Common Drugs in India
More Indians abuse addictive substances than ever before; the problem has gone from a personal to a national issue. And as addictive substances become more available in India, more and more of our people suffer addiction and dependence on drugs and alcohol.
This Drug Guide will give you a snapshot of commonly abused Indian drugs. Read more to discover the effects, dangers, and background of over 15 dangerous drugs.

Opiates affect our emotion control centers. The brain, nervous system, and limbic system are all endangered.
Brown Sugar
Brown Sugar What is Smack/Brown Sugar Drug? Brown sugar (an adulterated form of heroin), also called smack, junk, skag, dope, and chaw, is a semi-synthetic opioid derived from the morphine extracted from poppy plants. Pure heroin accounts for only 20%... Learn More
Heroin What is Heroin? Though appraised as an illegal drug, heroin's highly addictive nature continues to give it a worldwide market. Known for the intense rush felt shortly after intake, heroin presents a threat to the human body on a... Learn More
Oxycontin What is OxyContin (Oxycodone)? OxyContin became a legal prescription drug less than 20 years ago. The narcotic pain reliever is a derivative of opium; its active ingredient is Oxycodone. When used correctly, OxyContin provides extended relief from pain associated... Learn More

Hallucinogen drugs distort the mind, create false sensory experiences and distort your perceptions of reality.
LSD LSD Known as the world's most powerful hallucinogen, LSD is a potent mood-changing chemical. Also called acid, blotter and dots, the drug has been abused for its hallucinogenic properties since the 1960s. Scientists originally manufactured LSD to help psychiatric... Learn More
Marijuana What is Marijuana? Also known as ganja, pot, herb, grass, kif, weed, Mary Jane, reefer, skunk, chronic, boom, and gangster; Marijuana is a drug commonly abused throughout India. A blend of stems, seeds, and leaves from the cannabis sativa... Learn More
Ecstasy What is Ecstasy? For Rs 1,200 per pill, Ecstasy remains a drug primarily abused by the upper class and by those "forced" to pay the high tab due to a developed addiction to the drug. Ecstasy is the street... Learn More
Charas - A Comprehensive Guide India is emerging as a country with widespread drug problems. The figures of drug abusers have leapt up, and the pattern of consuming psychoactive substances has also undergone changes over the years. The hazardous use of... Learn More

Representing the most widely abused drug group in the world, depressants affect users in a number of ways.
Drug type: Depressants vs Stimulants
Depressants vs. Stimulants – Understanding the Effects on the Brain and Body Have you ever had a cup of coffee to wake yourself up in the morning? Or maybe a glass of wine to unwind after a long day? If... Learn More
Crystal Methamphetamine
Crystal methamphetamine—probably better known as "crystal meth", or just "meth"—is a white crystalline drug abused by people of all ages. Meth users experience a sudden "rush" of pleasure, strong feelings of confidence, hyperactiveness and energy for as long twenty-four hours... Learn More
ATS ATS (Amphetamine-Type Stimulants) The cheap, easily accessible, and hard to control nature of Amphetamine-Type Stimulants have given them the title of the second most abused drug worldwide. After cannabis, ATS easily take second place, outdoing heroin and cocaine. The... Learn More
Crystalline Methamphetamine
Crystalline Methamphetamine The drug methamphetamine is highly addictive, and the third most-abused substance in the whole world that affects the central nervous system. Methamphetamine is a shiny salt white or sometimes blue rock-like substance, usually called "a glass drug". It... Learn More
Nicotine What is Nicotine? Tobacco has a rich history, dating as far back as the sixteenth century. The initial controversy with tobacco use was social acceptance. When addicts would use the drug people would complain about the hygienic aspects of... Learn More
Crack Cocaine
Crack Cocaine WHat is Crack Cocaine? Commonly referred to as crack, rock(s), sleet, base, cloud, hard ball, and nuggets, crack cocaine is the crystal form of pure cocaine, which is usually a white powder. Crack cocaine has a yellowish-white tint... Learn More
Cocaine What is Cocaine? Commonly known as coke, flake snow, toot, blow, nose candy, liquid lady, speedball, crack, and rock. Derived from the coca plant, cocaine is usually sold as a fine white powder (hydrocholride salt). The powder can... Learn More
Ecstasy What is Ecstasy? For Rs 1,200 per pill, Ecstasy remains a drug primarily abused by the upper class and by those "forced" to pay the high tab due to a developed addiction to the drug. Ecstasy is the street... Learn More

