What are the best aspects of this product?
I love Samanage features like: SLA rules, Problem management, Reports and others. Their customer support is excellent, they are always ready for help and for providing additional trainings if needed. We always have a full picture of our progress.
What aspects are problematic or could work better?
I love this software, but they need some improvements in every tool. I would like to schedule reports, and send them to some users or even groups. I like to show progress or alerts on my dashboards. I would like to have dynamic targets for SLA rules.
What specific problems in your company were solved by this product?
With Incident management we provide quality service to my clients, we can work on their expectations and provide them with great visibility. All the information are stored in form of solutions, opportunities and problems, so we can see them, learn from them and work on them.
Are you a current user of this product?
What is your role with this product?
How long have you been using this product?
1-3 years
What is your company size?
More than 100 Employees
What is your industry?
Information Technology Service
How many people in your company actively use this product?
all employees
How long is your contract with the vendor?
Less than 1 year
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