Right-click the link & press “save link as” to save this map on your PC.
If you still see an older map than the version listed at the top of this page then open the image by right clicking the link & selecting “Open image in new tab”.
Then, while in that tab, force your browser to refresh its cache by pressing CTRL+F5.
TIP: If you double-click on the map after opening it on the site, it will zoom in.

May 20th 2024 version 2.0e
- Paint overlay details & fixes.
- Another missing cache added.
May 10th 2024 version 2.0d
- Adjusted cache markers.
- Added 1 missing cache marker.
- Added northern plank-bridge.
- Added western tents.
- Added more detail to the powerstation.
May 9th 2024 version 2.0c
- Overlay adjustments.
May 8th 2024 version 2.0b
- Improved PMC spawn marker visibility.
- Adjusted the NE minefield markers slightly.
- Replaced the weather station boss marker with goons marker.
May 7th 2024 version 2.0
- I remade the entire map to be accurate for the 0.14.6 patch
Aug 30th 2022 version 1.4
- Removed the “CCP Temporary” extract.
- Added missing stash at the weather station.
- Added missing stash at the radio tower.
- Added missing stash at “box car” west of resort.
- Removed scav marker from road to customs.
- Removed scav marker near the tunnel extract.
- Removed scav marker near the village.
- Adjusted cache marker color.
- Fixed “Railway tunnel” to “Railway bridge” on the overlay.
- Adjusted the scav sniper marker.
Right-click the link & press “save link as” to save this map on your PC.
Right-click the link & press “save link as” to save this map on your PC.
Right-click the link & press “save link as” to save this map on your PC.

The locked/blocked balcony doors have red rectangles positioned just outside of the door frames.
Loot markers will change with BSG updates but I will tryto keep it up to date.
If you have information about missing or incorrect loot spawns then please go to my contacts page & send me a detailed message about where they are. I will fix it & update the map as soon as I can.
The colored version of the map is the bottom layer in the PSD.
Right-click the link & press “save link as” to save this map on your PC.
Right-click the link & press “save link as” to save this map on your PC.
Higher resolution images of the maps. 7680x4320px.