Representing the most widely abused drug group in the world, depressants affect users in a number of ways.
Drug type: Depressants vs Stimulants
Depressants vs. Stimulants – Understanding the Effects on the Brain and Body Have you ever had a cup of coffee to wake yourself up in the morning? Or maybe a glass of wine to unwind after a long day? If... Learn More
How to Get Rid of Phone Addiction
Break free from phone addiction with practical strategies. Learn how to set boundaries, practice mindfulness, and regain control of your digital life for improved well-being. Understanding Phone Addiction There are over 3.8 billion smartphone users in the world and phones... Learn More
Symptoms of Depression in Women
Sudha, a 40-year-old homemaker, felt persistently sad, lost her interest in household activities and stopped going out with her friends. She used to be enthusiastic about creating a nurturing home, but she now struggled to find any motivation to eat... Learn More
Symptoms of Depression in Teens
15 Symptoms of Depression in Teens Is your teenage daughter or son simply experiencing the ups and downs of adolescence, or could they be displaying signs of depression? The teenage years can be challenging for both parents and children as... Learn More
What is Psychotherapy?
‘Mental health’ and ‘therapy’ are words that have become common in our day-to-day conversations. While you might know someone who is taking therapy, you might not know what it is like, what it does, or who needs it. This blog... Learn More
Rehab for Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder in which the person experiences episodes where their mood, energy and activity level change significantly. Approximately 46 million people suffer from bipolar disorder around the globe, according to a 2017 report. There are many... Learn More
Rehab for Depression
Depression is one of the most common mental health problems in the world. It is estimated that one in five people suffer from depression at some point in their lives. It causes problems in the person’s functioning, affecting their personal,... Learn More
Things you can do this mental health awareness month
“We should make it clear that getting help isn’t a sign of weakness—it’s a sign of strength.” - Michelle Obama One in four people suffers from a mental illness in a given year. The prevalence of stigma in this area... Learn More
10 Signs of a good mental health
What is mental health? Most of us have some idea about it. We have been celebrating World Mental Health Day every 10th October for the last 30 years and it has helped us identify factors affecting mental health and the... Learn More
How do I know if I have a mental illness?
How often do we say, “I am depressed” when all we are feeling is a bit of sadness over a trivial issue? We call our bosses psychos and our juniors retards and some of our choicest name-callings involves words like... Learn More
How to deal with Stigma
Stigma involves any form of negative attitudes or discrimination against someone based on certain characteristics, such as a health condition or a mental illness. Although the term isn’t limited to mental conditions, mental health stigma is more prevalent and adverse.... Learn More
Causes of addiction and the spiritual aspects in addiction treatment
Our weekly webinars talk about various industry scenarios and challenges of rehabs across the country and the de-addiction and mental health challenges the mental health community faces and people in general. In the third webinar of a new 2021 series,... Learn More
Mandrax What is Mandrax (Methaqualone)? Originally a product of Indian science – mandrax, also called Quaalude, ludes, buttons, press outs, andquas, quacks, soaps, and sopes was developed by biochemical researchers in the early 1950s. As a highly addictive sedative drug... Learn More
Methadone What is Methadone? Methadone, known commercially as Dolophine, Methadose and Methadose Sugar-Free, is an opioid pain reliever. Its make up is similar to morphine's. Methadone is typically used to relieve moderate to severe pain that couldn’t be treated by... Learn More
Heroin What is Heroin? Though appraised as an illegal drug, heroin's highly addictive nature continues to give it a worldwide market. Known for the intense rush felt shortly after intake, heroin presents a threat to the human body on a... Learn More
Alcohol What is Alcohol? The availability and social acceptance of alcohol makes it one of the most commonly consumed intoxicating substances on earth. Alcohol Addiction Threats: [ref][/ref] Nearly 15% of individuals who "try" alcohol develop a dependency to... Learn More
Marijuana What is Marijuana? Also known as ganja, pot, herb, grass, kif, weed, Mary Jane, reefer, skunk, chronic, boom, and gangster; Marijuana is a drug commonly abused throughout India. A blend of stems, seeds, and leaves from the cannabis sativa... Learn More
Prescrption drugs

Prescription drugs are drugs that one can gain legal access to through a doctor’s prescription.
ATS ATS (Amphetamine-Type Stimulants) The cheap, easily accessible, and hard to control nature of Amphetamine-Type Stimulants have given them the title of the second most abused drug worldwide. After cannabis, ATS easily take second place, outdoing heroin and cocaine. The... Learn More
Tranquilizers What are Tranquilizers? Tranquilizers are a unique and potentially dangerous class of drugs used to induce states of relaxation and feeling of artificial tranquility. Individuals struggling with mental health issues and frequent anxiety attacks often use tranquilizers to help... Learn More
Oxycontin What is OxyContin (Oxycodone)? OxyContin became a legal prescription drug less than 20 years ago. The narcotic pain reliever is a derivative of opium; its active ingredient is Oxycodone. When used correctly, OxyContin provides extended relief from pain associated... Learn More