed to move. — Dan Wells

The End Of Old Ways Quotes By J.D. Robb

Listen carefully. I'd crush you like a bug for causing my wife one single moment of pain. Believe it. Fear it. — J.D. Robb

The End Of Old Ways Quotes By Jonathan Alter

They say that 'history is an argument without end.' In Thompson's skillful hands, this momentous argument between two old friends on the most critical issue of the last century is thus history at its best. Thompson's judicious and delicious depiction of Nitze and Kennan will fascinate anyone who cares about the Cold War or the ways that human beings shape the future. — Jonathan Alter

The End Of Old Ways Quotes By Norman Mailer

When you know too much information and you acquire it too easily, you tend to either use it in disagreeable ways, out of vanity, or you tend to be indiscriminate about it. I mean, in the old days, it was tricky, you had to go to various encyclopedias, you had to go to the library, maybe spend a day there, whatever. But in the end, if you found something, it was really exciting. Now you hit a couple of buttons and you get some information. Which, by the way, is almost always presented in that same goddamn mediocre style that characterizes the Internet for me. It is slightly deadening. — Norman Mailer

The End Of Old Ways Quotes By A.W.Chrystalis

For it all, we gladly sacrifice. With it all, we proudly defend." Spoken first by a Sirunre citizen, a member of the Kingdom Alliance of the Empire Seas. — A.W.Chrystalis

The End Of Old Ways Quotes By Jiddu Krishnamurti

You see, this is a problem all over the world. Man is seeking a new response, a new approach to life, because the old ways are decaying, whether in Europe, in Russia, or here. Life is a continual challenge, and merely to try to bring about a better economic order is not a total response to that challenge, which is always new; and when cultures, peoples, civilizations are incapable of responding totally to the challenge of the new, they are destroyed. Unless you are properly educated, unless you have this extraordinary confidence of innocence, you are inevitably going to be absorbed by the collective and lost in mediocrity. You will put some letters after your name, you will be married, have children, and that will be the end of you. You see, — Jiddu Krishnamurti

The End Of Old Ways Quotes By Krista Ritchie

People hope to touch the sky. I dream of kissing it. — Krista Ritchie

The End Of Old Ways Quotes By Donna Lynn Hope

In your Christian walk there will be times that you will have to separate from friends and acquaintances. Otherwise, you'll be tempted to go back to dabble in past behaviors. Understand the enemy ... he will use anybody he knows that will carry out his plan to separate you from God. If you are strong in the Lord and have changed your ways, you will become target numero uno and he will use old ties to bring you back to your old lifestyle and, in many cases, you will end up worse off than you were before. — Donna Lynn Hope

The End Of Old Ways Quotes By Flann O'Brien

After a time," said old Mathers disregarding me, "I mercifully perceived the errors of my ways and the unhappy destination I would reach unless I mended them. I retired from the world in order to try to comprehend it and to find out why it becomes more unsavoury as the years accumulate on a man's body. What do you think I discovered at the end of my meditations?"
I felt pleased again. He was now questioning me.
"That No is a better word than Yes," he replied. — Flann O'Brien

The End Of Old Ways Quotes By Ravi Zacharias

That break comes for all of us, at different times and in different ways. The nourishment of food, the bonds of friendship, the occasions for celebration, and the delights of legitimate pleasure end in a matter of a moment for each life and each relationship. It is to this vulnerability of living that Jesus points His finger. The poet puts it in these words: Our life contains a thousand springs and dies if one be gone; Strange that a harp of a thousand strings can stay in tune so long. There is an old adage that says you can give a hungry man a fish, or better still, you can teach him how to fish. Jesus would add that you can teach a person how to fish, but the most successful fisherman has hungers fish will not satisfy. G — Ravi Zacharias

The End Of Old Ways Quotes By Petru Popescu

Freedom you do not steal, freedom you have to have whole. — Petru Popescu