Why Dairy Digesters Are Different

 A manure digester isn’t just a large tank; it’s an entire system that’s only as good as its design.

Motor component in an anaerobic digester system.
Pipe structure in a digester system
Aerial overview of an anaerobic digester system.

Every project has to consider the number and types of cows, type of animal housing, and type of manure collection, among other factors, to produce the maximum amount of biogas. Millions of dollars are at stake if the calculations and designs are incorrect.

Pick The Right Digester Design

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We'll Help You To Get Up To Speed

Breaking down cow manure through the anaerobic digester process is different from breaking down food waste or human waste.

We understand how to integrate the various components of the system into the dairy’s footprint, incorporating pieces of the design puzzle from collection and lagoon storage to manure treatment.

Pile of dirt

We Have a Ph.D. In Cow Manure…Literally

Regenis’ Research Director, Dr. Craig Frear, is one of the foremost experts in the United States in animal manure treatment for sustainable reuse. He is the author of over sixty peer-reviewed publications on methane capture to create biogas and nutrient management to allow liquid from manure to be safely reused.

As a Board Member of the American Biogas Council, Dr. Frear is intimately familiar with the latest developments in the industry and regularly shares his knowledge at training courses for digester operators.

Technicians working on anaerobic digester
"Our focus has been on dairy
digesters from day one."

Video course on buying a diary digester by Regenis

How To Moo-ve

Your Dairy Digester Project Forward

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Access Our Free Video Course What You Need To Know To Build A Dairy Digester
Taught by Regenis’ Research Director and American Biogas Council Board Member, Dr. Craig Frear.

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Steve Vander Haak, Vander Haak Dairy

A headshot photo of Steve Vander Haak from Vander Haak Diary raving about their dairy digester partnership with Regenis.
“We were considered pioneers when we built the first digester in the state two decades ago, and we’ve partnered with Regenis from the beginning not just because of their technical expertise, but also because of their tradition of honesty and integrity. Throughout the last 20 years, we’ve viewed them as our partner as we’ve experimented with cutting edge technologies. Our ongoing efforts together have allowed us to upgrade power output by 25 percent and identify a string of new products.

Mitch Moorlag, Edaleen Dairy

A headshot photo of Mitch Moorlag from Edaleen Diary testifying about Regenis' dairy digester.

“Regenis had already built our digester and kept it running continuously for six years so we had confidence hiring them to build our fine solid separation system. Now we’re able to remove phosphorous and nitrogen from our liquid waste stream, apply nutrients to our crops more precisely and reduce the amount of liquid we have to haul off the farm.”

Patrick Serfass, Executive Director, American Biogas Council

A headshot photo of Patrick Serfass, an executive director for American Biogas Council testifying about Regenis' knowledge about biogas.

“Craig Frear and the team at Regenis have supported the American Biogas Council for more than a decade with their deep knowledge and technical expertise on the design and operation of anaerobic digesters. As a result, we are providing a better service to the biogas industry and countless developers, operators, and digester owners are producing more biogas than they would have without Regenis.”

Logo: Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC)
Logo: The Associated General Contractors of America (AGC)
Logo: American Biogas Council