Good for You +Community Too

"When a company retains Recruiting for Good directly, we share 50% of proceeds to fund a nonprofit (click here to learn more). If Recruiting for Good is willing to help organizations; we are certainly willing to reward Good people proceeds for introducing us to a family member or friend who is responsible for hiring professional staff!"

"Our sweet solution (Food Co+Op) is perfect for professionals

'Who Love to Do GOOD and Enjoy Good Food Too!'"

Carlos Founder

Recruiting for Good

How to Join The Food Co+Op?

Good for You + Community Too! 

Be able to make an introduction to a family member or friend responsible for hiring at a company

Be a sweet decent human being, who lives in the United States; and loves to make a positive impact

(must be 21 years old to participate)

How Recruiting for Good Works for You?

After a company introduced retains Recruiting for Good to find a fulltime employee;

'R4G' will share 50% of placement fee earned

(after 90 days probationary period of new hire)

Donating 25% to a Nonprofit Feeding America


Reward 25% to Person Who Made Introduction


The Sweetest Food Gift Cards

'NutriFit Online Since 1987'

Prepared Meal Delivery Services

Supermarkets or 'Thrive Market'

'Forgo food reward and we will donate more to a nonprofit feeding your community!' 

To Get Started?

Email [email protected]

include your phone number and a member of our team will contact you

Since 1998, Recruiting for Good has been helping companies find talented professionals in Accounting/Finance, Engineering, Information Technology, Marketing, and Operations.

"Can I receive a Sweet Food Reward not listed here? Yes, we aim to fulfill our Co+Op members'  requests, just as long as the company is based in the US and offers gift cards."

Carlos Founder

Recruiting for Good