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25 Mar 2022
- Turkish
Quality Point(s): 5372
Answer: 2732
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English (UK)
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Question about English (UK)
What is the difference between serviette and napkin?
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"3. Social (words and structures used by members of different social classes:
cf. scent and perfume, napkin and serviette)."
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25 Mar 2022
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- English (UK)
- English (US)
Quality Point(s): 76821
Answer: 22971
Like: 16099
The key difference between napkin and serviette is in the usage of these two words. The word napkin is more commonly used than serviette. Moreover, the word napkin is used in American English whereas the word serviette is used in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, etc.
Both these words napkin and serviette basically refers to a square piece of cloth/paper we use at a meal to wipe the fingers or lips and to protect garments. In the US, the word napkin is more commonly used than serviette, which is rarely used. In the UK, napkin is a traditionally upper-class word, and serviette is a ‘non-U’ (middle class) word.
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25 Mar 2022
- English (UK)
- English (US)
Quality Point(s): 76821
Answer: 22971
Like: 16099
The key difference between napkin and serviette is in the usage of these two words. The word napkin is more commonly used than serviette. Moreover, the word napkin is used in American English whereas the word serviette is used in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, etc.
Both these words napkin and serviette basically refers to a square piece of cloth/paper we use at a meal to wipe the fingers or lips and to protect garments. In the US, the word napkin is more commonly used than serviette, which is rarely used. In the UK, napkin is a traditionally upper-class word, and serviette is a ‘non-U’ (middle class) word.
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27 Mar 2022
- Turkish
Quality Point(s): 5372
Answer: 2732
Like: 2256
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