Using the NEWS2 and ABCDE assessment to identify early signs of clinical deterioration
Understand the early physiological signs to ensure timely escalation of patient care
Understand the early physiological signs to ensure timely escalation of patient care
How early warning scores can alert you if escalation of care is required
Learn how structured communication tools can assist in delivering a detailed handover
Tools and advice to help teams ensure patients are monitored effectively
As a student you may feel unsure about raising concerns, but doing so could save a life
Take an interactive journey through the approach to assessing patient deterioration
The pros of the ABCDE approach are accepted, yet ‘doing the obs’ remains common practice
Learn the ABCDE (airway, breathing, circulation, disability, exposure) process
The barriers to providing EOLC in EDs and recommendations for clinical practice
Rationale and key points This article aims to help practitioners to undertake the assessment...