2 years ago
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Yogurt cake recipe

Yogurt cake

Yogurt cake: without oil, without butter and without flour!

Yogurt cake: without oil, without butter and without flour! The cake you are going to prepare is very simple to prepare, but above all it is very light because the main ingredient is yogurt and it is not necessary to add oil or flour.

It is sure that it is a diet recipe, inexpensive and suitable for yogurt lovers.

How to make a yogurt cake!

Ingredients :

4 eggs
100 g caster sugar
325g poured yogurt
50g potato starch
1 sachet of vanillin
Pinch of salt
Powdered sugar to decorate

Method :

A first trick is to use eggs at room temperature.
First, separate the egg white from the yolk.
Put the 4 egg whites in a large container,
add 1 teaspoon of salt and beat until stiff using an electric mixer.
The egg whites should look like a thick foam.
Take another container,
put the 4 egg yolks, a sachet of vanillin and 100 grams of caster sugar,
or about half a glass,
which you will gradually add in small quantities while mixing with an electric whisk,
to incorporate the ingredients well.
In the end, you should obtain a mixture of creamy consistency with the color of beaten egg yolks but lighter.
At this point, add 325 grams of drained yogurt and mix until well blended.
Then add 50 grams of potato starch and the egg white foam obtained previously.
Gently stir by hand for a few minutes until the mixture is combined, being careful not to disassemble the mixture.
Pour everything into an 18 cm diameter mold lined with parchment paper and bake for 40-45 minutes at 160°C.
When it comes out of the oven,
let cool,
remove the parchment paper, place the cake on a plate and sprinkle with icing sugar.
Decorate with berries in the center.

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