Because of the pandemic, every trip and cruise I had scheduled got cancelled for the rest of 2020. It has been at least 6 months since I’ve travelled outside of the Houston area. So we felt like a long weekend in Fredericksburg would make up for some of the experiences we’ve missed out on this […]
A Visit to Hambledon Vineyard near London

Last month I checked a thing off my bucket list: visiting an English sparkling vineyard/winery! We visited Hambledon Vineyard near Portsmouth and Southampton, about an hour train ride from London. We enjoyed a tour hour tour and tasting, and it was one of the most, if not THE most, comprehensive tour and explanation of the […]
How I Pack My VinGardeValise DIY Inserts

Usually when we take road trips to Texas wineries, at some point we have to ask for a box to keep our bottles from rolling around the trunk or floorboard. But now that I have a VinGardeValise Petite wine suitcase (holds 8 bottles), which has been great for transport and to keep the wine pseudo-insulated from the Texas […]
Niagara Trip Report (Part 2: Wine)

A guest blog post by Tracy Continued from: Niagara Trip Report (Part 1: Waterfalls) Day 3 – Exchanging Waterfalls for Wine On Sunday, we scheduled a wine tour of Niagara-on-the-Lake and were thrilled to temporarily escape the massive crowds surrounding the Falls. We booked a private tour with Wheelz Niagara ( Bernie picked us up just before […]
Niagara Trip Report (Part 1: Waterfalls)

A guest blog post by Tracy The idea of visiting Niagara Falls had been thrown around many times over the years but, for some reason or another, had always gotten pushed aside in favor of other destinations. However, last November, my boyfriend, Steve, informed me (quite out of the blue) that he’d taken it upon himself […]
Cork Craft Round-Up

Don’t throw away those corks! I keep mine, plus ask for them when I’m out and about. And when I have enough for a project, I make something to keep or give as a gift. Corks are little wooden memories, and I’ve yet to see any of them go bad. So I’ve collected a round-up […]
What’s a Back-to-Back Cruise?

What IS a back-to-back cruise? I didn’t know either until I booked a girls cruise out of Orlando/Port Canaveral, decided a few months later that cruising again on the same ship with my husband would be cheaper than spending the weekend immediately following the girls cruise in Orlando with him, and called Carnival to figure […]
A Burgundy Wine Tour for the Blissfully Ignorant

A guest blog post by Tracy Let me tell you right up front that I’m no wine expert. While I greatly admire those who can brilliantly describe a wine, from its complexity to its flavor profile, that’s just not my strong suit. The most valuable piece of information to me is simply whether or not […]
Downtown Nassau on Your Own: Walking Guide

For Jean and other friends leaving for the Bahamas soon… Last month I cruised the Bahamas on two back-to-back cruises, both times stopping in Nassau. I had visited Nassau before and did the full day Atlantis Resort excursion, but I wanted to see and experience historic (and touristic) Nassau. So this time we […]
Four Days in Los Angeles: Sights & Bites

A guest blog post by Tracy How can two Americans possibly regard themselves as well-traveled if they’ve never been to Los Angeles? I don’t believe they can. Despite visits to multiple California cities over the years, we’d somehow never made it to L.A., and so we finally corrected this oversite last February. As I’m sure […]